All I can say is UW has zero fucking pass rush. Zero. This is a large-scale problem and will continue to limit UW from being elite. Recruiting this year has not rectified this area. This is a problem.
Amazing that through the coaching change his interest in A&M hasn't wavered at all. Either he's been contacted by a bag man or he got some bomb ass pussy on his A&M visit and is highly interested no matter who the coach is. We're fucked. Coach K fucking sucks. Shit the bed recruiting pass rushers again. Couldn't even beat out LA Tech for Maureese Wren.
You are a faggot. We’re the favorites to win the PAC 12 next year.
Not this again. Why can’t people be excited about the coming season and still expect more? I will never understand.
One week we have a great class, the next it sucks. One week Bob Gregory needs to be fired, the next we reel in Kaho.
We can always improve. You guys are entertaining and I follow everything with UW football, but we aren’t fucked. We are good and will continue to be good. Recruiting has gradually gotten better.
There was a genuinely serious duscussion about whether we would be better off without Lake because he hadn’t closed on a few guys. Then he gets Gordon and he’s a God again.
I guess I can’t deal with the ups and downs of recuriting sometimes because it’s fucking stupid.
I get that it’s for fun, but Fuck, it's just not funny anymore. It's like revenge of the nerds around here. Goes to show 80% of you guys around here are fucking geeks. Post (oh I'm supposed to say 'poast' hee hee) something refreshing. Teen boi to the Seattle storm! Hardy har har. Fucking dweeb round here now. That's what happens when you invite too many dawgmen over. Close the fucking gates Derek.’s not that complicated. Everyone is excited that we’re no longer just aiming for bowl games (like when locker and sark beat nebraska in the Holiday Bowl).
But now the Bar has been raised. YAY PETE!
People have seen us get out-talented by bama and penn state. We want dominant DLs and edge pass rushers. We want LBs that can pursue sideline-to-sideline, and DBs that can blanket WRs and enforce the run.
“We’re favored to win the pac-12?” Sorry, but most of the pac-12 sucks. In fact, nearly all of the pac-12 sucks, and last year we fucking lost to asu and stanford. I guess we should just be happy with winning this conference.
Actually, no. We shouldn’t be just happy with that.
We have a really good recruiting class. But if there are positions that we clearly whiffed on, it should be discussed. Otherwise we should all go back to doogman where everything is great and nobody is at fault for anything.
@bananasnblondes@dnc Coach K and Coach Lubick were fucking double teaming him. Coach K flew all the way to Texas to do an in-home visit with him. When he decommitted from Arkansas they were all over him. They were telling him what he wanted to hear which they rarely do. They wanted him and lost. Period.
Don't bother. Don't you get it...!?!?! It's no one's fault!!!!!
Amazing that through the coaching change his interest in A&M hasn't wavered at all. Either he's been contacted by a bag man or he got some bomb ass pussy on his A&M visit and is highly interested no matter who the coach is. We're fucked. Coach K fucking sucks. Shit the bed recruiting pass rushers again. Couldn't even beat out LA Tech for Maureese Wren.
You are a faggot. We’re the favorites to win the PAC 12 next year.
Not this again. Why can’t people be excited about the coming season and still expect more? I will never understand.
Because if you measure success purely by do you win the National Championship you are bound to be perpetually miserable ...
The keys to success are, and always will be:
1) Win the North
2) Win the PAC12
3) Make at minimum New Year's 6 Game (bonus points for making CFP)
4) Win 1st Bowl Game
5) If in CFP and win Semi ... win National Title
In 2016 we accomplished 1, 2, and 3 with a star
In 2017 we accomplished only #3 with no star
Last year felt like a failure because of those standards
Yeah, let’s just act like everything is perfect because we are picked to win a conference that has 1 good team with an awful coach...
If USC had Pete and we had Helton it would be 2005 all over again.
If the queen had a dick, she would be the king. Fuck off with this hypothetical bullshit. Talk about fucking doog...
Why does this website have the highest expectations about everything in the program, but in recruiting those expectations are just not there?
I am honestly asking for an answer.
What honestly are the expectations?
We're likely going to end somewhere around Top 15 in the nation and 2nd in the conference in terms of quality. This is a class that you can absolutely win big with and will have a handful of instant difference makers.
If the thought is that we're going to be a Top 3 or 5 recruiting program in the country, that's just not realistic. I'd love for it to happen. You strive to accomplish it as a stretch goal. But you don't look at a Top 10 or 15 class and act like it sucks because it's not Top 5.
The recipe at Washington is really simple ...
Recruit at a comparable level to SC (we'll very rarely ever out-recruit them)
Beat everybody else in the conference
Rely on talent evaluation and player development to hold our own against the elite programs
Have a QB that doesn't have a noodle arm and can take advantage of teams that have elite athletes on defense but are not fundamentally sound
Amazing that through the coaching change his interest in A&M hasn't wavered at all. Either he's been contacted by a bag man or he got some bomb ass pussy on his A&M visit and is highly interested no matter who the coach is. We're fucked. Coach K fucking sucks. Shit the bed recruiting pass rushers again. Couldn't even beat out LA Tech for Maureese Wren.
You are a faggot. We’re the favorites to win the PAC 12 next year.
Not this again. Why can’t people be excited about the coming season and still expect more? I will never understand.
One week we have a great class, the next it sucks. One week Bob Gregory needs to be fired, the next we reel in Kaho.
There was a genuinely serious duscussion about whether we would be better off without Lake because he hadn’t closed on a few guys. Then he gets Gordon and he’s a God again.
I guess I can’t deal with the ups and downs of recuriting sometimes because it’s fucking stupid.
I get that it’s for fun, but Fuck, it's just not funny anymore. It's like revenge of the nerds around here. Goes to show 80% of you guys around here are fucking geeks. Post (oh I'm supposed to say 'poast' hee hee) something refreshing. Teen boi to the Seattle storm! Hardy har har. Fucking dweeb round here now. That's what happens when you invite too many dawgmen over. Close the fucking gates Derek.
Hell must be freezing over when I'm finding myself agreeing with Roadie
A kid like Kaho we connected with ... he's elite and special. Our job and challenge will be finding more kids like him. Dennis is right that it's harder to find elite slow style kids than fast style kids ... but it's not impossible.
The Lake discussion to me had everything to do with succession planning and was never about his coaching. If you're thinking strategically, succession planning is a huge issue. If Jimmy Lake isn't being successful in recruiting, then you know something stinks as his track record shows he's a high producer. We found a massively outside of the box solution to the problem and we're going to (hopefully) be better for it over the next few years.
I honestly don't give 2 shits about whether or not Kwiatkowski can recruit or not. He's a tremendous DC and for coordinators I care only so much about recruiting. At some point, results matter.
This program is obviously at or near the top of the PAC 12 and there is no reason to believe that it won't continue to stay there. The arguments at this point in the program are about how we can incrementally get better. It's all about optimization.
Let's be honest, K's not getting fired or moved on from regardless of what he does recruiting unless he does an absolute no show for years and shows up fat, drunk, and stupid unprepared to be a DC. So while we can talk about how it'd sure be nice if he recruited better ... there's nothing to see here because he'll obviously be here on staff mentoring Lake as DC and pick the reigns back up full time once Lake takes a HC somewhere.
Amazing that through the coaching change his interest in A&M hasn't wavered at all. Either he's been contacted by a bag man or he got some bomb ass pussy on his A&M visit and is highly interested no matter who the coach is. We're fucked. Coach K fucking sucks. Shit the bed recruiting pass rushers again. Couldn't even beat out LA Tech for Maureese Wren.
You are a faggot. We’re the favorites to win the PAC 12 next year.
Not this again. Why can’t people be excited about the coming season and still expect more? I will never understand.
One week we have a great class, the next it sucks. One week Bob Gregory needs to be fired, the next we reel in Kaho.
We can always improve. You guys are entertaining and I follow everything with UW football, but we aren’t fucked. We are good and will continue to be good. Recruiting has gradually gotten better.
There was a genuinely serious duscussion about whether we would be better off without Lake because he hadn’t closed on a few guys. Then he gets Gordon and he’s a God again.
I guess I can’t deal with the ups and downs of recuriting sometimes because it’s fucking stupid.
I get that it’s for fun, but Fuck, it's just not funny anymore. It's like revenge of the nerds around here. Goes to show 80% of you guys around here are fucking geeks. Post (oh I'm supposed to say 'poast' hee hee) something refreshing. Teen boi to the Seattle storm! Hardy har har. Fucking dweeb round here now. That's what happens when you invite too many dawgmen over. Close the fucking gates Derek.
It is a great class that we signed early, it is clearly missing in some spots though. Do you not agree?
I just want the best of everything, and it’s so weird that so many on this board just don’t feel the same about recruiting and expecting our coaches to be good at it.
It's a shit year for RBs on the West Coast ... we got a shit RB ... whatever.
I'm still not convinced that part of the equation as to why we aren't great recruiting OLBs, and particularly massive pass rushers, has something to do with the way we build and play our defense.
We play a lot more containment in our defense and ask our OLBs to drop into coverage and play in space way more than a lot of other teams. I remember in 2014 and we were asking Kikaha to drop into space a ton people were going ape shit about it. It's something that obviously will be asked of a player at that position in the NFL and we're preparing players for the leap.
However, to a kid coming out of HS that was a pass rusher there, all they think about is that if they get their 10 sacks a year in college they'll get their 1st round money and then when they get their 10 sacks in the NFL they'll get that massive 2nd check. Problem is few are able to do that. Good luck telling a HS kid that thinks he's elite that that's the case ... particularly if they are of the fast style variety.
Amazing that through the coaching change his interest in A&M hasn't wavered at all. Either he's been contacted by a bag man or he got some bomb ass pussy on his A&M visit and is highly interested no matter who the coach is. We're fucked. Coach K fucking sucks. Shit the bed recruiting pass rushers again. Couldn't even beat out LA Tech for Maureese Wren.
You are a faggot. We’re the favorites to win the PAC 12 next year.
Not this again. Why can’t people be excited about the coming season and still expect more? I will never understand.
One week we have a great class, the next it sucks. One week Bob Gregory needs to be fired, the next we reel in Kaho.
We can always improve. You guys are entertaining and I follow everything with UW football, but we aren’t fucked. We are good and will continue to be good. Recruiting has gradually gotten better.
There was a genuinely serious duscussion about whether we would be better off without Lake because he hadn’t closed on a few guys. Then he gets Gordon and he’s a God again.
I guess I can’t deal with the ups and downs of recuriting sometimes because it’s fucking stupid.
I get that it’s for fun, but Fuck, it's just not funny anymore. It's like revenge of the nerds around here. Goes to show 80% of you guys around here are fucking geeks. Post (oh I'm supposed to say 'poast' hee hee) something refreshing. Teen boi to the Seattle storm! Hardy har har. Fucking dweeb round here now. That's what happens when you invite too many dawgmen over. Close the fucking gates Derek.
I think Roadie hit the nail on the head here... this is the fundamental problem with the recruiting bored. We all want UW to improve and do the best it possibly can in recruiting, no one is arguing that... but that mentality causes a TON of impatience.
Before Gordon committed, some people were panicking about Lake's recruiting because the *possibility* of him missing out on most of the top DB targets was very real. Same with Malloe and DL recruiting before Taimani committed. It's really easy and justifiable to be negative about recruiting in those situations because the results we want aren't happening yet, and it's possible that it'll stay that way.
The rational thing to do is always LIPO until signing day, and if by then it still sucks then everyone should be calling for the heads of the coaches that fucked up their recruiting. BUT like I said, the impatience the recruiting process causes leaves this bored panicking prematurely.
If Coach K pulls magic out of his ass and lands Jeremiah Martin, the narrative on his recruiting would change fast around here. If signing day 2 passes and we whiff on him, I'll be as mad as DDY and BallzDeep about it. But until then... LIFPO.
This post is one of the reasons I left dawgman, it happened so much. I don’t disagree with you, but also you bring it up yourself in the post...
I want results, IF Kwat lands Martin my tone will change on him. Isn’t that the point of HH, to hold everyone to a high standard and if they can’t meet them we yell at them until they do or they are fired (not saying we should fire Kwat, to be clear)? Expecting results, understanding what the current trend is and then reacting accordingly when the event happens.
It’s like during a game, people freak out in game threads and then when/if we win the game things can change or they might not. There is no difference in my mind, it’s just that the process is longer in recruiting.
What I learned in this post ...
(Violent) Mood Swings with a touch of bipolar = Good
Yeah, let’s just act like everything is perfect because we are picked to win a conference that has 1 good team with an awful coach...
If USC had Pete and we had Helton it would be 2005 all over again.
If the queen had a dick, she would be the king. Fuck off with this hypothetical bullshit. Talk about fucking doog...
Why does this website have the highest expectations about everything in the program, but in recruiting those expectations are just not there?
I am honestly asking for an answer.
I can't fucking believe I'm going to say this...BUT, I actually agree with almost all of what @Tequilla said in his pumpy triple post. Personally, I think that winning THE natty should be the goal every fucking year. Yeah, winning the North and the Pac-12 donkey show is great. But I believe that Pete's goal, every year, is to win it all. I think that is why you see the larger scale commitment to the football program with the stadium, facilities, coaching staff and salaries etc. The goal should be to win it all...every year. Not achieving the overall goal (to win it all), does not equal a failure of the season overall.
My expectations are no different in recruiting than they are for anything else with the University of Washington football program. The goal is to fucking win. I'd love to win at recruiting all the time. When some fuckhead 17 year old decides to go somewhere other than UW for whatever reason, I don't view that (at the individual level) as lowering my standards to accept the failures of the coaching staff. As someone else said (@RoadDawg55 maybe) the bigger picture is that why there are so few options at certain positions (BUCK...).
Look dude, I respect both you and @Dennis_DeYoung for your shit. I just think that sometimes Dennis is fucking Bipolar and you view things as so exact when it comes to success or failure.
Amazing that through the coaching change his interest in A&M hasn't wavered at all. Either he's been contacted by a bag man or he got some bomb ass pussy on his A&M visit and is highly interested no matter who the coach is. We're fucked. Coach K fucking sucks. Shit the bed recruiting pass rushers again. Couldn't even beat out LA Tech for Maureese Wren.
You are a faggot. We’re the favorites to win the PAC 12 next year.
Not this again. Why can’t people be excited about the coming season and still expect more? I will never understand.
One week we have a great class, the next it sucks. One week Bob Gregory needs to be fired, the next we reel in Kaho.
We can always improve. You guys are entertaining and I follow everything with UW football, but we aren’t fucked. We are good and will continue to be good. Recruiting has gradually gotten better.
There was a genuinely serious duscussion about whether we would be better off without Lake because he hadn’t closed on a few guys. Then he gets Gordon and he’s a God again.
I guess I can’t deal with the ups and downs of recuriting sometimes because it’s fucking stupid.
I get that it’s for fun, but Fuck, it's just not funny anymore. It's like revenge of the nerds around here. Goes to show 80% of you guys around here are fucking geeks. Post (oh I'm supposed to say 'poast' hee hee) something refreshing. Teen boi to the Seattle storm! Hardy har har. Fucking dweeb round here now. That's what happens when you invite too many dawgmen over. Close the fucking gates Derek.
I think Roadie hit the nail on the head here... this is the fundamental problem with the recruiting bored. We all want UW to improve and do the best it possibly can in recruiting, no one is arguing that... but that mentality causes a TON of impatience.
Before Gordon committed, some people were panicking about Lake's recruiting because the *possibility* of him missing out on most of the top DB targets was very real. Same with Malloe and DL recruiting before Taimani committed. It's really easy and justifiable to be negative about recruiting in those situations because the results we want aren't happening yet, and it's possible that it'll stay that way.
The rational thing to do is always LIPO until signing day, and if by then it still sucks then everyone should be calling for the heads of the coaches that fucked up their recruiting. BUT like I said, the impatience the recruiting process causes leaves this bored panicking prematurely.
If Coach K pulls magic out of his ass and lands Jeremiah Martin, the narrative on his recruiting would change fast around here. If signing day 2 passes and we whiff on him, I'll be as mad as DDY and BallzDeep about it. But until then... LIFPO.
This post is one of the reasons I left dawgman, it happened so much. I don’t disagree with you, but also you bring it up yourself in the post...
I want results, IF Kwat lands Martin my tone will change on him. Isn’t that the point of HH, to hold everyone to a high standard and if they can’t meet them we yell at them until they do or they are fired (not saying we should fire Kwat, to be clear)? Expecting results, understanding what the current trend is and then reacting accordingly when the event happens.
It’s like during a game, people freak out in game threads and then when/if we win the game things can change or they might not. There is no difference in my mind, it’s just that the process is longer in recruiting.
What I learned in this post ...
(Violent) Mood Swings with a touch of bipolar = Good
Reasoning and Patience = Bad
Am I right to infer you disagree with this? I suppose reasoning, patience and other mental gymnastics/coping mechanisms will serve you well when your wife tells you she wants an open marriage.
Amazing that through the coaching change his interest in A&M hasn't wavered at all. Either he's been contacted by a bag man or he got some bomb ass pussy on his A&M visit and is highly interested no matter who the coach is. We're fucked. Coach K fucking sucks. Shit the bed recruiting pass rushers again. Couldn't even beat out LA Tech for Maureese Wren.
You are a faggot. We’re the favorites to win the PAC 12 next year.
Not this again. Why can’t people be excited about the coming season and still expect more? I will never understand.
One week we have a great class, the next it sucks. One week Bob Gregory needs to be fired, the next we reel in Kaho.
We can always improve. You guys are entertaining and I follow everything with UW football, but we aren’t fucked. We are good and will continue to be good. Recruiting has gradually gotten better.
There was a genuinely serious duscussion about whether we would be better off without Lake because he hadn’t closed on a few guys. Then he gets Gordon and he’s a God again.
I guess I can’t deal with the ups and downs of recuriting sometimes because it’s fucking stupid.
I get that it’s for fun, but Fuck, it's just not funny anymore. It's like revenge of the nerds around here. Goes to show 80% of you guys around here are fucking geeks. Post (oh I'm supposed to say 'poast' hee hee) something refreshing. Teen boi to the Seattle storm! Hardy har har. Fucking dweeb round here now. That's what happens when you invite too many dawgmen over. Close the fucking gates Derek.
I think Roadie hit the nail on the head here... this is the fundamental problem with the recruiting bored. We all want UW to improve and do the best it possibly can in recruiting, no one is arguing that... but that mentality causes a TON of impatience.
Before Gordon committed, some people were panicking about Lake's recruiting because the *possibility* of him missing out on most of the top DB targets was very real. Same with Malloe and DL recruiting before Taimani committed. It's really easy and justifiable to be negative about recruiting in those situations because the results we want aren't happening yet, and it's possible that it'll stay that way.
The rational thing to do is always LIPO until signing day, and if by then it still sucks then everyone should be calling for the heads of the coaches that fucked up their recruiting. BUT like I said, the impatience the recruiting process causes leaves this bored panicking prematurely.
If Coach K pulls magic out of his ass and lands Jeremiah Martin, the narrative on his recruiting would change fast around here. If signing day 2 passes and we whiff on him, I'll be as mad as DDY and BallzDeep about it. But until then... LIFPO.
This post is one of the reasons I left dawgman, it happened so much. I don’t disagree with you, but also you bring it up yourself in the post...
I want results, IF Kwat lands Martin my tone will change on him. Isn’t that the point of HH, to hold everyone to a high standard and if they can’t meet them we yell at them until they do or they are fired (not saying we should fire Kwat, to be clear)? Expecting results, understanding what the current trend is and then reacting accordingly when the event happens.
It’s like during a game, people freak out in game threads and then when/if we win the game things can change or they might not. There is no difference in my mind, it’s just that the process is longer in recruiting.
What I learned in this post ...
(Violent) Mood Swings with a touch of bipolar = Good
Gregory didn't do shit to reel in Kaho, by the way, that was Pete.
Lake's dalliances with leaving hurt us in recruiting this year.
Kwiatkowski hasn't landed one big fish since coming to UW.
Bonapha's record in recruiting is average. Paopao as well.
Malloe has landed one good player so far, but it looks like he's getting his shit together. However, this year will tell us a lot.
Hamdan has proven he can recruit. Same with Lubick. Huff looks promising.
Anyone who doesn't want Ws in crootin as bad as they do on the field doesn't understand what produces Ws on the field.
We have gotten murdered by every team with superior talent to us. Once we have superior talent, we will be actual natty contenders.
This Hoosiers bullshit is fucking stupid.
Agree with every word, except for maybe "murdered". "Exposed as inferior" is more accurate. Petersen teams don't get murdered, in general.
Kwiatkowski is a dud as a recruiter, at fucking best. But he is amazing as a DC. That is a trade worth making in a spot (or two, max) on the coaching staff. The same cannot be said of position coaches who can't get it done recruiting.
Nobody wants coach K gone. We just need someone else to recruit OLB’s because he’s fucking terrible at it.
OLB is the only position besides DT where we just throw out offers to guys not in our natural pipeline. You think we’re gonna land that kid from fucking Kansas that we just offered? There’s basically a negative percent chance that happens.
But now the Bar has been raised. YAY PETE!
People have seen us get out-talented by bama and penn state. We want dominant DLs and edge pass rushers. We want LBs that can pursue sideline-to-sideline, and DBs that can blanket WRs and enforce the run.
“We’re favored to win the pac-12?” Sorry, but most of the pac-12 sucks. In fact, nearly all of the pac-12 sucks, and last year we fucking lost to asu and stanford. I guess we should just be happy with winning this conference.
Actually, no. We shouldn’t be just happy with that.
We have a really good recruiting class. But if there are positions that we clearly whiffed on, it should be discussed. Otherwise we should all go back to doogman where everything is great and nobody is at fault for anything.
Snapshot of K's reflective moment ...
With the following on an endless loop ...
The keys to success are, and always will be:
1) Win the North
2) Win the PAC12
3) Make at minimum New Year's 6 Game (bonus points for making CFP)
4) Win 1st Bowl Game
5) If in CFP and win Semi ... win National Title
In 2016 we accomplished 1, 2, and 3 with a star
In 2017 we accomplished only #3 with no star
Last year felt like a failure because of those standards
2016 was a really good year.
If we're lucky we'll accomplish all 5.
Accomplishing 1-4 is an excellent year.
We're likely going to end somewhere around Top 15 in the nation and 2nd in the conference in terms of quality. This is a class that you can absolutely win big with and will have a handful of instant difference makers.
If the thought is that we're going to be a Top 3 or 5 recruiting program in the country, that's just not realistic. I'd love for it to happen. You strive to accomplish it as a stretch goal. But you don't look at a Top 10 or 15 class and act like it sucks because it's not Top 5.
The recipe at Washington is really simple ...
Recruit at a comparable level to SC (we'll very rarely ever out-recruit them)
Beat everybody else in the conference
Rely on talent evaluation and player development to hold our own against the elite programs
Have a QB that doesn't have a noodle arm and can take advantage of teams that have elite athletes on defense but are not fundamentally sound
A kid like Kaho we connected with ... he's elite and special. Our job and challenge will be finding more kids like him. Dennis is right that it's harder to find elite slow style kids than fast style kids ... but it's not impossible.
The Lake discussion to me had everything to do with succession planning and was never about his coaching. If you're thinking strategically, succession planning is a huge issue. If Jimmy Lake isn't being successful in recruiting, then you know something stinks as his track record shows he's a high producer. We found a massively outside of the box solution to the problem and we're going to (hopefully) be better for it over the next few years.
I honestly don't give 2 shits about whether or not Kwiatkowski can recruit or not. He's a tremendous DC and for coordinators I care only so much about recruiting. At some point, results matter.
This program is obviously at or near the top of the PAC 12 and there is no reason to believe that it won't continue to stay there. The arguments at this point in the program are about how we can incrementally get better. It's all about optimization.
Let's be honest, K's not getting fired or moved on from regardless of what he does recruiting unless he does an absolute no show for years and shows up fat, drunk, and stupid unprepared to be a DC. So while we can talk about how it'd sure be nice if he recruited better ... there's nothing to see here because he'll obviously be here on staff mentoring Lake as DC and pick the reigns back up full time once Lake takes a HC somewhere.
I'm still not convinced that part of the equation as to why we aren't great recruiting OLBs, and particularly massive pass rushers, has something to do with the way we build and play our defense.
We play a lot more containment in our defense and ask our OLBs to drop into coverage and play in space way more than a lot of other teams. I remember in 2014 and we were asking Kikaha to drop into space a ton people were going ape shit about it. It's something that obviously will be asked of a player at that position in the NFL and we're preparing players for the leap.
However, to a kid coming out of HS that was a pass rusher there, all they think about is that if they get their 10 sacks a year in college they'll get their 1st round money and then when they get their 10 sacks in the NFL they'll get that massive 2nd check. Problem is few are able to do that. Good luck telling a HS kid that thinks he's elite that that's the case ... particularly if they are of the fast style variety.
(Violent) Mood Swings with a touch of bipolar = Good
Reasoning and Patience = Bad
I am honestly asking for an answer.
I can't fucking believe I'm going to say this...BUT, I actually agree with almost all of what @Tequilla said in his pumpy triple post. Personally, I think that winning THE natty should be the goal every fucking year. Yeah, winning the North and the Pac-12 donkey show is great. But I believe that Pete's goal, every year, is to win it all. I think that is why you see the larger scale commitment to the football program with the stadium, facilities, coaching staff and salaries etc. The goal should be to win it all...every year. Not achieving the overall goal (to win it all), does not equal a failure of the season overall.
My expectations are no different in recruiting than they are for anything else with the University of Washington football program. The goal is to fucking win. I'd love to win at recruiting all the time. When some fuckhead 17 year old decides to go somewhere other than UW for whatever reason, I don't view that (at the individual level) as lowering my standards to accept the failures of the coaching staff. As someone else said (@RoadDawg55 maybe) the bigger picture is that why there are so few options at certain positions (BUCK...).
Look dude, I respect both you and @Dennis_DeYoung for your shit. I just think that sometimes Dennis is fucking Bipolar and you view things as so exact when it comes to success or failure.
All that said, Jake Browning fucking sucks.
Lake's dalliances with leaving hurt us in recruiting this year.
Kwiatkowski hasn't landed one big fish since coming to UW.
Bonapha's record in recruiting is average. Paopao as well.
Malloe has landed one good player so far, but it looks like he's getting his shit together. However, this year will tell us a lot.
Hamdan has proven he can recruit. Same with Lubick. Huff looks promising.
Anyone who doesn't want Ws in crootin as bad as they do on the field doesn't understand what produces Ws on the field.
We have gotten murdered by every team with superior talent to us. Once we have superior talent, we will be actual natty contenders.
This Hoosiers bullshit is fucking stupid.
Kwiatkowski is a dud as a recruiter, at fucking best. But he is amazing as a DC. That is a trade worth making in a spot (or two, max) on the coaching staff. The same cannot be said of position coaches who can't get it done recruiting.
OLB is the only position besides DT where we just throw out offers to guys not in our natural pipeline. You think we’re gonna land that kid from fucking Kansas that we just offered? There’s basically a negative percent chance that happens.