Quick trip right before our move, we had long walks wondering why the fuck we're moving to Stockholm and how quickly we'll get raped a murdered by ISIS
Quick trip right before our move, we had long walks wondering why the fuck we're moving to Stockholm and how quickly we'll get raped a murdered by ISIS
That's a real nice beach. Have stayed at that hotel and got married on a beach just a few miles north of there.
Hilton Head has some cool beaches, weird for a Californian to see the sun rise out of the water, horseshoe crabs are cool. Omaha was the tough one, Utah, Sword, Juno, Gold were relatively uncontested; still moving to look down on the beachhead from the cemetery. DIdn't walk down the paths from the cemetery to the beach; they were closed, so we went to Les Moulins slightly to the west for beach access.
Obligatory beach in Thailand from the film "The Beach". I tried to set the link to start at 35 seconds in... but I failed.
And yes, I've been there, but today, it is overrun with tourists.
I went there too. Saying it's over run with tourists is an understatement. Glad I never saw that movie until post visiting. I have major shark phobia from watching Jaws too much as a little kid.
It's a shithole.
Dana Point, CA
Quick trip right before our move, we had long walks wondering why the fuck we're moving to Stockholm and how quickly we'll get raped a murdered by ISIS
Hilton Head has some cool beaches, weird for a Californian to see the sun rise out of the water, horseshoe crabs are cool. Omaha was the tough one, Utah, Sword, Juno, Gold were relatively uncontested; still moving to look down on the beachhead from the cemetery. DIdn't walk down the paths from the cemetery to the beach; they were closed, so we went to Les Moulins slightly to the west for beach access.
Of course, I can and do walk to this one:
I see it, appreciate it for a few minutes, then hit the bar or a pool.
It was cool back when I lived in Honolulu and we'd pull the boat up to the sandbar though.
Obligatory beach in Thailand from the film "The Beach". I tried to set the link to start at 35 seconds in... but I failed.
And yes, I've been there, but today, it is overrun with tourists.
Dreckfest Beach. Coos Bay Oregon.