Keep deflecting. The democrats just made the decision to purchase black votes with our tax dollars in 1964. Thanks Lyndon.
I like to call others out for deflecting while posting a meme about 1924.
The Dem party is "the man" holding blacks down.
No one is holding blacks down. What happened to personal responsibility?
Same thing I always say but some are no longer held accountable and are allowed to riot if they don't get their way. That covers any "liberal" (code for communist) cause from Black Lives Murder to Berkeley Anti-fag people.
Yes liberals have a monopoly on rioting. Tea party there? Dumbfuck.
The stars and bars was really a good looking flag.
Fuck yeah it was. But they fucking got their asses kicked and should not have been able to fly it on state capitals or incorporate into state flags post 1865. You lose the war, you don't get to fly the flag.
Now if it's at a Skynyrd or Willie Nelson concert or the like, then that's cool.
Willie Nelson??
Yeah, I think show. I can recall seeing pics of Willie's stage set up from back in the 70's and their having a Confederate battle flag on display. I'll have to find a link.
Okay, so, where's the violence, Hondo? Compared with Seattle protesters saying "We got to start killing people" and people being knocked out in airports, being sucker punched on sidewalks, having their windows smashed out of their cars, and their cars damaged and destroyed, burnt cop cars and limousines......
Where's the violence against other people anywhere near the level we've already seen from the Left in 3 weeks, Hondo?
You're so fucking brainwashed with lefty bullshit that you don't even consider that Reps and the far right are always - labeled and in fact - the "Law and Order" party, which is considered racist and oppressive by the left.
The stars and bars was really a good looking flag.
Fuck yeah it was. But they fucking got their asses kicked and should not have been able to fly it on state capitals or incorporate into state flags post 1865. You lose the war, you don't get to fly the flag.
Now if it's at a Skynyrd or Willie Nelson concert or the like, then that's cool.
Keep deflecting. The democrats just made the decision to purchase black votes with our tax dollars in 1964. Thanks Lyndon.
Federal government spends money on 3 things basically, Medicare, Social Security and Defense. Everything else is chicken shit compared to these. LBJ's great society legislation - of which Medicare is by far the largest expenditure to this day - wasn't enacted until 1965. I don't think the Civil Rights Act of 1964 cost the tax payers very much. As someone under 40, I'm a lot more worried about the Medical Establishment treating old white people robbing me blind through Medicare - i.e., generational transfer of wealth - than I am about some amount of welfare going to poor black people. How many old white Trump voters what to keep the "Goverment's Hands" off their Medicare?
Fixed and eliminated gratuitous racism that suggests blacks don't work and pay Medicare taxes, just like whites.
Agree on medical industrial complex robbing us. But I think you're missing my point about old white people hypocrisy- i.e., the stereotype of an old white person bitching about minorities getting a handout, when in fact huge transfer payments occur through Medicare. The cost the federal government pays for our medical care when are old - regardless of your race - far exceeds what most ever paid in via Medicare taxes. And, yes, of course, anyone that works, whether they are white, black, Hispanic, Asian, et al, pays into Medicare.
It's not hypocrisy for a government to keep it's word, good idea or bad, and you know the time value of money. Government promised, they paid the taxes. Without cost controls, of course it's doomed because government always overspends and sends the bill to the next generation.
I bitch about handouts to people who don't need them, or that continue to balloon deficits. Everyone should. Don't you?
This is a interesting rabbit hole to go down and might merit a new thread.
Keep deflecting. The democrats just made the decision to purchase black votes with our tax dollars in 1964. Thanks Lyndon.
Federal government spends money on 3 things basically, Medicare, Social Security and Defense. Everything else is chicken shit compared to these. LBJ's great society legislation - of which Medicare is by far the largest expenditure to this day - wasn't enacted until 1965. I don't think the Civil Rights Act of 1964 cost the tax payers very much. As someone under 40, I'm a lot more worried about the Medical Establishment treating old white people robbing me blind through Medicare - i.e., generational transfer of wealth - than I am about some amount of welfare going to poor black people. How many old white Trump voters what to keep the "Goverment's Hands" off their Medicare?
Fixed and eliminated gratuitous racism that suggests blacks don't work and pay Medicare taxes, just like whites.
Agree on medical industrial complex robbing us. But I think you're missing my point about old white people hypocrisy- i.e., the stereotype of an old white person bitching about minorities getting a handout, when in fact huge transfer payments occur through Medicare. The cost the federal government pays for our medical care when are old - regardless of your race - far exceeds what most ever paid in via Medicare taxes. And, yes, of course, anyone that works, whether they are white, black, Hispanic, Asian, et al, pays into Medicare.
It's not hypocrisy for a government to keep it's word, good idea or bad, and you know the time value of money. Government promised, they paid the taxes. Without cost controls, of course it's doomed because government always overspends and sends the bill to the next generation.
I bitch about handouts to people who don't need them, or that continue to balloon deficits. Everyone should. Don't you?
Regardless the reasons for why healthcare spending continues to gobble up an ever higher percentage of GDP, can we agree that if you receive more in government benefits than you paid in taxes (even if you have paid them your entire working life) you have benefited from some transfer of wealth? It's a simple fact that at present, most retirees will receive more in far more government benefits than they paid into the system via taxes (Medicare drives this more than SS). Is it their (retirees) fault that healthcare is so damned expensive - no, not entirely (it's a complex issue with no easy solutions). All my original point was based on is that is that it's somewhat hypocritical if you have received a transfer of wealth - even if you paid payroll taxes - to complain about the poor receiving wealth transfers from need based programs like Food Stamps, TANF, etc. Is there waste and fraud in the needs based welfare programs - absolutely. But these programs are the not the primary drivers of our structural deficits.
Keep deflecting. The democrats just made the decision to purchase black votes with our tax dollars in 1964. Thanks Lyndon.
Federal government spends money on 3 things basically, Medicare, Social Security and Defense. Everything else is chicken shit compared to these. LBJ's great society legislation - of which Medicare is by far the largest expenditure to this day - wasn't enacted until 1965. I don't think the Civil Rights Act of 1964 cost the tax payers very much. As someone under 40, I'm a lot more worried about the Medical Establishment treating old white people robbing me blind through Medicare - i.e., generational transfer of wealth - than I am about some amount of welfare going to poor black people. How many old white Trump voters what to keep the "Goverment's Hands" off their Medicare?
Fixed and eliminated gratuitous racism that suggests blacks don't work and pay Medicare taxes, just like whites.
Agree on medical industrial complex robbing us. But I think you're missing my point about old white people hypocrisy- i.e., the stereotype of an old white person bitching about minorities getting a handout, when in fact huge transfer payments occur through Medicare. The cost the federal government pays for our medical care when are old - regardless of your race - far exceeds what most ever paid in via Medicare taxes. And, yes, of course, anyone that works, whether they are white, black, Hispanic, Asian, et al, pays into Medicare.
It's not hypocrisy for a government to keep it's word, good idea or bad, and you know the time value of money. Government promised, they paid the taxes. Without cost controls, of course it's doomed because government always overspends and sends the bill to the next generation.
I bitch about handouts to people who don't need them, or that continue to balloon deficits. Everyone should. Don't you?
This is a interesting rabbit hole to go down and might merit a new thread.
Disagree. Stick to shitty music.
Put together a collection of LP's and CD's like mine and then pop off.
Okay, so, where's the violence, Hondo? Compared with Seattle protesters saying "We got to start killing people" and people being knocked out in airports, being sucker punched on sidewalks, having their windows smashed out of their cars, and their cars damaged and destroyed, burnt cop cars and limousines......
Where's the violence against other people anywhere near the level we've already seen from the Left in 3 weeks, Hondo?
You're so fucking brainwashed with lefty bullshit that you don't even consider that Reps and the far right are always - labeled and in fact - the "Law and Order" party, which is considered racist and oppressive by the left.
Keep deflecting. The democrats just made the decision to purchase black votes with our tax dollars in 1964. Thanks Lyndon.
Federal government spends money on 3 things basically, Medicare, Social Security and Defense. Everything else is chicken shit compared to these. LBJ's great society legislation - of which Medicare is by far the largest expenditure to this day - wasn't enacted until 1965. I don't think the Civil Rights Act of 1964 cost the tax payers very much. As someone under 40, I'm a lot more worried about the Medical Establishment treating old white people robbing me blind through Medicare - i.e., generational transfer of wealth - than I am about some amount of welfare going to poor black people. How many old white Trump voters what to keep the "Goverment's Hands" off their Medicare?
Fixed and eliminated gratuitous racism that suggests blacks don't work and pay Medicare taxes, just like whites.
Agree on medical industrial complex robbing us. But I think you're missing my point about old white people hypocrisy- i.e., the stereotype of an old white person bitching about minorities getting a handout, when in fact huge transfer payments occur through Medicare. The cost the federal government pays for our medical care when are old - regardless of your race - far exceeds what most ever paid in via Medicare taxes. And, yes, of course, anyone that works, whether they are white, black, Hispanic, Asian, et al, pays into Medicare.
Great talking in circle post.
Just say I've been ingrained to be self loathing privileged white male and feel as if the only reparation I can make is to dive into a big vat of boiling grease
Keep deflecting. The democrats just made the decision to purchase black votes with our tax dollars in 1964. Thanks Lyndon.
Federal government spends money on 3 things basically, Medicare, Social Security and Defense. Everything else is chicken shit compared to these. LBJ's great society legislation - of which Medicare is by far the largest expenditure to this day - wasn't enacted until 1965. I don't think the Civil Rights Act of 1964 cost the tax payers very much. As someone under 40, I'm a lot more worried about the Medical Establishment treating old white people robbing me blind through Medicare - i.e., generational transfer of wealth - than I am about some amount of welfare going to poor black people. How many old white Trump voters what to keep the "Goverment's Hands" off their Medicare?
Fixed and eliminated gratuitous racism that suggests blacks don't work and pay Medicare taxes, just like whites.
Agree on medical industrial complex robbing us. But I think you're missing my point about old white people hypocrisy- i.e., the stereotype of an old white person bitching about minorities getting a handout, when in fact huge transfer payments occur through Medicare. The cost the federal government pays for our medical care when are old - regardless of your race - far exceeds what most ever paid in via Medicare taxes. And, yes, of course, anyone that works, whether they are white, black, Hispanic, Asian, et al, pays into Medicare.
Great talking in circle post.
Just say I've been ingrained to be self loathing privileged white male and feel as if the only reparation I can make is to dive into a big vat of boiling grease
You're both good poasters but the coog is right on this. White guilt leads to a fuck ton of fucktardedness.
Keep deflecting. The democrats just made the decision to purchase black votes with our tax dollars in 1964. Thanks Lyndon.
Federal government spends money on 3 things basically, Medicare, Social Security and Defense. Everything else is chicken shit compared to these. LBJ's great society legislation - of which Medicare is by far the largest expenditure to this day - wasn't enacted until 1965. I don't think the Civil Rights Act of 1964 cost the tax payers very much. As someone under 40, I'm a lot more worried about the Medical Establishment treating old white people robbing me blind through Medicare - i.e., generational transfer of wealth - than I am about some amount of welfare going to poor black people. How many old white Trump voters what to keep the "Goverment's Hands" off their Medicare?
Fixed and eliminated gratuitous racism that suggests blacks don't work and pay Medicare taxes, just like whites.
Agree on medical industrial complex robbing us. But I think you're missing my point about old white people hypocrisy- i.e., the stereotype of an old white person bitching about minorities getting a handout, when in fact huge transfer payments occur through Medicare. The cost the federal government pays for our medical care when are old - regardless of your race - far exceeds what most ever paid in via Medicare taxes. And, yes, of course, anyone that works, whether they are white, black, Hispanic, Asian, et al, pays into Medicare.
Great talking in circle post.
Just say I've been ingrained to be self loathing privileged white male and feel as if the only reparation I can make is to dive into a big vat of boiling grease
I don't disagree with anyone here regarding the excesses of liberalism and the law of unintended consequences therein. I've been conservative leaning my whole life, but I also accept that a certain amount welfare state is a necessary thing.
Hondo has kind of a point. That dude that got punched in the face was a straight-up Nazi. Some things are off limits and being a Nazi is one of them.
And, yeah, growing up in Texas I remember lots of Confederate flags, and nobody really thought much of them. Hell, they used to fly the "six flags of Texas" (Spain, France, Mexico, Texas, Confederacy, USA) in front of the Capitol in Austin (probably not anymore). That and there's a great war memorial there that talks about how noble the Confederacy was rather than treason in defense of slavery. But I digress. Point is, times change.
The Germans ripped off the band-aid real quick and made anything Nazi illegal, because holy fuck, we murdered the hell out of millions of people. The Japanese have kind of brushed their bullshit under the proverbial tatami mat and hope no-one notices. The Russians tried democracy and free markets, sucked at both, and are now rebranding the CCCP. Us? Well, we've been slow-walking our racism for over 100 years. Once upon a time, bars had "No Dogs or Irish" signs. People discriminated against Germans and Italians and so forth. But none of them had racism written into the Constitution like the three-fifths crowd. "They're" not over it yet. And neither are "we," yet. I don't care if Race married a Negress.
The Japanese have kind of brushed their bullshit under the proverbial tatami mat and hope no-one notices.
The japs stalk some of their popular hotel chains with books that dismiss their aggression against China and other countries, and downplay their role in provoking WW2. They haven't and probably never will accept responsibility. Other than that, it's the best nation on Earth. Better than Switzerland. If you are a nip, there is no reason whatsoever to leave Japan. Everywhere else is 2nd or 3rd world. That includes the US.
Where's the violence against other people anywhere near the level we've already seen from the Left in 3 weeks, Hondo?
You're so fucking brainwashed with lefty bullshit that you don't even consider that Reps and the far right are always - labeled and in fact - the "Law and Order" party, which is considered racist and oppressive by the left.
Just say I've been ingrained to be self loathing privileged white male and feel as if the only reparation I can make is to dive into a big vat of boiling grease
And, yeah, growing up in Texas I remember lots of Confederate flags, and nobody really thought much of them. Hell, they used to fly the "six flags of Texas" (Spain, France, Mexico, Texas, Confederacy, USA) in front of the Capitol in Austin (probably not anymore). That and there's a great war memorial there that talks about how noble the Confederacy was rather than treason in defense of slavery. But I digress. Point is, times change.
The Germans ripped off the band-aid real quick and made anything Nazi illegal, because holy fuck, we murdered the hell out of millions of people. The Japanese have kind of brushed their bullshit under the proverbial tatami mat and hope no-one notices. The Russians tried democracy and free markets, sucked at both, and are now rebranding the CCCP. Us? Well, we've been slow-walking our racism for over 100 years. Once upon a time, bars had "No Dogs or Irish" signs. People discriminated against Germans and Italians and so forth. But none of them had racism written into the Constitution like the three-fifths crowd. "They're" not over it yet. And neither are "we," yet. I don't care if Race married a Negress.