Found this, too. Loretta Scott King praising Sen. Jeff Sessions at the opening of the Rosa Parks museum. If only Elisabeth Warren had video backup of her outlandish claims.
Found this, too. Loretta Scott King praising Sen. Jeff Sessions at the opening of the Rosa Parks museum. If only Elisabeth Warren had video backup of her outlandish claims.
Found this, too. Loretta Scott King praising Sen. Jeff Sessions at the opening of the Rosa Parks museum. If only Elisabeth Warren had video backup of her outlandish claims.
It's up to her and the democrats to bring up his horrible voting record and the racist parts of his past. And then it's up to the Republicans to bring up the good stuff he's done.
It's almost as if in the United states senate we are supposed to debate things. I hope all you milo yiannopolous lovers are just as OUTRAGED at her losing her freedom to speak in the Senate as you are when some anarchists shut down an Internet troll's speech at a college campus
Look up LBJ and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Then look up Nixon and the Southern Strategy.
Finally look up Lee Atwater.
I looked it up!
It's almost as if in the United states senate we are supposed to debate things.
I hope all you milo yiannopolous lovers are just as OUTRAGED at her losing her freedom to speak in the Senate as you are when some anarchists shut down an Internet troll's speech at a college campus
And Bill Clinton's mentor was a segreationist
But still