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Bannon is the REAL President



  • BearsWiinBearsWiin Member Posts: 5,024

    Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.

    That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
    Nukes? Are you FS!?!?! Jesus chirst that's exactly what we? need a nuclear fucking war! We'll all be dead!!! That's too radical..
    Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended WW2.

    Hasegawa is a former prof of mine, and he's got a PhD from UW.

  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,460 Founders Club
    I don't think we? wanted those crazy Nips to become communists too. I am pretty sure fear of Russia actually entering into the Japanese theater was behind the decision to drop the bomb(s)
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    edited February 2017

    Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.

    That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
    Nukes? Are you FS!?!?! Jesus chirst that's exactly what we? need a nuclear fucking war! We'll all be dead!!! That's too radical..
    Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended WW2. HTH. It's terrible, with a terrible cost, but it saved lives in the long run and brought the enemy to its knees in unconditional surrender. Saudi Arabia is the modern day Germany/Japan. The extremism originates from there. They create and export Wahhabi extremism. ISIS behaves exactly like the government of Saudi Arabia. They both stone women to death for being raped. They both allow men to kill their wives and daughters for ridiculous reasons without being punished. They both throw gays off buildings. They both amputate the hands of thieves. The problem will not be solved until we identify and attack the source.
    Just forget that no other nation had atomic weapons at the time.. I know they are awful people but christ a nuclear weapon? Hell no.
    And how would you suggest dealing with the global Islamic problem? They are not going to change by us being nice and inclusive and bending over backwards to accommodate them. Like the cuog said, arab muslims only respect the sword.
    No shit (thanks obama!) i think we need to continue air streaks, maybe put troops on the ground worst case, and target ISIS leaders
    Isis is just one tentacle of the evil octopus that is Islam. Another one will crop up, and then another and another after ISIS is long gone, and it will keep repeating itself until the head of the beast is decapitated. The beast is Saudi Arabia, and to a lesser extent, the Ayatollahs in Iran.
    Agreed! But, i believe it isn't in a our interest to nuke the Saudis.
    Only because we're addicted to the black tar heroin they supply us. Kick that addiction and we're freed up to give them a reaming they won't forget for 500 years.
  • GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,485 Standard Supporter
    BearsWiin said:

    Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.

    That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
    Nukes? Are you FS!?!?! Jesus chirst that's exactly what we? need a nuclear fucking war! We'll all be dead!!! That's too radical..
    Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended WW2.

    Hasegawa is a former prof of mine, and he's got a PhD from UW.

    A fanatical Japanese colonel got word of the emperor recording the surrender decree and stormed the palace trying to stop it. The recording got out anyway and the colonel tried to get to radio station to stop it there. Failed on both accounts and killed himself.
  • TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680

    BearsWiin said:

    Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.

    That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
    Nukes? Are you FS!?!?! Jesus chirst that's exactly what we? need a nuclear fucking war! We'll all be dead!!! That's too radical..
    Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended WW2.

    Hasegawa is a former prof of mine, and he's got a PhD from UW.

    A fanatical Japanese colonel got word of the emperor recording the surrender decree and stormed the palace trying to stop it. The recording got out anyway and the colonel tried to get to radio station to stop it there. Failed on both accounts and killed himself.
    Race was there
  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.

    That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
    Nukes? Are you FS!?!?! Jesus chirst that's exactly what we? need a nuclear fucking war! We'll all be dead!!! That's too radical..
    If you are going to agree with OBK, you need to commit. No half ass bullshit.
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