Gay Queer magazine is your source? Of course it is. Odd didn't hear you complain about Valerie Jarrett or Huma Abden and the rest under BHO....
For all of his flaws, Obama was intelligent enough to call his own shots.
Trump is a Bannon puppet.
ROFL he took orders from Soros and Iran via Jarrett. Makes it easier to see why Iran got a nice deal, billions of dollars and is never forced to live up to any agreement.
Bannon hates Islam and recognizes the threat that Muslim invasion... err immigration poses to the West. Thats good enough for me.
Bannon is a paranoid nut job who wants to destroy Islam for reasons all his own.
Again, that's a good enough reason for me and half the nation.
You've defined the problem.
The problem has been defined and exposed in Europe. Islam can't coexist with the West and needs to stay in the Middle East. By and large the moslems do not assimilate, they hunker down in ghettoes like Molenbeek where they are free to hatch their dirty little terroristic plots because the nations that host these parasites are too weak willed and pc to purge them from their midst. They make no secret of their intention to conquer Europe by out-procreating the native populations and slowly instituting sharia law by taking advantage of western liberal culture that is too fucktarded to recognize the threat, and too pc to call it out. If Islam continues to push against the West and kill our citizens and invade our nations, it will awaken the monster and there will be hell to pay. The punishment will be so severe and extreme that the leaders of these medieval third world monkey nations will root out the extremists in their midst out of fear of what we will do to them if they don't. The complete and total destruction of Islam itself is the preferable outcome, but unfortunately that will never happen.
Bannon hates Islam and recognizes the threat that Muslim invasion... err immigration poses to the West. Thats good enough for me.
Bannon is a paranoid nut job who wants to destroy Islam for reasons all his own.
Again, that's a good enough reason for me and half the nation.
You've defined the problem.
The problem has been defined and exposed in Europe. Islam can't coexist with the West and needs to stay in the Middle East. By and large the moslems do not assimilate, they hunker down in ghettoes like Molenbeek where they are free to hatch their dirty little terroristic plots because the nations that host these parasites are too weak willed and pc to purge them from their midst. They make no secret of their intention to conquer Europe by out-procreating the native populations and slowly instituting sharia law by taking advantage of western liberal culture that is too fucktarded to recognize the threat, and too pc to call it out. If Islam continues to push against the West and kill our citizens and invade our nations, it will awaken the monster and there will be hell to pay. The punishment will be so severe and extreme that the leaders of these medieval third world monkey nations will root out the extremists in their midst out of fear of what we will do to them if they don't. The complete and total destruction of Islam itself is the preferable outcome, but unfortunately that will never happen.
This is the same extremism you're railing against in different clothes.
I'm pretty sure Jimmy Carter had a better J than Obama
Obama has the some of the shittiest mechanics I have ever seen.
He raises the ball with his right (off) hand and then tries to push with his left (shooting) hand. The release point is good.
The follow through is decent and his elbow is aligned but his body motion is always going backwards. Why the fuck you tryna fade away with no one guarding?
I'm pretty sure Jimmy Carter had a better J than Obama
Obama has the some of the shittiest mechanics I have ever seen.
He raises the ball with his right (off) hand and then tries to push with his left (shooting) hand. The release point is good.
The follow through is decent and his elbow is aligned but his body motion is always going backwards. Why the fuck you tryna fade away with no one guarding?
Even his free throw attempts are off balance.
The shot starts with the feet.
He's shooting cross-face which generally indicates his dominant eye is his right eye. His shoulders are all fucked up and should be squared to the basket. The ball comes off his hand funky.
Only Lonzo Ball can get away with that shit.
But, yes, clearly off-balance in all sorts of ways. Feet, shoulders, cross-face, ball coming off his palm. Just fucked up.
And I'd swat that no-jump/set shot shit into the third row.
Bannon hates Islam and recognizes the threat that Muslim invasion... err immigration poses to the West. Thats good enough for me.
Bannon is a paranoid nut job who wants to destroy Islam for reasons all his own.
Again, that's a good enough reason for me and half the nation.
You've defined the problem.
The problem has been defined and exposed in Europe. Islam can't coexist with the West and needs to stay in the Middle East. By and large the moslems do not assimilate, they hunker down in ghettoes like Molenbeek where they are free to hatch their dirty little terroristic plots because the nations that host these parasites are too weak willed and pc to purge them from their midst. They make no secret of their intention to conquer Europe by out-procreating the native populations and slowly instituting sharia law by taking advantage of western liberal culture that is too fucktarded to recognize the threat, and too pc to call it out. If Islam continues to push against the West and kill our citizens and invade our nations, it will awaken the monster and there will be hell to pay. The punishment will be so severe and extreme that the leaders of these medieval third world monkey nations will root out the extremists in their midst out of fear of what we will do to them if they don't. The complete and total destruction of Islam itself is the preferable outcome, but unfortunately that will never happen.
And yet, somehow, all those Turks have assimilated just fine in Germany.
Assimilation doesn't happen overnight, or even in ten years. It takes a while. The Irish weren't welcomed here (those filthy grubbies aren't English!), then the Germans weren't welcomed here (they don't even speak English!), then the Jews and Italians weren't welcomed here (at least the Germans are Anglo-Saxon!), then the Chinese weren't welcomed here (fucking slants, build our railroads then go home!), then the Mexicans (pick our veggies and stay in your fucking barrios!) and the Vietnamese and Cambodians (don't eat our dogs goddammit!) weren't welcomed here. Every wave of immigration starts on the bottom of the socio-economic ladder, usually set apart from the rest of the host country in their own ghettos. The first generation appreciates the host country because they know how fucking bad the situation was that they left behind. The second generation has the toughest time because they don't know how bad it was back in the Old Country and aren't really accepted as Americans, or Europeans, or whatever. The third generation is the generation that is finally seen as "native," as assimilated.
That's where the Turks in Germany are now; many were brought in after WWII to help rebuild the country as cheap labor, and they decided to stay. They weren't welcome, they had their own neighborhoods, and now they're seen as Germans. The recent wave of immigrants to Europe and, to a lesser extent the US, is no different than the Turks in Germany or any of the previous immigrant waves to America, and it's entirely unfair to cast them as such, somehow unassimilatable just because of Islam. And Europe can do better in helping them assimilate (the French especially - they've done a pisspoor job of assimilating the Algerians); that's one thing we do better over here, probably because we've got so much more experience.
Wood hit?
Trump is a Bannon puppet.
That and bending over and taking it from any world leader that He had the guts to be in the same room with. Which wasn't many.
Trump may end up being a shitty President. But at least He's actually working. Which already has Obama beat.
The follow through is decent and his elbow is aligned but his body motion is always going backwards. Why the fuck you tryna fade away with no one guarding?
Even his free throw attempts are off balance.
The shot starts with the feet.
Only Lonzo Ball can get away with that shit.
But, yes, clearly off-balance in all sorts of ways. Feet, shoulders, cross-face, ball coming off his palm. Just fucked up.
And I'd swat that no-jump/set shot shit into the third row.
Assimilation doesn't happen overnight, or even in ten years. It takes a while. The Irish weren't welcomed here (those filthy grubbies aren't English!), then the Germans weren't welcomed here (they don't even speak English!), then the Jews and Italians weren't welcomed here (at least the Germans are Anglo-Saxon!), then the Chinese weren't welcomed here (fucking slants, build our railroads then go home!), then the Mexicans (pick our veggies and stay in your fucking barrios!) and the Vietnamese and Cambodians (don't eat our dogs goddammit!) weren't welcomed here. Every wave of immigration starts on the bottom of the socio-economic ladder, usually set apart from the rest of the host country in their own ghettos. The first generation appreciates the host country because they know how fucking bad the situation was that they left behind. The second generation has the toughest time because they don't know how bad it was back in the Old Country and aren't really accepted as Americans, or Europeans, or whatever. The third generation is the generation that is finally seen as "native," as assimilated.
That's where the Turks in Germany are now; many were brought in after WWII to help rebuild the country as cheap labor, and they decided to stay. They weren't welcome, they had their own neighborhoods, and now they're seen as Germans. The recent wave of immigrants to Europe and, to a lesser extent the US, is no different than the Turks in Germany or any of the previous immigrant waves to America, and it's entirely unfair to cast them as such, somehow unassimilatable just because of Islam. And Europe can do better in helping them assimilate (the French especially - they've done a pisspoor job of assimilating the Algerians); that's one thing we do better over here, probably because we've got so much more experience.