@BearsWiin would you agree that we have less emphasis on assimilation and more on keeping ones culture than we did back in the day of the European migration?
We also took a time out to help assimilation and we were tuff and uncaring. Learn engrish get a job or starve.
We don't need to get rid of religion we need to get rid of gubment religion. That's the issue today with Islam and the difference. It's why people go b a ck to the days of theocracy in Europe to draw a parallel of barbarism
I don't think it's that simple. Irish and Italian immigrants were generally less well-off, so they stayed in the cities in poor conditions, stuck to themselves, and retained their Old World ways. There's still a Little Italy in New York, from what Spike Lee movies tell me. I hear some cities have Chinatowns and such, too. The German and Scandinavian immigrants were more likely to be better off, and thus more likely to leapfrog the entry-point cities and get to the hinterland of Minnesota and Wisconsin, etc. But even there they retained much of their customs and language for many decades after coming here. My grandmother was born in Michigan, but to her dying day in 2000 she spoke fluent Finnish, taught to her by her immigrant parents. There may actually be more of an outcry now about learning Engrish and assimilating, since the more recent waves have been from non-European areas and are seen as more threatening to the "American way of life," which most still associate with European history and culture.
We(?) treated the next wave of immigrants like shit. The English treated the Jews like shit. Then English and Jews both treated the Irish like shit.
The English, the Jews and the Irish treated the Italians like shit. They all treated the Chinese like shit.
Let the muslims refugees in and then treat them like shit like everyone else had to go through.
It's the American way.
But we still let them in. People are people. They come around and become good Americans. Even the hateful ones already here come around, if more slowly then the rest of us.
Great please take in a bunch of them at your house. Drop by Dearborn Michigan.
@BearsWiin would you agree that we have less emphasis on assimilation and more on keeping ones culture than we did back in the day of the European migration?
We also took a time out to help assimilation and we were tuff and uncaring. Learn engrish get a job or starve.
We don't need to get rid of religion we need to get rid of gubment religion. That's the issue today with Islam and the difference. It's why people go b a ck to the days of theocracy in Europe to draw a parallel of barbarism
I don't think it's that simple. Irish and Italian immigrants were generally less well-off, so they stayed in the cities in poor conditions, stuck to themselves, and retained their Old World ways. There's still a Little Italy in New York, from what Spike Lee movies tell me. I hear some cities have Chinatowns and such, too. The German and Scandinavian immigrants were more likely to be better off, and thus more likely to leapfrog the entry-point cities and get to the hinterland of Minnesota and Wisconsin, etc. But even there they retained much of their customs and language for many decades after coming here. My grandmother was born in Michigan, but to her dying day in 2000 she spoke fluent Finnish, taught to her by her immigrant parents. There may actually be more of an outcry now about learning Engrish and assimilating, since the more recent waves have been from non-European areas and are seen as more threatening to the "American way of life," which most still associate with European history and culture.
We(?) treated the next wave of immigrants like shit. The English treated the Jews like shit. Then English and Jews both treated the Irish like shit.
The English, the Jews and the Irish treated the Italians like shit. They all treated the Chinese like shit.
Let the muslims refugees in and then treat them like shit like everyone else had to go through.
It's the American way.
But we still let them in.
Didn't I just say that?
Amended to finish the thought. Wait, not done yet
OK, finished
Don't treat me like a Mexican. I am way farther up the food chain of mongrels. Cheerio and Achtung, baby.
I can't tell if the latter comment makes you a mick or a kraut, but my grandfather was a Wehrmacht soldier in the service of the Fuhrer five years before the US let him in.
Fear means the terrorists win, but sticking your head in the sand and pretending that Islam isn't a global problem is just silly. Putting it in the same bracket as other religions is ignorant.
The only terrorist attack on North American soil this year was committed by a white Christian.
Go on.
Thanks Hondo.
Actually you're now in millcreek territory now. And that ain't fuckin easy.
@BearsWiin would you agree that we have less emphasis on assimilation and more on keeping ones culture than we did back in the day of the European migration?
We also took a time out to help assimilation and we were tuff and uncaring. Learn engrish get a job or starve.
We don't need to get rid of religion we need to get rid of gubment religion. That's the issue today with Islam and the difference. It's why people go b a ck to the days of theocracy in Europe to draw a parallel of barbarism
I don't think it's that simple. Irish and Italian immigrants were generally less well-off, so they stayed in the cities in poor conditions, stuck to themselves, and retained their Old World ways. There's still a Little Italy in New York, from what Spike Lee movies tell me. I hear some cities have Chinatowns and such, too. The German and Scandinavian immigrants were more likely to be better off, and thus more likely to leapfrog the entry-point cities and get to the hinterland of Minnesota and Wisconsin, etc. But even there they retained much of their customs and language for many decades after coming here. My grandmother was born in Michigan, but to her dying day in 2000 she spoke fluent Finnish, taught to her by her immigrant parents. There may actually be more of an outcry now about learning Engrish and assimilating, since the more recent waves have been from non-European areas and are seen as more threatening to the "American way of life," which most still associate with European history and culture.
We(?) treated the next wave of immigrants like shit. The English treated the Jews like shit. Then English and Jews both treated the Irish like shit.
The English, the Jews and the Irish treated the Italians like shit. They all treated the Chinese like shit.
Let the muslims refugees in and then treat them like shit like everyone else had to go through.
It's the American way.
But we still let them in. People are people. They come around and become good Americans. Even the hateful ones already here come around, if more slowly then the rest of us.
Thats the problem is that during the last 8 years THEY don't have to come around. Because if anyone calls any of them out on the shit they do. The white self loathers aka the PC police rally to their defense. No matter what they did.
Your type is doing more harm than good when it comes to race relations and tolerance of immigration.
But you're so caught up in your feeling of advanced progressivism to even have a clue.
Fear means the terrorists win, but sticking your head in the sand and pretending that Islam isn't a global problem is just silly. Putting it in the same bracket as other religions is ignorant.
The only terrorist attack on North American soil this year was committed by a white Christian.
Go on.
The issue extends beyond America. Some of us don't want America going down the same fucktarded path as Europe. HTH. Obama, Merkel, Cameron, Hollande, lots of work ahead to clean up their incompetence.
You seem very scared.
Quite the contrary. He seems to think he has all the answers, while those who have spent their lives dealing with the nuances and complexities of shit like this just collectively have their thumbs up their asses.
Looks like they're doing a shitty job.
I agree, they need to be more inclusive.
Inclusive like Germany banning sausages in schools so as not to offend the pork hating moslems? Inclusive like the media and government of Sweden covering up murders and rapes committed by 'migrant' scum, while their leaders have gone on record saying that Sweden belongs to the immigrants, not to the Swedes? Is that inclusive enough?
Bannon hates Islam and recognizes the threat that Muslim invasion... err immigration poses to the West. Thats good enough for me.
Bannon is a paranoid nut job who wants to destroy Islam for reasons all his own.
Again, that's a good enough reason for me and half the nation.
You've defined the problem.
The problem has been defined and exposed in Europe. Islam can't coexist with the West and needs to stay in the Middle East. By and large the moslems do not assimilate, they hunker down in ghettoes like Molenbeek where they are free to hatch their dirty little terroristic plots because the nations that host these parasites are too weak willed and pc to purge them from their midst. They make no secret of their intention to conquer Europe by out-procreating the native populations and slowly instituting sharia law by taking advantage of western liberal culture that is too fucktarded to recognize the threat, and too pc to call it out. If Islam continues to push against the West and kill our citizens and invade our nations, it will awaken the monster and there will be hell to pay. The punishment will be so severe and extreme that the leaders of these medieval third world monkey nations will root out the extremists in their midst out of fear of what we will do to them if they don't. The complete and total destruction of Islam itself is the preferable outcome, but unfortunately that will never happen.
And yet, somehow, all those Turks have assimilated just fine in Germany.
That's where the Turks in Germany are now; many were brought in after WWII to help rebuild the country as cheap labor, and they decided to stay. They weren't welcome, they had their own neighborhoods, and now they're seen as Germans.
el-oh-el. A Turk will always be a fucking Turk, nothing more nothing less. If you and others want to pretend that Turks are seen as Germans, you're welcome to that delusion. It's like saying trannies are seen as real women. I understand that the regressive progressive movement championed by Berkeley lunatics would like us to believe in those fairytales. But it's easier to believe in Yetis, Griffins and Ouija boards.
Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS. It's unlike any enemy that we? have ever seen in the sense that they aren't a country and they have members spread throughout the world. However, their caliphate is centralized in parts of Syria and Iraq.
ISIS wants America and Europe to place troops on the ground because in the Quaran it says something along the lines of the apoclyspe will come when the infidel army is defeated (they think its America) They believe Western captialism is the root of all evil and will stop at nothing to destroy us. They are not unlike the communists in the way they depise the west. Obviously, for different reasons and they actually act on their hatred of us?. They are like the crazy cousin who lives in Miss.
These are the same people that throw gays and lesbians off buildings because they believe that it's god's will. They are hateful crazy people. In fact, a lot of these ISIS recruits are on the edge of insanity and ISIS has basically brainwashed these people to become soldiers and terrorists through outlandish propaganda (thanks twitter mods, you fucking limp wristed pieces of shit). What has to happen is that the radical parts of the religion needs to be weed out by Islamic leaders in collaboration with the West. ISIS is still WAY too weak to pose a great threat to the West but they are growing exponentially which is frightening to see. But, we? must be able to weed out these radical people from our cuntries to stop them from killing thousands of innocent people a year. It's a segment of an idealogy that needs to be destroyed not the whole idealogy itself.
In conclusion, ISIS is bunch of crazy medevial barbaric fucks that want non-believers to die (hell they even kill other muslims for not believing in the same interpretation of the Quaran as them). Their rise to power has a lot to do with the limp-wristed leaders of today and yesterday ( Hi Obama) that denounced them as JV team. We now have a leader that has shown that he takes them seriously. But, the way to stop ISIS is to get islamic religious leaders to step up to the plate.
Peace out. Fuckheads. Yes i know TL;DR I atleast have some self-awareness @tequilla.
Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS. It's unlike any enemy that we? have ever seen in the sense that they aren't a country and they have members spread throughout the world. However, their caliphate is centralized in parts of Syria and Iraq.
ISIS wants America and Europe to place troops on the ground because in the Quaran it says something along the lines of the apoclyspe will come when the infidel army is defeated (they think its America) They believe Western captialism is the root of all evil and will stop at nothing to destroy us. They are not unlike the communists in the way they depise the west. Obviously, for different reasons and they actually act on their hatred of us?. They are like the crazy cousin who lives in Miss.
These are the same people that throw gays and lesbians off buildings because they believe that it's god's will. They are hateful crazy people. In fact, a lot of these ISIS recruits are on the edge of insanity and ISIS has basically brainwashed these people to become soldiers and terrorists through outlandish propaganda (thanks twitter mods, you fucking limp wristed pieces of shit). What has to happen is that the radical parts of the religion needs to be weed out by Islamic leaders in collaboration with the West. ISIS is still WAY too weak to pose a great threat to the West but they are growing exponentially which is frightening to see. But, we? must be able to weed out these radical people from our cuntries to stop them from killing thousands of innocent people a year. It's a segment of an idealogy that needs to be destroyed not the whole idealogy itself.
In conclusion, ISIS is bunch of crazy medevial barbaric fucks that want non-believers to die (hell they even kill other muslims for not believing in the same interpretation of the Quaran as them). Their rise to power has a lot to do with the limp-wristed leaders of today and yesterday ( Hi Obama) that denounced them as JV team. We now have a leader that has shown that he takes them seriously. But, the way to stop ISIS is to get islamic religious leaders to step up to the plate.
Peace out. Fuckheads. Yes i know TL;DR I atleast have some self-awareness @tequilla.
Are you Tequila's brother, son or lover? His influence is overwhelming you.
Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS. It's unlike any enemy that we? have ever seen in the sense that they aren't a country and they have members spread throughout the world. However, their caliphate is centralized in parts of Syria and Iraq.
ISIS wants America and Europe to place troops on the ground because in the Quaran it says something along the lines of the apoclyspe will come when the infidel army is defeated (they think its America) They believe Western captialism is the root of all evil and will stop at nothing to destroy us. They are not unlike the communists in the way they depise the west. Obviously, for different reasons and they actually act on their hatred of us?. They are like the crazy cousin who lives in Miss.
These are the same people that throw gays and lesbians off buildings because they believe that it's god's will. They are hateful crazy people. In fact, a lot of these ISIS recruits are on the edge of insanity and ISIS has basically brainwashed these people to become soldiers and terrorists through outlandish propaganda (thanks twitter mods, you fucking limp wristed pieces of shit). What has to happen is that the radical parts of the religion needs to be weed out by Islamic leaders in collaboration with the West. ISIS is still WAY too weak to pose a great threat to the West but they are growing exponentially which is frightening to see. But, we? must be able to weed out these radical people from our cuntries to stop them from killing thousands of innocent people a year. It's a segment of an idealogy that needs to be destroyed not the whole idealogy itself.
In conclusion, ISIS is bunch of crazy medevial barbaric fucks that want non-believers to die (hell they even kill other muslims for not believing in the same interpretation of the Quaran as them). Their rise to power has a lot to do with the limp-wristed leaders of today and yesterday ( Hi Obama) that denounced them as JV team. We now have a leader that has shown that he takes them seriously. But, the way to stop ISIS is to get islamic religious leaders to step up to the plate.
Peace out. Fuckheads. Yes i know TL;DR I atleast have some self-awareness @tequilla.
Are you Tequila's brother, son or lover? His influence is overwhelming you.
Bannon hates Islam and recognizes the threat that Muslim invasion... err immigration poses to the West. Thats good enough for me.
Bannon is a paranoid nut job who wants to destroy Islam for reasons all his own.
Again, that's a good enough reason for me and half the nation.
You've defined the problem.
The problem has been defined and exposed in Europe. Islam can't coexist with the West and needs to stay in the Middle East. By and large the moslems do not assimilate, they hunker down in ghettoes like Molenbeek where they are free to hatch their dirty little terroristic plots because the nations that host these parasites are too weak willed and pc to purge them from their midst. They make no secret of their intention to conquer Europe by out-procreating the native populations and slowly instituting sharia law by taking advantage of western liberal culture that is too fucktarded to recognize the threat, and too pc to call it out. If Islam continues to push against the West and kill our citizens and invade our nations, it will awaken the monster and there will be hell to pay. The punishment will be so severe and extreme that the leaders of these medieval third world monkey nations will root out the extremists in their midst out of fear of what we will do to them if they don't. The complete and total destruction of Islam itself is the preferable outcome, but unfortunately that will never happen.
Fear means the terrorists win, but sticking your head in the sand and pretending that Islam isn't a global problem is just silly. Putting it in the same bracket as other religions is ignorant.
The only terrorist attack on North American soil this year was committed by a white Christian.
Go on.
The issue extends beyond America. Some of us don't want America going down the same fucktarded path as Europe. HTH. Obama, Merkel, Cameron, Hollande, lots of work ahead to clean up their incompetence.
You seem very scared.
Quite the contrary. He seems to think he has all the answers, while those who have spent their lives dealing with the nuances and complexities of shit like this just collectively have their thumbs up their asses.
Looks like they're doing a shitty job.
I agree, they need to be more inclusive.
Inclusive like Germany banning sausages in schools so as not to offend the pork hating moslems? Inclusive like the media and government of Sweden covering up murders and rapes committed by 'migrant' scum, while their leaders have gone on record saying that Sweden belongs to the immigrants, not to the Swedes? Is that inclusive enough?
Bannon hates Islam and recognizes the threat that Muslim invasion... err immigration poses to the West. Thats good enough for me.
Bannon is a paranoid nut job who wants to destroy Islam for reasons all his own.
Again, that's a good enough reason for me and half the nation.
You've defined the problem.
The problem has been defined and exposed in Europe. Islam can't coexist with the West and needs to stay in the Middle East. By and large the moslems do not assimilate, they hunker down in ghettoes like Molenbeek where they are free to hatch their dirty little terroristic plots because the nations that host these parasites are too weak willed and pc to purge them from their midst. They make no secret of their intention to conquer Europe by out-procreating the native populations and slowly instituting sharia law by taking advantage of western liberal culture that is too fucktarded to recognize the threat, and too pc to call it out. If Islam continues to push against the West and kill our citizens and invade our nations, it will awaken the monster and there will be hell to pay. The punishment will be so severe and extreme that the leaders of these medieval third world monkey nations will root out the extremists in their midst out of fear of what we will do to them if they don't. The complete and total destruction of Islam itself is the preferable outcome, but unfortunately that will never happen.
And yet, somehow, all those Turks have assimilated just fine in Germany.
That's where the Turks in Germany are now; many were brought in after WWII to help rebuild the country as cheap labor, and they decided to stay. They weren't welcome, they had their own neighborhoods, and now they're seen as Germans.
el-oh-el. A Turk will always be a fucking Turk, nothing more nothing less. If you and others want to pretend that Turks are seen as Germans, you're welcome to that delusion. It's like saying trannies are seen as real women. I understand that the regressive progressive movement championed by Berkeley lunatics would like us to believe in those fairytales. But it's easier to believe in Yetis, Griffins and Ouija boards.
Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.
That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.
That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
Nukes? Are you FS!?!?! Jesus chirst that's exactly what we? need a nuclear fucking war! We'll all be dead!!! That's too radical..
Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.
That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
Nukes? Are you FS!?!?! Jesus chirst that's exactly what we? need a nuclear fucking war! We'll all be dead!!! That's too radical..
Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended WW2. HTH. It's terrible, with a terrible cost, but it saved lives in the long run and brought the enemy to its knees in unconditional surrender. Saudi Arabia is the modern day Germany/Japan. The extremism originates from there. They create and export Wahhabi extremism. ISIS behaves exactly like the government of Saudi Arabia. They both stone women to death for being raped. They both allow men to kill their wives and daughters for ridiculous reasons without being punished. They both throw gays off buildings. They both amputate the hands of thieves. The problem will not be solved until we identify and attack the source.
Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.
That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
Nukes? Are you FS!?!?! Jesus chirst that's exactly what we? need a nuclear fucking war! We'll all be dead!!! That's too radical..
Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended WW2. HTH. It's terrible, with a terrible cost, but it saved lives in the long run and brought the enemy to its knees in unconditional surrender. Saudi Arabia is the modern day Germany/Japan. The extremism originates from there. They create and export Wahhabi extremism. ISIS behaves exactly like the government of Saudi Arabia. They both stone women to death for being raped. They both allow men to kill their wives and daughters for ridiculous reasons without being punished. They both throw gays off buildings. They both amputate the hands of thieves. The problem will not be solved until we identify and attack the source.
Just forget that no other nation had atomic weapons at the time.. I know they are awful people but christ a nuclear weapon? Hell no.
Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.
That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
Nukes? Are you FS!?!?! Jesus chirst that's exactly what we? need a nuclear fucking war! We'll all be dead!!! That's too radical..
Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended WW2. HTH. It's terrible, with a terrible cost, but it saved lives in the long run and brought the enemy to its knees in unconditional surrender. Saudi Arabia is the modern day Germany/Japan. The extremism originates from there. They create and export Wahhabi extremism. ISIS behaves exactly like the government of Saudi Arabia. They both stone women to death for being raped. They both allow men to kill their wives and daughters for ridiculous reasons without being punished. They both throw gays off buildings. They both amputate the hands of thieves. The problem will not be solved until we identify and attack the source.
Just forget that no other nation had atomic weapons at the time.. I know they are awful people but christ a nuclear weapon? Hell no.
And how would you suggest dealing with the global Islamic problem? They are not going to change by us being nice and inclusive and bending over backwards to accommodate them. Like the cuog said, arab muslims only respect the sword.
Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.
That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
Nukes? Are you FS!?!?! Jesus chirst that's exactly what we? need a nuclear fucking war! We'll all be dead!!! That's too radical..
Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended WW2. HTH. It's terrible, with a terrible cost, but it saved lives in the long run and brought the enemy to its knees in unconditional surrender. Saudi Arabia is the modern day Germany/Japan. The extremism originates from there. They create and export Wahhabi extremism. ISIS behaves exactly like the government of Saudi Arabia. They both stone women to death for being raped. They both allow men to kill their wives and daughters for ridiculous reasons without being punished. They both throw gays off buildings. They both amputate the hands of thieves. The problem will not be solved until we identify and attack the source.
Just forget that no other nation had atomic weapons at the time.. I know they are awful people but christ a nuclear weapon? Hell no.
And how would you suggest dealing with the global Islamic problem? They are not going to change by us being nice and inclusive and bending over backwards to accommodate them. Like the cuog said, arab muslims only respect the sword.
No shit (thanks obama!) i think we need to continue air streaks, maybe put troops on the ground worst case, and target ISIS leaders
Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.
That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
Nukes? Are you FS!?!?! Jesus chirst that's exactly what we? need a nuclear fucking war! We'll all be dead!!! That's too radical..
Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended WW2. HTH. It's terrible, with a terrible cost, but it saved lives in the long run and brought the enemy to its knees in unconditional surrender. Saudi Arabia is the modern day Germany/Japan. The extremism originates from there. They create and export Wahhabi extremism. ISIS behaves exactly like the government of Saudi Arabia. They both stone women to death for being raped. They both allow men to kill their wives and daughters for ridiculous reasons without being punished. They both throw gays off buildings. They both amputate the hands of thieves. The problem will not be solved until we identify and attack the source.
Just forget that no other nation had atomic weapons at the time.. I know they are awful people but christ a nuclear weapon? Hell no.
And how would you suggest dealing with the global Islamic problem? They are not going to change by us being nice and inclusive and bending over backwards to accommodate them. Like the cuog said, arab muslims only respect the sword.
No shit (thanks obama!) i think we need to continue air streaks, maybe put troops on the ground worst case, and target ISIS leaders
Isis is just one tentacle of the evil octopus that is Islam. Another one will crop up, and then another and another after ISIS is long gone, and it will keep repeating itself until the head of the beast is decapitated. The beast is Saudi Arabia, and to a lesser extent, the Ayatollahs in Iran.
Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.
That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
Nukes? Are you FS!?!?! Jesus chirst that's exactly what we? need a nuclear fucking war! We'll all be dead!!! That's too radical..
Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended WW2. HTH. It's terrible, with a terrible cost, but it saved lives in the long run and brought the enemy to its knees in unconditional surrender. Saudi Arabia is the modern day Germany/Japan. The extremism originates from there. They create and export Wahhabi extremism. ISIS behaves exactly like the government of Saudi Arabia. They both stone women to death for being raped. They both allow men to kill their wives and daughters for ridiculous reasons without being punished. They both throw gays off buildings. They both amputate the hands of thieves. The problem will not be solved until we identify and attack the source.
Just forget that no other nation had atomic weapons at the time.. I know they are awful people but christ a nuclear weapon? Hell no.
And how would you suggest dealing with the global Islamic problem? They are not going to change by us being nice and inclusive and bending over backwards to accommodate them. Like the cuog said, arab muslims only respect the sword.
No shit (thanks obama!) i think we need to continue air streaks, maybe put troops on the ground worst case, and target ISIS leaders
Isis is just one tentacle of the evil octopus that is Islam. Another one will crop up, and then another and another after ISIS is long gone, and it will keep repeating itself until the head of the beast is decapitated. The beast is Saudi Arabia, and to a lesser extent, the Ayatollahs in Iran.
Agreed! But, i believe it isn't in a our interest to nuke the Saudis.
Much of islam is fine but there are small radical segments who intepret the Quaran like they did in the 1500s.. it's hard to defeat a segment of an idelogy but you can contain it. ISIS isn't a huge threat to any cuntry currently because the vast majoritity of Islam isn't radical (obviously). However, the majoritity of muslim leaders haven't denounced ISIS which is a major issue which impeads Amercia's and Europe's ability to defeat ISIS.
That's the problem, the so called moderates won't denounce it because they tacitly agree with what ISIS is doing. Why? Because they are following the teachings of Islam to the letter. Islam itself is radical. Islam itself is the problem. They won't denounce ISIS or any other terrorist group until Islam itself is severely punished, until they are so devastated and afraid of us that they will bend over backwards to hunt down and eradicate their own extremists so that we don't punish them as a whole for not monitoring themselves. I'm talking about nuking Mecca like we had to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, something along those lines, something that might be necessary to do in the future to show these animals that we mean business and that they better not ever, ever fuck with us again.
Nukes? Are you FS!?!?! Jesus chirst that's exactly what we? need a nuclear fucking war! We'll all be dead!!! That's too radical..
Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended WW2. HTH. It's terrible, with a terrible cost, but it saved lives in the long run and brought the enemy to its knees in unconditional surrender. Saudi Arabia is the modern day Germany/Japan. The extremism originates from there. They create and export Wahhabi extremism. ISIS behaves exactly like the government of Saudi Arabia. They both stone women to death for being raped. They both allow men to kill their wives and daughters for ridiculous reasons without being punished. They both throw gays off buildings. They both amputate the hands of thieves. The problem will not be solved until we identify and attack the source.
Just forget that no other nation had atomic weapons at the time.. I know they are awful people but christ a nuclear weapon? Hell no.
And how would you suggest dealing with the global Islamic problem? They are not going to change by us being nice and inclusive and bending over backwards to accommodate them. Like the cuog said, arab muslims only respect the sword.
No shit (thanks obama!) i think we need to continue air streaks, maybe put troops on the ground worst case, and target ISIS leaders
Isis is just one tentacle of the evil octopus that is Islam. Another one will crop up, and then another and another after ISIS is long gone, and it will keep repeating itself until the head of the beast is decapitated. The beast is Saudi Arabia, and to a lesser extent, the Ayatollahs in Iran.
Actually you're now in millcreek territory now. And that ain't fuckin easy.
Pat pat.
Your type is doing more harm than good when it comes to race relations and tolerance of immigration.
But you're so caught up in your feeling of advanced progressivism to even have a clue.
el-oh-el. A Turk will always be a fucking Turk, nothing more nothing less. If you and others want to pretend that Turks are seen as Germans, you're welcome to that delusion. It's like saying trannies are seen as real women. I understand that the regressive progressive movement championed by Berkeley lunatics would like us to believe in those fairytales. But it's easier to believe in Yetis, Griffins and Ouija boards.
ISIS wants America and Europe to place troops on the ground because in the Quaran it says something along the lines of the apoclyspe will come when the infidel army is defeated (they think its America) They believe Western captialism is the root of all evil and will stop at nothing to destroy us. They are not unlike the communists in the way they depise the west. Obviously, for different reasons and they actually act on their hatred of us?. They are like the crazy cousin who lives in Miss.
These are the same people that throw gays and lesbians off buildings because they believe that it's god's will. They are hateful crazy people. In fact, a lot of these ISIS recruits are on the edge of insanity and ISIS has basically brainwashed these people to become soldiers and terrorists through outlandish propaganda (thanks twitter mods, you fucking limp wristed pieces of shit). What has to happen is that the radical parts of the religion needs to be weed out by Islamic leaders in collaboration with the West. ISIS is still WAY too weak to pose a great threat to the West but they are growing exponentially which is frightening to see. But, we? must be able to weed out these radical people from our cuntries to stop them from killing thousands of innocent people a year. It's a segment of an idealogy that needs to be destroyed not the whole idealogy itself.
In conclusion, ISIS is bunch of crazy medevial barbaric fucks that want non-believers to die (hell they even kill other muslims for not believing in the same interpretation of the Quaran as them). Their rise to power has a lot to do with the limp-wristed leaders of today and yesterday ( Hi Obama) that denounced them as JV team. We now have a leader that has shown that he takes them seriously. But, the way to stop ISIS is to get islamic religious leaders to step up to the plate.
Peace out. Fuckheads. Yes i know TL;DR I atleast have some self-awareness @tequilla.
Note: Homeroom sucks
Catch my drift?