Interesting. Despite a solid decade of winning in dominate fashion, it only took one bad season to re-cultivate the loser mentality of prior duck generations.
You couldn't sound more like a Cuog. And that is the worst insult I can deliver upon you.
NOT FUCK ING HAPPENING. Fetters is looking for clicks.
Hahaha man i hope i am around when this news breaks! Lake is your Def. All those new DBs and it won't matter who you get because he won't be Lake good!
You probably will be around. I hope you'll come back after Cal loses to UW next fall, that's gonna be super fun too,
Right because good teams never fall off and bad teams never get better. I can't wait for Lake who knows your team inside and out has us picking passes off Browning.
That sounds great except he doesn't coach the front 7 and we'll just run right over Cal
Well we already locked in CB Elijah Hicks who we stole from ND. Hardimon and Godfrey won't feel like losses when they are replaced with McKinney, Taylor, and Molden.
by Avinash Kunnath@avinashkunnath Jan 15, 2017, 3:25pm PST