Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"
My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada
It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.
Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.
Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.
You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion
When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth
Love you too
And those 2 wars are still going
You say Obama added $10 trillion to the debt. What actions did he do to accomplish this? It raising taxes? Spending bills?
Detail it out or STFU.
Did the debt grow 10 trillion or didn't it?
I asked for Obama's actions as you blamed him. So clearly you should be able to document his specific actions.
Thanks in advance.
The Porkulous bill, remember that 30 million for Pelosi's Marsh Mouse? Remember all those shovel ready jobs? That was 1 trillion right off the bat. Oh then there's Obingo care. Remember that? Largest part of Odumbo care kicks in as he leaves so we'll get to blame this crap on you commies for decades.
He had both houses and the presidency and spent more than all previous president's combined. Remember all the debt ceiling raises? Your memory is as short as your dingus.
So stop the bullshit.
Trump now has both houses of Congress too, so no excuse to not fix everything.
I doubt his first acts will be to spend a trillion and seize 1/6th of the US economy.
2009 budget was created and signed by Bush in June 2008. HTH.
I think June 2008 was around the same time Bush sent checks directly to all tax payers. When it was cool to literally print money. And before it was wrong to figuratively print money.
Print it and send it to Iran as ransom for hostages. That's cool.