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What are you going to spend your Trump tax cut on?



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    2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes

    2001400ex said:

    BearsWiin said:

    BearsWiin said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Trump's transition team.
    @allpurpleallgold, boy have you been had.

    I was, am and will continue to root for Donald Trump to do well. It's not a great start but the game has only started. A lot of people I respect wanted to go this way and I'm still down to try. But if you think the worst case scenario for a Trump presidency isn't a victory for me then you don't get it.

    See I learned under the wing of @RaceBannon Number one, don't get baited. Don't ever get baited. But that's not really relevant here. Number two, be right. And the best way to be right is to take stances where you're right either way.

    If Trump is a disaster, Elizabeth Warren will be president in four years. She played this election perfectly, which I'm not super happy with her about but I understand, and she will be a star if Trump is a shit show.

    I'm not taking an L on this one. Ever.
    They might not have enough seasoning on the national stage just yet, but watch out for Cory Booker (Ebony) and Gavin Newsom (Ivory).
    Yeah, I shouldn't have made it seem like only Warren will do. The liberals rise in a Trump disaster is my point.
    One way or another I think this is their swan song; history, generational change, and demographics are all against them. They pulled out all the stops and still couldn't win the popular vote. It only gets harder for them, especially if they piss of New America to the poont where they come to the polls in droves like they did 4 and 8 years ago.
    You could be dead wrong. If Trump pulls off the same economic explosion Reagan did, you'll see another generational change alright, but not the one you're hoping for.
    It's about more than jobs. It's about who and what we are as a country. That's why I see Pence as the more troubling part of the ticket.

    But to your poont about the impending economic explosion, I had a convo with the richest guy in the county Wednesday morning. He told me that the Chinese partners who make components for his company are already making plans to part ways with him and hook up with a South American company instead, because they expect things to get much worse with the US. And he's under no illusions that the manufacturing jobs that his company uses overseas labor for are evar coming back to America.

    Also looking forward to seeing how Trump will Drain the Swamp after he's hired all those crocodiles for his transition team.

    But the Dems shouldn't just sit back and wait for the electorate to come back to them. They need to be able to put forth something compelling to set them apart from the shitshow that we're going to see the next few years, or else they'll just fritter away their increasing advantage like they did this time around.
    This was an election based primarily on economic and cultural issues. So I agree, in part this election was about who we are as a country, but the losing party's "values" and hubris do not represent most of the country. It's true they do represent large population centers on the West Coast and parts of the North East, but not the vast majority who are looked down upon by those from those centers. Those things that concern you about Pence are comforting to those you look down upon. Get it?

    An expanding economy under Trump's watch will absolutely result in an expanding "Republican" base. To the victor goes the spoils, and winning the economy solves many problems on many levels. Lowering corporate and personal tax rates, simplifying the tax code, unwinding excessive regulation, and providing incentives for companies to come home will spark growth. No one knows how tariffs and trade agreements will be tailored or implemented, but for example, even without them, Japanese, Korean and German car companies are currently building cars in right to work states in the US due to cost advantages. It's not like manufacturing is dead nor is it impossible to expand that work, though through automation it may look quite different than it has in the past. Trade deals that level the playing field can certainly help. The US has an $18T per year economy, the world wants access and will deal. The keystone pipeline project will be green lighted, and regulations on oil, gas and coal will be relaxed helping energy related sectors. And, it's expected that both defense and infrastructure spending are going to explode. Bottom line, this has the potential to look a lot more like the 80's than the drudgery of the last 8 years, and if that happens, it will be very hard to make the case against.
    And we'll be $30 trillion in debt. Good thing deficits won't matter again.
    If you can't see that tax cuts and trillion dollar infrastructure funds go together well, I can't help you.
    And wars. Don't forget wars.
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    BearsWiinBearsWiin Member Posts: 4,969
    First Anniversary 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Comment
    2001400ex said:

    BearsWiin said:

    BearsWiin said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Trump's transition team.
    @allpurpleallgold, boy have you been had.

    I was, am and will continue to root for Donald Trump to do well. It's not a great start but the game has only started. A lot of people I respect wanted to go this way and I'm still down to try. But if you think the worst case scenario for a Trump presidency isn't a victory for me then you don't get it.

    See I learned under the wing of @RaceBannon Number one, don't get baited. Don't ever get baited. But that's not really relevant here. Number two, be right. And the best way to be right is to take stances where you're right either way.

    If Trump is a disaster, Elizabeth Warren will be president in four years. She played this election perfectly, which I'm not super happy with her about but I understand, and she will be a star if Trump is a shit show.

    I'm not taking an L on this one. Ever.
    They might not have enough seasoning on the national stage just yet, but watch out for Cory Booker (Ebony) and Gavin Newsom (Ivory).
    Yeah, I shouldn't have made it seem like only Warren will do. The liberals rise in a Trump disaster is my point.
    One way or another I think this is their swan song; history, generational change, and demographics are all against them. They pulled out all the stops and still couldn't win the popular vote. It only gets harder for them, especially if they piss of New America to the poont where they come to the polls in droves like they did 4 and 8 years ago.
    You could be dead wrong. If Trump pulls off the same economic explosion Reagan did, you'll see another generational change alright, but not the one you're hoping for.
    It's about more than jobs. It's about who and what we are as a country. That's why I see Pence as the more troubling part of the ticket.

    But to your poont about the impending economic explosion, I had a convo with the richest guy in the county Wednesday morning. He told me that the Chinese partners who make components for his company are already making plans to part ways with him and hook up with a South American company instead, because they expect things to get much worse with the US. And he's under no illusions that the manufacturing jobs that his company uses overseas labor for are evar coming back to America.

    Also looking forward to seeing how Trump will Drain the Swamp after he's hired all those crocodiles for his transition team.

    But the Dems shouldn't just sit back and wait for the electorate to come back to them. They need to be able to put forth something compelling to set them apart from the shitshow that we're going to see the next few years, or else they'll just fritter away their increasing advantage like they did this time around.
    This was an election based primarily on economic and cultural issues. So I agree, in part this election was about who we are as a country, but the losing party's "values" and hubris do not represent most of the country. It's true they do represent large population centers on the West Coast and parts of the North East, but not the vast majority who are looked down upon by those from those centers. Those things that concern you about Pence are comforting to those you look down upon. Get it?

    An expanding economy under Trump's watch will absolutely result in an expanding "Republican" base. To the victor goes the spoils, and winning the economy solves many problems on many levels. Lowering corporate and personal tax rates, simplifying the tax code, unwinding excessive regulation, and providing incentives for companies to come home will spark growth. No one knows how tariffs and trade agreements will be tailored or implemented, but for example, even without them, Japanese, Korean and German car companies are currently building cars in right to work states in the US due to cost advantages. It's not like manufacturing is dead nor is it impossible to expand that work, though through automation it may look quite different than it has in the past. Trade deals that level the playing field can certainly help. The US has an $18T per year economy, the world wants access and will deal. The keystone pipeline project will be green lighted, and regulations on oil, gas and coal will be relaxed helping energy related sectors. And, it's expected that both defense and infrastructure spending are going to explode. Bottom line, this has the potential to look a lot more like the 80's than the drudgery of the last 8 years, and if that happens, it will be very hard to make the case against.
    And we'll be $30 trillion in debt. Good thing deficits won't matter again.
    Good poont. It'll be interesting to see if what's left of the Tea Party abdicates any semblance of ideological integrity it might still have in order to support this guy, like the evangelicals did.
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    RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,634
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes 5 Up Votes
    Swaye's Wigwam
    What do you mean again? Obama rang up 10 trillion and left us 2 wars.
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    BearsWiinBearsWiin Member Posts: 4,969
    First Anniversary 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Comment
    edited November 2016
    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.
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    SoutherndawgSoutherndawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 8,247
    5 Awesomes First Anniversary 5 Up Votes First Comment
    Founders Club
    BearsWiin said:

    BearsWiin said:

    BearsWiin said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Trump's transition team.
    @allpurpleallgold, boy have you been had.

    I was, am and will continue to root for Donald Trump to do well. It's not a great start but the game has only started. A lot of people I respect wanted to go this way and I'm still down to try. But if you think the worst case scenario for a Trump presidency isn't a victory for me then you don't get it.

    See I learned under the wing of @RaceBannon Number one, don't get baited. Don't ever get baited. But that's not really relevant here. Number two, be right. And the best way to be right is to take stances where you're right either way.

    If Trump is a disaster, Elizabeth Warren will be president in four years. She played this election perfectly, which I'm not super happy with her about but I understand, and she will be a star if Trump is a shit show.

    I'm not taking an L on this one. Ever.
    They might not have enough seasoning on the national stage just yet, but watch out for Cory Booker (Ebony) and Gavin Newsom (Ivory).
    Yeah, I shouldn't have made it seem like only Warren will do. The liberals rise in a Trump disaster is my point.
    One way or another I think this is their swan song; history, generational change, and demographics are all against them. They pulled out all the stops and still couldn't win the popular vote. It only gets harder for them, especially if they piss of New America to the poont where they come to the polls in droves like they did 4 and 8 years ago.
    You could be dead wrong. If Trump pulls off the same economic explosion Reagan did, you'll see another generational change alright, but not the one you're hoping for.
    It's about more than jobs. It's about who and what we are as a country. That's why I see Pence as the more troubling part of the ticket.

    But to your poont about the impending economic explosion, I had a convo with the richest guy in the county Wednesday morning. He told me that the Chinese partners who make components for his company are already making plans to part ways with him and hook up with a South American company instead, because they expect things to get much worse with the US. And he's under no illusions that the manufacturing jobs that his company uses overseas labor for are evar coming back to America.

    Also looking forward to seeing how Trump will Drain the Swamp after he's hired all those crocodiles for his transition team.

    But the Dems shouldn't just sit back and wait for the electorate to come back to them. They need to be able to put forth something compelling to set them apart from the shitshow that we're going to see the next few years, or else they'll just fritter away their increasing advantage like they did this time around.
    This was an election based primarily on economic and cultural issues. So I agree, in part this election was about who we are as a country, but the losing party's "values" and hubris do not represent most of the country. It's true they do represent large population centers on the West Coast and parts of the North East, but not the vast majority who are looked down upon by those from those centers. Those things that concern you about Pence are comforting to those you look down upon. Get it?

    I certainly get it. The "vast majority" of which you speak had to rally just about all of itself against an unmotivated group, many of which decided to stay home rather than vote, and that "vast majority" still couldn't win the popular vote for their national candidate. I understand that white Christians are losing out demographically; this country is becoming more diverse and inclusive ethnically and socially, and even whites are abandoning religion. When you're accustomed to privilege, equality seems like oppression, so they fought back. They get the present, but they aren't the future of this country.

    Pence took over for Christie as head of the transition team. This is a man who doesn't think that smoking causes cancer, and is in favor of women having to hold funerals for their aborted embryos.

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    RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,634
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    Swaye's Wigwam
    BearsWiin said:

    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.

    Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.

    Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.

    You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion

    When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth

    Love you too

    And those 2 wars are still going
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    2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes

    BearsWiin said:

    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.

    Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.

    Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.

    You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion

    When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth

    Love you too

    And those 2 wars are still going
    You say Obama added $10 trillion to the debt. What actions did he do to accomplish this? It raising taxes? Spending bills?

    Detail it out or STFU.
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    RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,634
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes 5 Up Votes
    Swaye's Wigwam
    2001400ex said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.

    Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.

    Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.

    You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion

    When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth

    Love you too

    And those 2 wars are still going
    You say Obama added $10 trillion to the debt. What actions did he do to accomplish this? It raising taxes? Spending bills?

    Detail it out or STFU.
    Did the debt grow 10 trillion or didn't it?
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    2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes

    2001400ex said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.

    Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.

    Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.

    You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion

    When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth

    Love you too

    And those 2 wars are still going
    You say Obama added $10 trillion to the debt. What actions did he do to accomplish this? It raising taxes? Spending bills?

    Detail it out or STFU.
    Did the debt grow 10 trillion or didn't it?
    I asked for Obama's actions as you blamed him. So clearly you should be able to document his specific actions.

    Thanks in advance.
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    RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,634
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    Swaye's Wigwam
    His action is being the President. You're blaming Bush and Trump. The concept shouldn't be that hard to grasp unless you're a fucking moron

    That explains your question I guess
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    2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
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    His action is being the President. You're blaming Bush and Trump. The concept shouldn't be that hard to grasp unless you're a fucking moron

    That explains your question I guess

    Ok! We'll see how Trump attacks the deficit.
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    SledogSledog Member Posts: 31,685
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    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.

    Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.

    Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.

    You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion

    When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth

    Love you too

    And those 2 wars are still going
    You say Obama added $10 trillion to the debt. What actions did he do to accomplish this? It raising taxes? Spending bills?

    Detail it out or STFU.
    Did the debt grow 10 trillion or didn't it?
    I asked for Obama's actions as you blamed him. So clearly you should be able to document his specific actions.

    Thanks in advance.
    The Porkulous bill, remember that 30 million for Pelosi's Marsh Mouse? Remember all those shovel ready jobs? That was 1 trillion right off the bat. Oh then there's Obingo care. Remember that? Largest part of Odumbo care kicks in as he leaves so we'll get to blame this crap on you commies for decades.

    He had both houses and the presidency and spent more than all previous president's combined. Remember all the debt ceiling raises? Your memory is as short as your dingus.

    So stop the bullshit.
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    ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325
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    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.

    Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.

    Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.

    You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion

    When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth

    Love you too

    And those 2 wars are still going
    You say Obama added $10 trillion to the debt. What actions did he do to accomplish this? It raising taxes? Spending bills?

    Detail it out or STFU.
    Did the debt grow 10 trillion or didn't it?
    I asked for Obama's actions as you blamed him. So clearly you should be able to document his specific actions.

    Thanks in advance.
    The Porkulous bill, remember that 30 million for Pelosi's Marsh Mouse? Remember all those shovel ready jobs? That was 1 trillion right off the bat. Oh then there's Obingo care. Remember that? Largest part of Odumbo care kicks in as he leaves so we'll get to blame this crap on you commies for decades.

    He had both houses and the presidency and spent more than all previous president's combined. Remember all the debt ceiling raises? Your memory is as short as your dingus.

    So stop the bullshit.
    Trump now has both houses of Congress too, so no excuse to not fix everything.
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    SledogSledog Member Posts: 31,685
    5 Up Votes First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes

    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.

    Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.

    Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.

    You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion

    When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth

    Love you too

    And those 2 wars are still going
    You say Obama added $10 trillion to the debt. What actions did he do to accomplish this? It raising taxes? Spending bills?

    Detail it out or STFU.
    Did the debt grow 10 trillion or didn't it?
    I asked for Obama's actions as you blamed him. So clearly you should be able to document his specific actions.

    Thanks in advance.
    The Porkulous bill, remember that 30 million for Pelosi's Marsh Mouse? Remember all those shovel ready jobs? That was 1 trillion right off the bat. Oh then there's Obingo care. Remember that? Largest part of Odumbo care kicks in as he leaves so we'll get to blame this crap on you commies for decades.

    He had both houses and the presidency and spent more than all previous president's combined. Remember all the debt ceiling raises? Your memory is as short as your dingus.

    So stop the bullshit.
    Trump now has both houses of Congress too, so no excuse to not fix everything.

    I doubt his first acts will be to spend a trillion and seize 1/6th of the US economy.
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    RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,634
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes 5 Up Votes
    Swaye's Wigwam

    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.

    Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.

    Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.

    You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion

    When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth

    Love you too

    And those 2 wars are still going
    You say Obama added $10 trillion to the debt. What actions did he do to accomplish this? It raising taxes? Spending bills?

    Detail it out or STFU.
    Did the debt grow 10 trillion or didn't it?
    I asked for Obama's actions as you blamed him. So clearly you should be able to document his specific actions.

    Thanks in advance.
    The Porkulous bill, remember that 30 million for Pelosi's Marsh Mouse? Remember all those shovel ready jobs? That was 1 trillion right off the bat. Oh then there's Obingo care. Remember that? Largest part of Odumbo care kicks in as he leaves so we'll get to blame this crap on you commies for decades.

    He had both houses and the presidency and spent more than all previous president's combined. Remember all the debt ceiling raises? Your memory is as short as your dingus.

    So stop the bullshit.
    Trump now has both houses of Congress too, so no excuse to not fix everything.

    Repeal and replace Obamacare
  • Options
    ThomasFremontThomasFremont Member Posts: 13,325
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes

    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.

    Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.

    Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.

    You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion

    When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth

    Love you too

    And those 2 wars are still going
    You say Obama added $10 trillion to the debt. What actions did he do to accomplish this? It raising taxes? Spending bills?

    Detail it out or STFU.
    Did the debt grow 10 trillion or didn't it?
    I asked for Obama's actions as you blamed him. So clearly you should be able to document his specific actions.

    Thanks in advance.
    The Porkulous bill, remember that 30 million for Pelosi's Marsh Mouse? Remember all those shovel ready jobs? That was 1 trillion right off the bat. Oh then there's Obingo care. Remember that? Largest part of Odumbo care kicks in as he leaves so we'll get to blame this crap on you commies for decades.

    He had both houses and the presidency and spent more than all previous president's combined. Remember all the debt ceiling raises? Your memory is as short as your dingus.

    So stop the bullshit.
    Trump now has both houses of Congress too, so no excuse to not fix everything.

    Repeal and replace Obamacare
    You been following the news? He's already walked back on that promise.

    You elected a democrat, remember?
  • Options
    RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 102,634
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes 5 Up Votes
    Swaye's Wigwam

    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.

    Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.

    Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.

    You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion

    When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth

    Love you too

    And those 2 wars are still going
    You say Obama added $10 trillion to the debt. What actions did he do to accomplish this? It raising taxes? Spending bills?

    Detail it out or STFU.
    Did the debt grow 10 trillion or didn't it?
    I asked for Obama's actions as you blamed him. So clearly you should be able to document his specific actions.

    Thanks in advance.
    The Porkulous bill, remember that 30 million for Pelosi's Marsh Mouse? Remember all those shovel ready jobs? That was 1 trillion right off the bat. Oh then there's Obingo care. Remember that? Largest part of Odumbo care kicks in as he leaves so we'll get to blame this crap on you commies for decades.

    He had both houses and the presidency and spent more than all previous president's combined. Remember all the debt ceiling raises? Your memory is as short as your dingus.

    So stop the bullshit.
    Trump now has both houses of Congress too, so no excuse to not fix everything.

    Repeal and replace Obamacare
    You been following the news? He's already walked back on that promise.

    You elected a democrat, remember?
    I don't believe you or the news

    Awfully warm for January 20
  • Options
    UWhuskytskeetUWhuskytskeet Member Posts: 7,108
    First Anniversary 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Answer
    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.

    Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.

    Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.

    You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion

    When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth

    Love you too

    And those 2 wars are still going
    You say Obama added $10 trillion to the debt. What actions did he do to accomplish this? It raising taxes? Spending bills?

    Detail it out or STFU.
    Did the debt grow 10 trillion or didn't it?
    I asked for Obama's actions as you blamed him. So clearly you should be able to document his specific actions.

    Thanks in advance.
    The Porkulous bill, remember that 30 million for Pelosi's Marsh Mouse? Remember all those shovel ready jobs? That was 1 trillion right off the bat. Oh then there's Obingo care. Remember that? Largest part of Odumbo care kicks in as he leaves so we'll get to blame this crap on you commies for decades.

    He had both houses and the presidency and spent more than all previous president's combined. Remember all the debt ceiling raises? Your memory is as short as your dingus.

    So stop the bullshit.
    Trump now has both houses of Congress too, so no excuse to not fix everything.

    I doubt his first acts will be to spend a trillion and seize 1/6th of the US economy.
    2009 budget was created and signed by Bush in June 2008. HTH.
  • Options
    2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.

    Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.

    Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.

    You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion

    When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth

    Love you too

    And those 2 wars are still going
    You say Obama added $10 trillion to the debt. What actions did he do to accomplish this? It raising taxes? Spending bills?

    Detail it out or STFU.
    Did the debt grow 10 trillion or didn't it?
    I asked for Obama's actions as you blamed him. So clearly you should be able to document his specific actions.

    Thanks in advance.
    The Porkulous bill, remember that 30 million for Pelosi's Marsh Mouse? Remember all those shovel ready jobs? That was 1 trillion right off the bat. Oh then there's Obingo care. Remember that? Largest part of Odumbo care kicks in as he leaves so we'll get to blame this crap on you commies for decades.

    He had both houses and the presidency and spent more than all previous president's combined. Remember all the debt ceiling raises? Your memory is as short as your dingus.

    So stop the bullshit.
    Trump now has both houses of Congress too, so no excuse to not fix everything.

    I doubt his first acts will be to spend a trillion and seize 1/6th of the US economy.
    2009 budget was created and signed by Bush in June 2008. HTH.
    I think June 2008 was around the same time Bush sent checks directly to all tax payers. When it was cool to literally print money. And before it was wrong to figuratively print money.
  • Options
    SledogSledog Member Posts: 31,685
    5 Up Votes First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes
    2001400ex said:

    Sledog said:

    Sledog said:

    2001400ex said:

    2001400ex said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Race, honey, you know I love you, but you misspelled "Bush"

    My poont was that the Tea Party was a portion of the Republican Party that spent like drunken sailors during the 2000s, cutting taxes and prosecuting wars and adding MedicareD to sop the oldies in 2004, that decided that the spending had GONE FAR ENOUGH at exactly the time that every Keynesian out there (and Friedman even said many years ago that we're all Keynesians now) would strongly argue that the govt. needed to deficit spend in order to prime the pump and help the country out of a crippling recession. Will they stick to their guns to fight against what has to be increased deficit spending now, or will they bend over and grab their ankles like the evangelicals did when they supported a guy who cheats on wives, cheats on business, and can't quote one fucking line from the Bibble, because, well, we're all sinners just trying to make our way through an eviilll world, nobody but the Almighty knows what's really in a man's heart, judge not lest ye be judged, yada yada

    It's about exposing the hypocrisy. Obama and Dems, you expect them to spend, so when they do they're just doing what they said they would.

    Obama added 10 trillion to the debt. The hypocrisy will be hondo types complaining about Trump.

    Like I said everyone knows the GOP sucks. Be a better party.

    You do realize conservatives abandoned Bush for his spending leading to the loss of Congress in 06. And yet he didnt come close to 10 trillion

    When Reagan primed the pump we got water. We got sand from Obama. Never saw 3% growth

    Love you too

    And those 2 wars are still going
    You say Obama added $10 trillion to the debt. What actions did he do to accomplish this? It raising taxes? Spending bills?

    Detail it out or STFU.
    Did the debt grow 10 trillion or didn't it?
    I asked for Obama's actions as you blamed him. So clearly you should be able to document his specific actions.

    Thanks in advance.
    The Porkulous bill, remember that 30 million for Pelosi's Marsh Mouse? Remember all those shovel ready jobs? That was 1 trillion right off the bat. Oh then there's Obingo care. Remember that? Largest part of Odumbo care kicks in as he leaves so we'll get to blame this crap on you commies for decades.

    He had both houses and the presidency and spent more than all previous president's combined. Remember all the debt ceiling raises? Your memory is as short as your dingus.

    So stop the bullshit.
    Trump now has both houses of Congress too, so no excuse to not fix everything.

    I doubt his first acts will be to spend a trillion and seize 1/6th of the US economy.
    2009 budget was created and signed by Bush in June 2008. HTH.
    I think June 2008 was around the same time Bush sent checks directly to all tax payers. When it was cool to literally print money. And before it was wrong to figuratively print money.
    Print it and send it to Iran as ransom for hostages. That's cool.
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