Businesses have to earn their customers. Government doesnt. Businesses have competition. Government doesn't. Which one is more likely to rape and pillage again?
If people value a rape and pillage free society, they will just not do business with people who rape and pillage.
Cause no one shops at Walmart, right? The vast majority of people will just buy the cheapest shit. Then complain that the corporations destroyed the environment.
And yes government is different than corporations. When was the last time a government dumped raw sewage in the water in the name of profit?
Rio 2016.
No need to travel that far, fren
I was specifically asked for the last time.
I decided what was best for you was a witty pictorial depiction of an ongoing issue.
Businesses have to earn their customers. Government doesnt. Businesses have competition. Government doesn't. Which one is more likely to rape and pillage again?
If people value a rape and pillage free society, they will just not do business with people who rape and pillage.
Cause no one shops at Walmart, right? The vast majority of people will just buy the cheapest shit. Then complain that the corporations destroyed the environment.
And yes government is different than corporations. When was the last time a government dumped raw sewage in the water in the name of profit?
When was the last time a corporation was able to tax citizens because of an annual loss?
Just when I thought Honda couldn't be any more of an ignorant dipshit, he proves me wrong. Fuck man. You're part of the problem. Too bad you and those like you can't just commit mass suicide all at once.
Here's the thing, Hyundai. Yes, that city is a bigger shithole than anywhere in America. But a country's type of government is not the biggest determinant of standard of living. Culture, work ethic, habits, problem-solving, ability to obtain resources, etc...those are the things that make up our quality of life.
Just like how that city in India is considered a better place to live than other places in India, America would be a much better place too with a government that has a smaller or non-existent role.
If you like rivers that catch on fire, sewage in the water, terrible smog, no infrastructure, etc.
Shut the fuck up. America is great right now. Seriously, what's so intrusive about the government right now that you can't live your life as you want?
The way you worded your question makes it difficult to answer. It's not about me and what I can's about everyone and what we would all do in the absence of government. It's about free choice/free market/voluntarism (whatever you want to call it) being a more efficient and valuable method of solving problems because there is more accountability and flexibility. If we can solve our problems more efficiently, then we will have capacity to solve other problems, which means more problems overall get solved.
Nobody in America wants any of the things you listed. If government stopped addressing those issues, and didn't place any barriers on people trying to solve problems, then people would go out and solve those problems of their own free will. If nobody attempts to solve a certain problem, then it's either because:
A ) The problem isn't deemed worthy of solving by Americans, which means if government was solving it, then government wasn't doing it's job and reflecting the values of the people.
B ) There is not an efficient way to solve the problem or there are more valuable uses of the time and resources required to solve it, which means if government was solving it, then they were being wasteful.
The latter describes the reason there is a lack of problem-solving in countries like India. That's why nobody...not the free market, not the government...can solve some of the problems they face.
America, though, has gobs of resources, talent, and people with excess time and energy. That's why America can solve problems with government. But, it's also why we can solve problems without government.
Government hasn't invented anything, built anything, cleaned anything, or educated anyone. All of that gets done by people. Government just uses threats of (and actual) violence to influence people. So essentially, you're arguing that we need to threaten people with violence to get them to do things that make society better for people. I'm not saying that isn't a method that yields results, but it's less efficient.
Think about it...if the vast majority of Americans want children to get an education and go to school, why the hell would we need to use violence/coercion on everyone to influence them to do specific things (pay taxes, acquire jobs, construct buildings, etc) that result in the current school system we have today?
The point is that just because government takes charge on solving a certain problem, it doesn't mean that it's the only way. For example, we often ignore free market solutions (how many people have taken action to lower their carbon footprint, donate to charity, or clean up a park?). Also, when government steps in to solve a problem, it decreases/eliminates the incentives people have to address the issue of their own free will, sometimes by making it illegal to do so, but almost always by lessening the problem enough that diminishing returns do not make any additional investments worthwhile (sunk cost).
If the government passed a law stating that we all need to start paying 5% more in taxes to give to people to make soap and distribute to everyone, would you then say we shouldn't get rid of the soap tax because otherwise there would be no way for people to obtain soap?
Read the bold parts if TLDR. And before you ask, yes, I do need to get laid.
I have to keep my word count down so I don't go over the limit. Here is the message, I'll type it slowly so you understand.
If the government doesn't rule the country, then big business will. Big business are not people, my friend. And will rape and pillage the environment and anything else they can to make a profit.
Holy Berniebro...
So you disagree that, if given the opportunity, corporations won't rape and pillage? Corporations need free will to invent, improve, etc. But they also need to be provided some rules or they will take advantage of everything and let the country rot. Basically like India.
Until another company comes in and decides to get their piece of the pie which in turn lowers prices and margins. Funny how that works.
And destroy the environment to provide lower prices. Funny how that works.
Haven't we gone over this. We need to be environmentally responsible but at to what level? In a global economy, we can't willingly put large disadvantages to our economy when other countries don't play by the same rules. We're no china or India, but we also can't be Sweden or Switzerland, we have too much infrastructure. Hth
Also, is that the liberal MO? When I'm getting destroyed I throw out the environment card so I look like a care? Why is Hondo weak?
Ah the anti government people just showed up. I like it. Yes government is shitty. Yes taxes suck. Yes some regulations are bullshit. But this is a fact: Government is a necessary evil. I'm with ya on arguing that government is too intrusive and other shit. But you can't argue that corporations will act in the people's best interest.
Ah the anti government people just showed up. I like it. Yes government is shitty. Yes taxes suck. Yes some regulations are bullshit. But this is a fact: Government is a necessary evil. I'm with ya on arguing that government is too intrusive and other shit. But you can't argue that corporations will act in the people's best interest.
This entire thread you argued that our government isn't too intrusive, now it is? I'm glad you finally agree.
Ah the anti government people just showed up. I like it. Yes government is shitty. Yes taxes suck. Yes some regulations are bullshit. But this is a fact: Government is a necessary evil. I'm with ya on arguing that government is too intrusive and other shit. But you can't argue that corporations will act in the people's best interest.
This entire thread you argued that our government isn't too intrusive, now it is? I'm glad you finally agree.
And yeah, I get it...they have no sewage! There's traffic problems! Sure, every city has problems...especially in India. And honestly, they do get the sewage out via transportation, and could form a sewage system once it's profitably.
But how can you argue with the fact that so many people in India are eager to move there? It's obviously less of a shithole than all the cities that have a functional government in that country.
It's the same shit with Somalia...Somalia is a shithole, sure...but it's become LESS of a shithole since the government was all but dismantled. That's what people fail to look at...
There are no profitable sewage systems. Some Government is needed.
Pointing to shitholes like Somalia and parts of India and how they may be a little less shitty to live in than their neighbors with the same functioning government doesn't prove anything.
There will indeed need to be some sort of hybrid economy. Capitalism is all based on growth. If it can't grow, it implodes. There are only so many resources on this planet and eventually growth will stop.
Natural resources are commodities, the prices of which are held in check by supply and demand. Scarcity of resources is a check on resource depletion. As the supply lessens, price goes up until it becomes prohibitively expensive for that resource to be used in any profitable venture. The market is then forced to come up with a more viable alternative. We saw this when the scarcity of wood drove the market to respond with the industrial revolution in the 1800s. It will happen again with oil.
Just when I thought Honda couldn't be any more of an ignorant dipshit, he proves me wrong. Fuck man. You're part of the problem. Too bad you and those like you can't just commit mass suicide all at once.
The government can usurp their ability to defend themselves and commit mass genocide, though.
His highest Tax bracket was low 50's and almost everyone's taxes would not have gone up at all actually
Quick name a socialist regime in power that was honest? Can't run Bernies plan on 50%. As I've said to others if you want to give away money I'll willingly accept it.
His highest Tax bracket was low 50's and almost everyone's taxes would not have gone up at all actually
Quick name a socialist regime in power that was honest? Can't run Bernies plan on 50%. As I've said to others if you want to give away money I'll willingly accept it.
His highest Tax bracket was low 50's and almost everyone's taxes would not have gone up at all actually
Quick name a socialist regime in power that was honest? Can't run Bernies plan on 50%. As I've said to others if you want to give away money I'll willingly accept it.
Just when I thought Honda couldn't be any more of an ignorant dipshit, he proves me wrong. Fuck man. You're part of the problem. Too bad you and those like you can't just commit mass suicide all at once.
Invite Sledog to the suicide party, and everyone is happy.
Ah the anti government people just showed up. I like it. Yes government is shitty. Yes taxes suck. Yes some regulations are bullshit. But this is a fact: Government is a necessary evil. I'm with ya on arguing that government is too intrusive and other shit. But you can't argue that corporations will act in the people's best interest.
This entire thread you argued that our government isn't too intrusive, now it is? I'm glad you finally agree.
Why do you hate facts?
Capitalism has the money for the government to tax to clean the air and water and the entities to hold accountable for the air and water.
The government won't hold itself accountable
Also, is that the liberal MO? When I'm getting destroyed I throw out the environment card so I look like a care? Why is Hondo weak?
Your turn.
Name a capitalist regime that was honest.
Hondo is out for the count