Anyone remember when even liberals were TUFF and they would smash your face in after pulling a double shift on the line in Saginaw or after 12 hours in the woods on the penisula? Now they go to trendy coffee shops and talk about their fake indignation over women getting paid less for the same work and trannies not having equal rights to shitters. We are Charmin soft.
Anyone remember when even liberals were TUFF and they would smash your face in after pulling a double shift on the line in Saginaw or after 12 hours in the woods on the penisula? Now they go to trendy coffee shops and talk about their fake indignation over women getting paid less for the same work and trannies not having equal rights to shitters. We are Charmin soft.
Anyone remember when even liberals were TUFF and they would smash your face in after pulling a double shift on the line in Saginaw or after 12 hours in the woods on the penisula? Now they go to trendy coffee shops and talk about their fake indignation over women getting paid less for the same work and trannies not having equal rights to shitters. We are Charmin soft.
Anyone remember when even liberals were TUFF and they would smash your face in after pulling a double shift on the line in Saginaw or after 12 hours in the woods on the penisula? Now they go to trendy coffee shops and talk about their fake indignation over women getting paid less for the same work and trannies not having equal rights to shitters. We are Charmin soft.
Eyes not rapey enough. Glasses. Eyebrows too effeminate. Hot cocoa. Hair too curly.
He is correct though. We are a bunch of pussies. I would bet my trailer that half the people on this bored have never been in a fist fight. You can probably count on one hand the number that have been in five or more. Not that you should go around kicking everyone's ass, but not shrinking from confrontation teaches you something about life. Now we have safe spaces and everyone is worried about micro aggression. It's fucking pathetic. I hope we never have to have another serious business mobilize the entire country kind of war, because we'd lose.
Love you as always. Now my fucktard logging town in the 80s. Be good with your fists. We actually parked our rigs in front of the high school with guns on the racks. Nobody died. If you squared off in Jubilee Park, you shook hands at the end.
My brother was a badass. So I had to maintain. Had at least 6 of those in Jr. High. High school was like a movie. I was big but didn't wear Carhart and listened to the talking heads and The Replacements. And I was kinda pretty. At least 5-6 fistfights a year in high school.
And nobody died. And I man hug and laugh it out with those guys.
Is that a better America than the one we have now?
Get in a fistfight. Just once. Learn to box. Be a man
Jesus. What happened?
You sound like a pussy faggot who got his ass beat.
Sad but true
Also, too millennial.