“He’s onto something, because secretly everybody’s getting tired of political correctness, kissing up,” Mr. Eastwood, 86, told Esquire magazine in an interview published Wednesday. “That’s the kiss-ass generation we’re in right now. We’re really in a pussy generation. Everybody’s walking on eggshells.”
“We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those things weren’t called racist,” he continued. “And then when I did ‘Gran Torino,’ even my associate said, ‘This is a really good script, but it’s politically incorrect.’ And I said, ‘Good. Let me read it tonight.’ The next morning, I came in and I threw it on his desk and I said, ‘We’re starting this immediately.’”
I fucking love Clint Eastwood. And he's right. We're living in a pussy generation.
I fucking love Clint Eastwood. And he's right. We're living in a pussy generation.
This is a woosh, right? Trump is by far the biggest fucking crying pussy in the election.
He might be less politically correct, but he is a much bigger pussy.
Is this a double-reverse woosh? Everyone is crying, sure but nobody is crying harder than Trump haters. There has been an unprecedented amount of attacks on Trump this election. More than any presidential candidate in history.
There's an unprecedented amount of attacks due to the unprecedented stupidity of the candidate. He gets what he deserves.
He is correct though. We are a bunch of pussies. I would bet my trailer that half the people on this bored have never been in a fist fight. You can probably count on one hand the number that have been in five or more. Not that you should go around kicking everyone's ass, but not shrinking from confrontation teaches you something about life. Now we have safe spaces and everyone is worried about micro aggression. It's fucking pathetic. I hope we never have to have another serious business mobilize the entire country kind of war, because we'd lose.
Why do you think most of the 7-11's have gone the way of the dinosaurs?
"Trump acts different than what I'm used to seeing in a presidential candidate. Therefore, he must be acting stupid."
Either way, people are crying about him. "I'm gonna move to Canada if he gets elected." Lol...pussies...oh, and why does nobody say they'll move to mexico? Let me guess, because you know Mexico is a shit hole but don't want to say it because then you'll be racist like Trump.
He is correct though. We are a bunch of pussies. I would bet my trailer that half the people on this bored have never been in a fist fight. You can probably count on one hand the number that have been in five or more. Not that you should go around kicking everyone's ass, but not shrinking from confrontation teaches you something about life. Now we have safe spaces and everyone is worried about micro aggression. It's fucking pathetic. I hope we never have to have another serious business mobilize the entire country kind of war, because we'd lose.
Love you as always. Now my fucktard logging town in the 80s. Be good with your fists. We actually parked our rigs in front of the high school with guns on the racks. Nobody died. If you squared off in Jubilee Park, you shook hands at the end.
My brother was a badass. So I had to maintain. Had at least 6 of those in Jr. High. High school was like a movie. I was big but didn't wear Carhart and listened to the talking heads and The Replacements. And I was kinda pretty. At least 5-6 fistfights a year in high school.
And nobody died. And I man hug and laugh it out with those guys.
Is that a better America than the one we have now?
Get in a fistfight. Just once. Learn to box. Be a man
I fucking love Clint Eastwood. And he's right. We're living in a pussy generation.
This is a woosh, right? Trump is by far the biggest fucking crying pussy in the election.
He might be less politically correct, but he is a much bigger pussy.
Is this a double-reverse woosh? Everyone is crying, sure but nobody is crying harder than Trump haters. There has been an unprecedented amount of attacks by Trump this election. More than any presidential candidate in history.
He is correct though. We are a bunch of pussies. I would bet my trailer that half the people on this bored have never been in a fist fight. You can probably count on one hand the number that have been in five or more. Not that you should go around kicking everyone's ass, but not shrinking from confrontation teaches you something about life. Now we have safe spaces and everyone is worried about micro aggression. It's fucking pathetic. I hope we never have to have another serious business mobilize the entire country kind of war, because we'd lose.
Love you as always. Now my fucktard logging town in the 80s. Be good with your fists. We actually parked our rigs in front of the high school with guns on the racks. Nobody died. If you squared off in Jubilee Park, you shook hands at the end.
My brother was a badass. So I had to maintain. Had at least 6 of those in Jr. High. High school was like a movie. I was big but didn't wear Carhart and listened to the talking heads and The Replacements. And I was kinda pretty. At least 5-6 fistfights a year in high school.
And nobody died. And I man hug and laugh it out with those guys.
Is that a better America than the one we have now?
Get in a fistfight. Just once. Learn to box. Be a man
He is correct though. We are a bunch of pussies. I would bet my trailer that half the people on this bored have never been in a fist fight. You can probably count on one hand the number that have been in five or more. Not that you should go around kicking everyone's ass, but not shrinking from confrontation teaches you something about life. Now we have safe spaces and everyone is worried about micro aggression. It's fucking pathetic. I hope we never have to have another serious business mobilize the entire country kind of war, because we'd lose.
Love you as always. Now my fucktard logging town in the 80s. Be good with your fists. We actually parked our rigs in front of the high school with guns on the racks. Nobody died. If you squared off in Jubilee Park, you shook hands at the end.
My brother was a badass. So I had to maintain. Had at least 6 of those in Jr. High. High school was like a movie. I was big but didn't wear Carhart and listened to the talking heads and The Replacements. And I was kinda pretty. At least 5-6 fistfights a year in high school.
And nobody died. And I man hug and laugh it out with those guys.
Is that a better America than the one we have now?
Get in a fistfight. Just once. Learn to box. Be a man
I fucking love Clint Eastwood. And he's right. We're living in a pussy generation.
This is a woosh, right? Trump is by far the biggest fucking crying pussy in the election.
He might be less politically correct, but he is a much bigger pussy.
Is this a double-reverse woosh? Everyone is crying, sure but nobody is crying harder than Trump haters. There has been an unprecedented amount of attacks on Trump this election. More than any presidential candidate in history.
Yes, I've been saying this for weeks... think about the fact that some of his biggest and most vocal haters are members of his own party. He is a fucking idiot.
It is unprecedented that so many prominent members of a party hate their party's candidate. That is the amazing part in all of this. You expect (D)s to hate him, but a huge % of (R)s hate him even more.
Never in modern history, have so many prominent (R)s hated their party's candidate so much, they they have publicly stated that they intend to vote (D) in this election.
I fucking love Clint Eastwood. And he's right. We're living in a pussy generation.
This is a woosh, right? Trump is by far the biggest fucking crying pussy in the election.
He might be less politically correct, but he is a much bigger pussy.
Is this a double-reverse woosh? Everyone is crying, sure but nobody is crying harder than Trump haters. There has been an unprecedented amount of attacks on Trump this election. More than any presidential candidate in history.
Yes, I've been saying this for weeks... think about the fact that some of his biggest and most vocal haters are members of his own party. He is a fucking idiot.
It is unprecedented that so many prominent members of a party hate their party's candidate. That is the amazing part in all of this. You expect (D)s to hate him, but a huge % of (R)s hate him even more.
Never in modern history, have so many prominent (R)s hated their party's candidate so much, they they have publicly stated that they intend to vote (D) in this election.
If a large percentage of democrats don't hate Hillary it speaks volumes
He is correct though. We are a bunch of pussies. I would bet my trailer that half the people on this bored have never been in a fist fight. You can probably count on one hand the number that have been in five or more. Not that you should go around kicking everyone's ass, but not shrinking from confrontation teaches you something about life. Now we have safe spaces and everyone is worried about micro aggression. It's fucking pathetic. I hope we never have to have another serious business mobilize the entire country kind of war, because we'd lose.
Love you as always. Now my fucktard logging town in the 80s. Be good with your fists. We actually parked our rigs in front of the high school with guns on the racks. Nobody died. If you squared off in Jubilee Park, you shook hands at the end.
My brother was a badass. So I had to maintain. Had at least 6 of those in Jr. High. High school was like a movie. I was big but didn't wear Carhart and listened to the talking heads and The Replacements. And I was kinda pretty. At least 5-6 fistfights a year in high school.
And nobody died. And I man hug and laugh it out with those guys.
Is that a better America than the one we have now?
Get in a fistfight. Just once. Learn to box. Be a man
I fucking love Clint Eastwood. And he's right. We're living in a pussy generation.
This is a woosh, right? Trump is by far the biggest fucking crying pussy in the election.
He might be less politically correct, but he is a much bigger pussy.
Is this a double-reverse woosh? Everyone is crying, sure but nobody is crying harder than Trump haters. There has been an unprecedented amount of attacks on Trump this election. More than any presidential candidate in history.
Yes, I've been saying this for weeks... think about the fact that some of his biggest and most vocal haters are members of his own party. He is a fucking idiot.
It is unprecedented that so many prominent members of a party hate their party's candidate. That is the amazing part in all of this. You expect (D)s to hate him, but a huge % of (R)s hate him even more.
Never in modern history, have so many prominent (R)s hated their party's candidate so much, they they have publicly stated that they intend to vote (D) in this election.
A large percentage of democrats hate Hillary less than the other alternatives.
I fucking love Clint Eastwood. And he's right. We're living in a pussy generation.
This is a woosh, right? Trump is by far the biggest fucking crying pussy in the election.
He might be less politically correct, but he is a much bigger pussy.
Is this a double-reverse woosh? Everyone is crying, sure but nobody is crying harder than Trump haters. There has been an unprecedented amount of attacks on Trump this election. More than any presidential candidate in history.
Yes, I've been saying this for weeks... think about the fact that some of his biggest and most vocal haters are members of his own party. He is a fucking idiot.
It is unprecedented that so many prominent members of a party hate their party's candidate. That is the amazing part in all of this. You expect (D)s to hate him, but a huge % of (R)s hate him even more.
Never in modern history, have so many prominent (R)s hated their party's candidate so much, they they have publicly stated that they intend to vote (D) in this election.
If a large percentage of democrats don't hate Hillary it speaks volumes
He is correct though. We are a bunch of pussies. I would bet my trailer that half the people on this bored have never been in a fist fight. You can probably count on one hand the number that have been in five or more. Not that you should go around kicking everyone's ass, but not shrinking from confrontation teaches you something about life. Now we have safe spaces and everyone is worried about micro aggression. It's fucking pathetic. I hope we never have to have another serious business mobilize the entire country kind of war, because we'd lose.
Love you as always. Now my fucktard logging town in the 80s. Be good with your fists. We actually parked our rigs in front of the high school with guns on the racks. Nobody died. If you squared off in Jubilee Park, you shook hands at the end.
My brother was a badass. So I had to maintain. Had at least 6 of those in Jr. High. High school was like a movie. I was big but didn't wear Carhart and listened to the talking heads and The Replacements. And I was kinda pretty. At least 5-6 fistfights a year in high school.
And nobody died. And I man hug and laugh it out with those guys.
Is that a better America than the one we have now?
Get in a fistfight. Just once. Learn to box. Be a man
I fucking love Clint Eastwood. And he's right. We're living in a pussy generation.
This is a woosh, right? Trump is by far the biggest fucking crying pussy in the election.
He might be less politically correct, but he is a much bigger pussy.
Is this a double-reverse woosh? Everyone is crying, sure but nobody is crying harder than Trump haters. There has been an unprecedented amount of attacks on Trump this election. More than any presidential candidate in history.
Yes, I've been saying this for weeks... think about the fact that some of his biggest and most vocal haters are members of his own party. He is a fucking idiot.
It is unprecedented that so many prominent members of a party hate their party's candidate. That is the amazing part in all of this. You expect (D)s to hate him, but a huge % of (R)s hate him even more.
Never in modern history, have so many prominent (R)s hated their party's candidate so much, they they have publicly stated that they intend to vote (D) in this election.
If a large percentage of democrats don't hate Hillary it speaks volumes
Getting into this whole discussion about which side supports who is pointless. All of a sudden, the opinions of Republicans are suddenly important even though most of you denouncing Trump have probably spent years stating the opposite? Normally you'd be using Republican support for something as a reason to be against it.
I agree with Race. Back to the topic at hand, pussies.
Getting into this whole discussion about which side supports who is pointless. All of a sudden, the opinions of Republicans are suddenly important even though most of you denouncing Trump have probably spent years stating the opposite? Normally you'd be using Republican support for something as a reason to be against it.
I agree with Race. Back to the topic at hand, pussies.
We're on topic. We're taking about how Trump is a pussy.
Anyone remember when even liberals were TUFF and they would smash your face in after pulling a double shift on the line in Saginaw or after 12 hours in the woods on the penisula? Now they go to trendy coffee shops and talk about their fake indignation over women getting paid less for the same work and trannies not having equal rights to shitters. We are Charmin soft.
My grandma's boyfriend was the epitome of that. I found this shotgun under his bed when I was about nine and my mom flipped out. It was awesome. He would be 100 now (or more) if he were still alive. People who lived through the depression were tough.
He is correct though. We are a bunch of pussies. I would bet my trailer that half the people on this bored have never been in a fist fight. You can probably count on one hand the number that have been in five or more. Not that you should go around kicking everyone's ass, but not shrinking from confrontation teaches you something about life. Now we have safe spaces and everyone is worried about micro aggression. It's fucking pathetic. I hope we never have to have another serious business mobilize the entire country kind of war, because we'd lose.
Love you as always. Now my fucktard logging town in the 80s. Be good with your fists. We actually parked our rigs in front of the high school with guns on the racks. Nobody died. If you squared off in Jubilee Park, you shook hands at the end.
My brother was a badass. So I had to maintain. Had at least 6 of those in Jr. High. High school was like a movie. I was big but didn't wear Carhart and listened to the talking heads and The Replacements. And I was kinda pretty. At least 5-6 fistfights a year in high school.
And nobody died. And I man hug and laugh it out with those guys.
Is that a better America than the one we have now?
Get in a fistfight. Just once. Learn to box. Be a man
Either way, people are crying about him. "I'm gonna move to Canada if he gets elected." Lol...pussies...oh, and why does nobody say they'll move to mexico? Let me guess, because you know Mexico is a shit hole but don't want to say it because then you'll be racist like Trump.
It is unprecedented that so many prominent members of a party hate their party's candidate. That is the amazing part in all of this. You expect (D)s to hate him, but a huge % of (R)s hate him even more.
Never in modern history, have so many prominent (R)s hated their party's candidate so much, they they have publicly stated that they intend to vote (D) in this election.
That is the difference.
I agree with Race. Back to the topic at hand, pussies.