By the way, the tax rate on the top 1% that Bernie is proposing, is still below the rate paid by that group during the Eisenhower administration... and I've never heard anybody call Eisenhower's policies communist.
You're a good little freeshitter aren't you? It's almost as if you're dumber than a sack of rocks and will just parrot any old bullshit you're told as long as it demonizes someone who has more than you. Stop wanting some imaginary force in the government to equalize things for you, get off your retarded lazy ass and make it happen for yourself.
But it's totally moot. Single-payer is one of the most unachievable policies out there.
Majority of Americans support a policy. Policy is completely unachievable. Candidate says system is rigged, need a political revolution. Candidate is unelectable.
Tell me again about how we're the greatest nation on earth. Lol.
Do you want a real answer on why single-payer is not feasible, or are you just here to bitch and moan about the status quo?
By the way, the tax rate on the top 1% that Bernie is proposing, is still below the rate paid by that group during the Eisenhower administration... and I've never heard anybody call Eisenhower's policies communist.
get off your retarded lazy ass and make it happen for yourself.
Huh? 8 years at MSFT, 5 at TMobile, and 3 at Amazon as a highly paid software dev. I own 3 rental properties in Seattle.
Let's meet up and compare our respective balance sheets, and you'll see who has done more for themselves.
I actually care about the rest of my nation's citizens. I think everybody deserves health care, and wall street welfare needs to end. Bernie is the only candidate honest enough to make this happen.
By the way, the tax rate on the top 1% that Bernie is proposing, is still below the rate paid by that group during the Eisenhower administration... and I've never heard anybody call Eisenhower's policies communist.
get off your retarded lazy ass and make it happen for yourself.
Huh? 8 years at MSFT, 5 at TMobile, and 3 at Amazon as a highly paid software dev. I own 3 rental properties in Seattle.
Let's meet up and compare our respective balance sheets, and you'll see who has done more for themselves.
I actually care about the rest of my nation's citizens. I think everybody deserves health care, and wall street welfare needs to end. Bernie is the only candidate honest enough to make this happen.
In conclusion -- fuck off.
Thanks Chatch. Your forgot the little diddy about how you fucked his wife/gf with your diamond cutter erection though.
By the way, the tax rate on the top 1% that Bernie is proposing, is still below the rate paid by that group during the Eisenhower administration... and I've never heard anybody call Eisenhower's policies communist.
get off your retarded lazy ass and make it happen for yourself.
Huh? 8 years at MSFT, 5 at TMobile, and 3 at Amazon as a highly paid software dev. I own 3 rental properties in Seattle.
Let's meet up and compare our respective balance sheets, and you'll see who has done more for themselves.
I actually care about the rest of my nation's citizens. I think everybody deserves health care, and wall street welfare needs to end. Bernie is the only candidate honest enough to make this happen.
By the way, the tax rate on the top 1% that Bernie is proposing, is still below the rate paid by that group during the Eisenhower administration... and I've never heard anybody call Eisenhower's policies communist.
You're a good little freeshitter aren't you? It's almost as if you're dumber than a sack of rocks and will just parrot any old bullshit you're told as long as it demonizes someone who has more than you. Stop wanting some imaginary force in the government to equalize things for you, get off your retarded lazy ass and make it happen for yourself.
I know two people who are working 2 jobs and probably 50-65 hours a week and they're both professionals. One probably clears 90,000-110,000 in his primary job yet he still has to do this. They still have a lot of debt. I work a several 45-50 hour weeks per yr. It's a little more complicated than "Get off your ass you lazy lib cocksucker" in a lot of cases. Healthscare coverage skyrockets and people who have insurance still get screwed.
By the way, the tax rate on the top 1% that Bernie is proposing, is still below the rate paid by that group during the Eisenhower administration... and I've never heard anybody call Eisenhower's policies communist.
get off your retarded lazy ass and make it happen for yourself.
Huh? 8 years at MSFT, 5 at TMobile, and 3 at Amazon as a highly paid software dev. I own 3 rental properties in Seattle.
Let's meet up and compare our respective balance sheets, and you'll see who has done more for themselves.
I actually care about the rest of my nation's citizens. I think everybody deserves health care, and wall street welfare needs to end. Bernie is the only candidate honest enough to make this happen.
In conclusion -- fuck off.
So don't educate yourself. I don't give a fuck if you remain ignorant to the truth and continue believing that taxing the rich will do shit to help your? nation's citizens. Read the link I posted and the well educated responses below the article if you actually care. What's funny is you think you're intelligent because you wrote code and made a little money. In those 8 years you're so proud of, I generated more than $30,000,000 in tax revenue for your? nation's citizens. Do you think they were able to do more with that money or your 3 rental properties? Do you want to compare dick sizes too?
"With a $3.5 trillion annual budget, all the wealth of Bill Gates ($45B) would fund 1.3% (4.7 days) of the U.S. government. That's it. Not even one week. The 400 richest Americans, all their wealth, would fund the system for 100 days. There are 403 billionaires in the U.S., with a total net worth of $1.28 trillion.
The numbers haven't changed much. You might get 180 days by taking (not even taxing) all the money of the One Percent. Better to grow the economy for everyone than to merely seek some sort of "fairness" through taxes. Then what? The rich would be poor… and the nation, still broke." C.S. Wyatt
But it's totally moot. Single-payer is one of the most unachievable policies out there.
Majority of Americans support a policy. Policy is completely unachievable. Candidate says system is rigged, need a political revolution. Candidate is unelectable.
Tell me again about how we're the greatest nation on earth. Lol.
Do you want a real answer on why single-payer is not feasible, or are you just here to bitch and moan about the status quo?
By the way, the tax rate on the top 1% that Bernie is proposing, is still below the rate paid by that group during the Eisenhower administration... and I've never heard anybody call Eisenhower's policies communist.
You're a good little freeshitter aren't you? It's almost as if you're dumber than a sack of rocks and will just parrot any old bullshit you're told as long as it demonizes someone who has more than you. Stop wanting some imaginary force in the government to equalize things for you, get off your retarded lazy ass and make it happen for yourself.
I know two people who are working 2 jobs and probably 50-65 hours a week and they're both professionals. One probably clears 90,000-110,000 in his primary job yet he still has to do this. They still have a lot of debt. I work a several 45-50 hour weeks per yr. It's a little more complicated than "Get off your ass you lazy lib cocksucker" in a lot of cases. Healthscare coverage skyrockets and people who have insurance still get screwed.
Sorry for the threadjack.
You're not hijacking anything Bill and I appreciate the civil discourse. Of course it's more complicated than "Get off your ass you lazy lib cocksucker." My days start at 6:00 and don't end until roughly 8:00 so yeah I get the hard work and hours thing. I pay 100% of my employee's healthcare so I know about getting screwed. However, when some ignorant fuck starts spouting off bullshit about how the rich used to pay 95% taxes, I'm going to call that dumbfuck out and set the record straight. It's a lie designed to cause envy nothing more.
By the way, the tax rate on the top 1% that Bernie is proposing, is still below the rate paid by that group during the Eisenhower administration... and I've never heard anybody call Eisenhower's policies communist.
You're a good little freeshitter aren't you? It's almost as if you're dumber than a sack of rocks and will just parrot any old bullshit you're told as long as it demonizes someone who has more than you. Stop wanting some imaginary force in the government to equalize things for you, get off your retarded lazy ass and make it happen for yourself.
I know two people who are working 2 jobs and probably 50-65 hours a week and they're both professionals. One probably clears 90,000-110,000 in his primary job yet he still has to do this. They still have a lot of debt. I work a several 45-50 hour weeks per yr. It's a little more complicated than "Get off your ass you lazy lib cocksucker" in a lot of cases. Healthscare coverage skyrockets and people who have insurance still get screwed.
Sorry for the threadjack.
You're not hijacking anything Bill and I appreciate the civil discourse. Of course it's more complicated than "Get off your ass you lazy lib cocksucker." My days start at 6:00 and don't end until roughly 8:00 so yeah I get the hard work and hours thing. I pay 100% of my employee's healthcare so I know about getting screwed. However, when some ignorant fuck starts spouting off bullshit about how the rich used to pay 95% taxes, I'm going to call that dumbfuck out and set the record straight. It's a lie designed to cause envy nothing more.
You work hard, but still have plenty of time to hit a message board during the work day.
And who said the rich used to pay 95%? I said the tax rate under a former president used to be in that range. The fact that it was an incremental rate -- changes the argument not one iota. The same incremental process will be used today -- and so the tax rate on the wealthiest americans (whether your shriveled vagina needs to call it incremental) will be lower under Sanders than it was under Eisenhower.
So again, in conclusion -- fuck off.
(but if you want to meet up and compare our balance sheets -- the offer is still open)
By the way, the tax rate on the top 1% that Bernie is proposing, is still below the rate paid by that group during the Eisenhower administration... and I've never heard anybody call Eisenhower's policies communist.
You're a good little freeshitter aren't you? It's almost as if you're dumber than a sack of rocks and will just parrot any old bullshit you're told as long as it demonizes someone who has more than you. Stop wanting some imaginary force in the government to equalize things for you, get off your retarded lazy ass and make it happen for yourself.
I know two people who are working 2 jobs and probably 50-65 hours a week and they're both professionals. One probably clears 90,000-110,000 in his primary job yet he still has to do this. They still have a lot of debt. I work a several 45-50 hour weeks per yr. It's a little more complicated than "Get off your ass you lazy lib cocksucker" in a lot of cases. Healthscare coverage skyrockets and people who have insurance still get screwed.
Sorry for the threadjack.
You're not hijacking anything Bill and I appreciate the civil discourse. Of course it's more complicated than "Get off your ass you lazy lib cocksucker." My days start at 6:00 and don't end until roughly 8:00 so yeah I get the hard work and hours thing. I pay 100% of my employee's healthcare so I know about getting screwed. However, when some ignorant fuck starts spouting off bullshit about how the rich used to pay 95% taxes, I'm going to call that dumbfuck out and set the record straight. It's a lie designed to cause envy nothing more.
You work hard, but still have plenty of time to hit a message board during the work day.
And who said the rich used to pay 95%? I said the tax rate under a former president used to be in that range. The fact that it was an incremental rate -- changes the argument not one iota. The same incremental process will be used today -- and so the tax rate on the wealthiest americans (whether your shriveled vagina needs to call it incremental) will be lower under Sanders than it was under Eisenhower.
So again, in conclusion -- fuck off.
(but if you want to meet up and compare our balance sheets -- the offer is still open)
Backtrack all you want dumbfuck. You know how I know you have a millimeter peter? Guys with truly big ones don't feel the need to compare.
By the way, the tax rate on the top 1% that Bernie is proposing, is still below the rate paid by that group during the Eisenhower administration... and I've never heard anybody call Eisenhower's policies communist.
You're a good little freeshitter aren't you? It's almost as if you're dumber than a sack of rocks and will just parrot any old bullshit you're told as long as it demonizes someone who has more than you. Stop wanting some imaginary force in the government to equalize things for you, get off your retarded lazy ass and make it happen for yourself.
That article, while it does have a point that marginal rates are different than effective rate, is still fucktarded conservative lies. He references 1944. But what about the late 1950s when the top rate was 90% of the amounts over $100k. Then he uses tax receipts as a percentage of GDP and says it's been consistent. But 15% to 20% of GDP is a fucking large difference. That's like a trillion dollars.
Not to mention he ignores the fact that while rates went down later, we added other taxes like social security and Medicare, for example.
By the way, the tax rate on the top 1% that Bernie is proposing, is still below the rate paid by that group during the Eisenhower administration... and I've never heard anybody call Eisenhower's policies communist.
You're a good little freeshitter aren't you? It's almost as if you're dumber than a sack of rocks and will just parrot any old bullshit you're told as long as it demonizes someone who has more than you. Stop wanting some imaginary force in the government to equalize things for you, get off your retarded lazy ass and make it happen for yourself.
That article, while it does have a point that marginal rates are different than effective rate, is still fucktarded conservative lies. He references 1944. But what about the late 1950s when the top rate was 90% of the amounts over $100k. Then he uses tax receipts as a percentage of GDP and says it's been consistent. But 15% to 20% of GDP is a fucking large difference. That's like a trillion dollars.
Not to mention he ignores the fact that while rates went down later, we added other taxes like social security and Medicare, for example.
But it's totally moot. Single-payer is one of the most unachievable policies out there.
Majority of Americans support a policy. Policy is completely unachievable. Candidate says system is rigged, need a political revolution. Candidate is unelectable.
Tell me again about how we're the greatest nation on earth. Lol.
Do you want a real answer on why single-payer is not feasible, or are you just here to bitch and moan about the status quo?
You'd be the first person to offer a real answer.
Then I'll shoot.
Single-payer would first and foremost require an end to the massive medical insurance interests that exist in our country. There is simply way too much lobbying and campaign financing from these corporations to ever allow Congress to pass legislation that would effectively bankrupt their business in the United States. That alone makes single-payer a political non-starter. It's the entire reason Obamacare still caters to the industry; it would have never passed and near universal coverage would have never been achieved had it also ran counter to the interests of insurance companies.
Looking past that, there's also the hurdle (that we wouldn't even get to face until the insurance interests are magically erased from Congress) of how politically digestible single-payer would be to the electorate as a whole. While a majority of Americans may favor single-payer in theory (I don't actually know if that's true, but I'm taking your word for it), passing such a law would eliminate their current healthcare plan and start them over from scratch. That's a tough pill to swallow for every well-to-do American who already receives excellent healthcare coverage.
Then there's the issue of taxes, which would almost certainly have to be increased to finance a single-payer system. Of course, the rise in taxes would almost certainly be offset by the elimination of private healthcare premiums for a majority of Americans, but good luck convincing the electorate to make that connection and agree to a brand new payroll tax.
All of that combines for one impossible piece of legislation to push through. Bernie is promising rainbows and bullshit by even putting it on his platform.
...does this mean that you wingers that don't want single payer health care, and don't want your dads paying higher taxes... will become Hillary supporters?
If Trump's the GOP candidate I'm voting libertarian again. Trump is unpredictable as hell, I don't trust him to follow through with anything he's saying, good or bad.
Hillary is shady as fuck.
Bernies honest, but an honest commie is still a commie.
Fuck them all.
I like to compliment someone's honesty and then immediately be completely dishonest about their position. I like to do that.
I like to not be able to take a joke about my candidate, I like to do that.
...does this mean that you wingers that don't want single payer health care, and don't want your dads paying higher taxes... will become Hillary supporters?
If Trump's the GOP candidate I'm voting libertarian again. Trump is unpredictable as hell, I don't trust him to follow through with anything he's saying, good or bad.
Hillary is shady as fuck.
Bernies honest, but an honest commie is still a commie.
Fuck them all.
Bernie is a Democratic Socialist, not a Communist.
If you have to make up lies to make your point, you are doing nothing but exposing just how poor your point is.
No shit man. It's called a punchline. Pretty sure everyone here understands he's not a commie, d2d notwithstanding.
I respect Bernie's integrity. I don't respect his policies.
By the way, the tax rate on the top 1% that Bernie is proposing, is still below the rate paid by that group during the Eisenhower administration... and I've never heard anybody call Eisenhower's policies communist.
get off your retarded lazy ass and make it happen for yourself.
Huh? 8 years at MSFT, 5 at TMobile, and 3 at Amazon as a highly paid software dev. I own 3 rental properties in Seattle.
Let's meet up and compare our respective balance sheets, and you'll see who has done more for themselves.
I actually care about the rest of my nation's citizens. I think everybody deserves health care, and wall street welfare needs to end. Bernie is the only candidate honest enough to make this happen.
By the way, the tax rate on the top 1% that Bernie is proposing, is still below the rate paid by that group during the Eisenhower administration... and I've never heard anybody call Eisenhower's policies communist.
get off your retarded lazy ass and make it happen for yourself.
Huh? 8 years at MSFT, 5 at TMobile, and 3 at Amazon as a highly paid software dev. I own 3 rental properties in Seattle.
Let's meet up and compare our respective balance sheets, and you'll see who has done more for themselves.
I actually care about the rest of my nation's citizens. I think everybody deserves health care, and wall street welfare needs to end. Bernie is the only candidate honest enough to make this happen.
In conclusion -- fuck off.
The numbers haven't changed much. You might get 180 days by taking (not even taxing) all the money of the One Percent. Better to grow the economy for everyone than to merely seek some sort of "fairness" through taxes. Then what? The rich would be poor… and the nation, still broke." C.S. Wyatt
You napkin math is off by more than a factor of 10.
But it's totally moot. Single-payer is one of the most unachievable policies out there.
With medicare you could keep your doctor.
At this point we need to overhaul the system because we keep making it worse. People want those that can't afford care to get it. I do.
The question is how to do that while also allowing those that got good insurance from their job or union to keep it and keep the free choice of providers and care.
Obamacare was written by insurance companies. They were the only winners. Everyone else lost.
If I actually thought we could eliminate insurance with single payer and bring back our level of care I could go for it. I don't have a lot of trust
...does this mean that you wingers that don't want single payer health care, and don't want your dads paying higher taxes... will become Hillary supporters?
If Trump's the GOP candidate I'm voting libertarian again. Trump is unpredictable as hell, I don't trust him to follow through with anything he's saying, good or bad.
Hillary is shady as fuck.
Bernies honest, but an honest commie is still a commie.
Fuck them all.
Bernie is a Democratic Socialist, not a Communist.
If you have to make up lies to make your point, you are doing nothing but exposing just how poor your point is.
No shit man. It's called a punchline. Pretty sure everyone here understands he's not a commie, d2d notwithstanding.
I respect Bernie's integrity. I don't respect his policies.
You can start by educating yourself on marginal tax rates vs. real rate of taxation. It's a myth that anyone actually paid anything REMOTELY close to the 90% rates you're regurgitating.
Let's meet up and compare our respective balance sheets, and you'll see who has done more for themselves.
I actually care about the rest of my nation's citizens. I think everybody deserves health care, and wall street welfare needs to end. Bernie is the only candidate honest enough to make this happen.
In conclusion -- fuck off.
Sorry for the threadjack.
"With a $3.5 trillion annual budget, all the wealth of Bill Gates ($45B) would fund 1.3% (4.7 days) of the U.S. government. That's it. Not even one week. The 400 richest Americans, all their wealth, would fund the system for 100 days. There are 403 billionaires in the U.S., with a total net worth of $1.28 trillion.
The numbers haven't changed much. You might get 180 days by taking (not even taxing) all the money of the One Percent. Better to grow the economy for everyone than to merely seek some sort of "fairness" through taxes. Then what? The rich would be poor… and the nation, still broke." C.S. Wyatt
And who said the rich used to pay 95%? I said the tax rate under a former president used to be in that range. The fact that it was an incremental rate -- changes the argument not one iota. The same incremental process will be used today -- and so the tax rate on the wealthiest americans (whether your shriveled vagina needs to call it incremental) will be lower under Sanders than it was under Eisenhower.
So again, in conclusion -- fuck off.
(but if you want to meet up and compare our balance sheets -- the offer is still open)
Not to mention he ignores the fact that while rates went down later, we added other taxes like social security and Medicare, for example.
Single-payer would first and foremost require an end to the massive medical insurance interests that exist in our country. There is simply way too much lobbying and campaign financing from these corporations to ever allow Congress to pass legislation that would effectively bankrupt their business in the United States. That alone makes single-payer a political non-starter. It's the entire reason Obamacare still caters to the industry; it would have never passed and near universal coverage would have never been achieved had it also ran counter to the interests of insurance companies.
Looking past that, there's also the hurdle (that we wouldn't even get to face until the insurance interests are magically erased from Congress) of how politically digestible single-payer would be to the electorate as a whole. While a majority of Americans may favor single-payer in theory (I don't actually know if that's true, but I'm taking your word for it), passing such a law would eliminate their current healthcare plan and start them over from scratch. That's a tough pill to swallow for every well-to-do American who already receives excellent healthcare coverage.
Then there's the issue of taxes, which would almost certainly have to be increased to finance a single-payer system. Of course, the rise in taxes would almost certainly be offset by the elimination of private healthcare premiums for a majority of Americans, but good luck convincing the electorate to make that connection and agree to a brand new payroll tax.
All of that combines for one impossible piece of legislation to push through. Bernie is promising rainbows and bullshit by even putting it on his platform.
I respect Bernie's integrity. I don't respect his policies.
Total wealth in the us = $85.9T
Top 1% own 34.6% of US wealth
85.9*.346 = $29.7T, or enough to run the US government for 8.5 years, or 17 times longer than you suggested.
At this point we need to overhaul the system because we keep making it worse. People want those that can't afford care to get it. I do.
The question is how to do that while also allowing those that got good insurance from their job or union to keep it and keep the free choice of providers and care.
Obamacare was written by insurance companies. They were the only winners. Everyone else lost.
If I actually thought we could eliminate insurance with single payer and bring back our level of care I could go for it. I don't have a lot of trust