the lighting is terrible, you need more natural light and a better iphone.
First generation iPad and pleather cover is a dead giveaway this picture is at least 3 years old.
That logo's not and I doubt splooge's ability to photoshop it in. Correct
OTOH, there's no chance the flat chested woman in the iPad picture has the rack in the original pic.
Next time you have a girls top off DNC (probably a once or twice a year thing if you are lucky) have her cross her arms and she the magic of the wonder bra look. Its not rocket science, Christ
I know you are being sarcastic, but the only top @dnc takes off is mine.
Cross your arms next time Tonto, so I can PM the pics to DJ.
We'll find out if Swaye truly has areolas the size of sand dollars.
Tough to tell. They blend in nicely with my skin.
So you're saying they're more like pepperonis Redskin?
the lighting is terrible, you need more natural light and a better iphone.
First generation iPad and pleather cover is a dead giveaway this picture is at least 3 years old.
That logo's not and I doubt splooge's ability to photoshop it in. Correct
OTOH, there's no chance the flat chested woman in the iPad picture has the rack in the original pic.
Next time you have a girls top off DNC (probably a once or twice a year thing if you are lucky) have her cross her arms and she the magic of the wonder bra look. Its not rocket science, Christ
I know you are being sarcastic, but the only top @dnc takes off is mine.
Cross your arms next time Tonto, so I can PM the pics to DJ.
We'll find out if Swaye truly has areolas the size of sand dollars.
Tough to tell. They blend in nicely with my skin.
So you're saying they're more like pepperonis Redskin?
Free Pub...notice the skin tone and compare to this photo with her shirt off crossing her arms. When I have a taint update I will be sure to update the bored.
Taking candid snap shots of someone vacuuming qualifies as grade A creepy.
I had permission but thanks for caring enough to post scplooogles <--------------</p>
That's even worse. "Hey Maria, I know i'm the resident gringo which probably terrifies you, but can you go about your day normally while i walk on the treadmill and i'm just going to take a few pictures of you. What's it for? Oh, nothing really, just want to put them up on the internet so some anonymous pervs can see how cool I am. Thanks Maria."
@dnc & @Swaye acting out Dances with Wolves, full gold.
Staff!!?? True??!!
Spooge probably shouldn't shower in the gym.