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Favorite Hardcore Husky screen name?



  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,541 Standard Supporter

    Most of you don't know what @priapism is, otherwise he'd get votes

    Or maybe @Doog_de_Jour if y'all knew the name is a play on a movie about a hot, young, bored housewife who gets a job at a brothel so she can indulge in her needs for rough sex
    And I thought nobody but me appreciated cinematic classics.

    I had been a lurker here for awhile, and when Derek’s sister passed away, I wanted to log in and express my condolences. I didn’t have an account yet and tried to think of a clever username. At the time I was slowly working my way through The Criterion Collection, and happened to be watching Belle de Jour. Inspiration struck, and here I am.

    Oh, which reminds me, one time somebody gave me shit about misspelling the name. I asked a friend of mine who speaks French and she explained “du jour” means “of the day” and “de jour” is more like “of the moment”. Designers will usually say a really hot handbag is the “accessory de jour” for example.

    So there you go.
    Disapoint. Thought there would be more rough naughty housewife sex in this post.
    There still can be....
  • NeGgaPlEaSeNeGgaPlEaSe Member Posts: 5,729

    Why talk about the best when we can talk about the worst?

    The worst names are:

    @brchco12 - Bronco 12, Bronchial Tubes, etc.

    @dnc - talk about fucking lazy.

    @TTJ - runner up to dnc for the 'this makes me want to die because this is an abbreviation of a dawgman message bored name and I know what's being abbreviated, kill me now' award. Fucking Kim's name was DawgDawgDawg, then just DDD, then 3D. You guys aren't embarrassed that you're on the same fucking trajectory? Jesus.

    @DHD - You just typed three letters. You know that right? Three fucking measly letters.

    @PurpleBaze - what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

    @BallSacked - Orange County douche version of an edgy name.

    @Houhusky - you couldn't even fucking capitalize the Husky? Fucking lazy bullshit.

    @haie - what kind of fucking name is that?

    @RoadDawg55 - You can choose any name and you recycle your 1998 AOL screen name?

    @greenblood - fucking okay, you're a duck. you bleed green, right? fuck.

    @AZDuck - Duck in Arizona. Clever. Go way far away. It's sad that Arizona has the internet in general, but this makes me sadder.

    @fivehundredmileDAWG - why the fuck is DAWG all caps? It's very dawgman-name to do that.

    @Tequilla - why the fuck is it spelled wrong? Nothing wrong with the name, but what's the fucking science behind that? I don't know Spanish, but I imagine if I did this would really annoy me. Fuck—it really annoys me now and I'm a SpanTard.

    @kh83 - what kind of fucking name is that? How am I supposed to remember when kh83 chimes in with its wisdom? It's like a password suggestion for midgets.

    @DeepSeaZ - talk about a fucking gay name.

    There are probably more, but I'm getting depressed at the dreckfest of naming.

    @HeretoBeatmyChest is a classic, though.

    I can even get a shout out here, original top 7 TSIO fanatic ... 🤦‍♂️
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