II've been fucking with dawgnews (fleenor) for almost 20 years. Guy was a dipshit then and still is. I was at practice everyday I saw the team, I saw who is good and who was s*****. I wrote articles for dawgman because Samek and Grinolds didn't know how many players were in a huddle.
And I got this fuck (Fleenor) posting shit about the team, from a different state. He's fucking Gary G-news. He and Yaledawg think they know about husky football, from 1000miles away. Biggest frauds on dawgman next to Kim and Eklund
BTW, Dave Samek is a good dude. He should fire Kim.
No, Dave is a band geek. Kim is just a geek. I tailgate with GIRLS. Kim tailgates with, um, a bunch of dawgman geeks,. Very similar to Anthony Michael Hall in "sixteen candles" when he brings Molly Ringwalds panties out of shitter stall. A bunch of geeks in awe. Leader of the geeks. Seriously, that's Kim. . PLEASE somebody post this pic. Kim couldn't sink his little weenie in a whorehouse.
No, Dave is a band geek. Kim is just a geek. I tailgate with GIRLS. Kim tailgates with, um, a bunch of dawgman geeks,. Very similar to Anthony Michael Hall in "sixteen candles" when he brings Molly Ringwalds panties out of shitter stall. A bunch of geeks in awe. Leader of the geeks. Seriously, that's Kim. . PLEASE somebody post this pic. Kim couldn't sink his little weenie in a whorehouse.
Also, who is coachnews? The man posts with a massive air of superiority but never posts anything of substance. Just vague anecdotes that he is in the know...but entirely irrelevant topics like when Slick Rick was let go or about Direct TV stuff. It's good fora chuckle but he just seems miserable. In fact all of the moderators on Dawgman just seem like a bunch of miserable, unhappy dudes. I don't get it.
You've obviously never taken a midnight stroll by Butler Cabin.