Should I cancel my reservation at the Holiday Inn in Houston East? Booked it Monday night just to get something in place, but can cancel up til Saturday
Airbnb seems to be the way to go, especially if you have other people you’re staying with. My buddies and I are going to be paying $50 a night apiece for a nice place, and we’ll all have our own beds
Love that you had to point out that you all have your own beds so as to not leave any loose ends. Then later comment about competitive Airbnb rape domination
#NoHomo #NotGayIfItsInAnAirBnB
I was merely trying to point out that we got a place with lots of sleeping space for $200 a night. Also, we’re humans of size who don’t fit in beds well with other humans of size
So lemon party at shit throats after the game? If they lost I’m not showing up.
Cherry bar is ridiculously fun if you like 80s music. Pinkerton BBQ is great. Continental club has a david bowie elvis birthday party tomorrow night. Highly recommended.
Last post. Breakfast klub is good but likely will be packed tighter than a frogs pussy. If you don't get there early just go to Harry's restaurant instead.
Last post. Breakfast klub is good but likely will be packed tighter than a frogs pussy. If you don't get there early just go to Harry's restaurant instead.
Last post. Breakfast klub is good but likely will be packed tighter than a frogs pussy. If you don't get there early just go to Harry's restaurant instead.
Didn’t actually look that dangerous while he drove around, but if I get shot I hope it’s after the game.