Mein Kampf: The socialist/fascist bible. Says it right on the cover. Just like the kkk/antifa are democrat brown boots.
The attempts by the weak minded libs on here to attach Trump to hitler are ridiculous and sophomoric. Just what you would expect from them. When they try to falsely align Trump to Russia, all I can think of is biden and hunter selling influence to the russians, chinese and ukrainians.
If rats are falsely accusing you of doing something, odds are it is they who are doing it.
When she was 25 years old she must have been unbearably cute
The rats on here think its cute that adults harass, threaten and scare a 3 year old with his father. They thought it was cute and justified to threaten Kavanaugh and his family and clearly learned nothing nor cared that they motivated a crazy person to attempt to kill Kavanaugh and his family. Some day the lefts violence is going to piss off the other side and they will regret it. It will be their own fault.
Let’s be perfectly clear. The real far left money is coming from foreign sources, and it’s not being reported, because fanatics in ShitHoleistan don’t really give a fuck about an IRS audit.
Those are the real spenders.
When my dad died and I got some of his stuff, he had a photo album with these cards in it.
Canada seems excited to welcome democrats with open arms. Well half of them at least.
It’s only a three hour drive, H. Go for it.