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Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over Again - While Media Says Exactly the Opposite.



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    TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680
    Combo Breaker 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Anniversary
    Sledog said:

    doogie said:

    AZDuck said:

    doogie said:

    AZDuck said:

    doogie said:

    Let's remember two months ago a today US Congressman Scalise was hunted down by a crazy Bernout and Huffpo featured a story with the headline, "Fuck Steve Scalise"

    NONE off you communist fuckers cared so, spare the righteous indignation.

    Bernie Sanders response to the Steve Scalise shooting:
    "I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign," Sanders said. "I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be: Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values."
    Donald Trump's latest response to the Chalottesville riots and murder:

    “You have people who are very fine people on both sides”

    And no, I don't care what some nutjob said on "" any more than I think that what the "Daily Stormer" said about the woman who was murdered this past weekend reflects the views of anyone on this bored (as far as I know).
    Yet, you and your communist Antifa friends laffed
    srsly, wtf. I don't even understand the poont you're trying to make. What are me and my Antifa frenz laughing at?
    He's playing the "both sides are bad" card, which means that people who are wannabe Nazis/Confederates are actually the victims here.
    Yet, you side with one. Why is that?
    I don't side with Antifa. Those assholes are annoying and they attempt to censor free speech.

    But following your logic, can I assume that you're a Nazi?
    The Nazi's will be the ones trying to sensor free speech and destroying and rewriting history.

    The Nazis were the guys at the rally carrying Nazi flags.
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    doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
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    TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680
    Combo Breaker 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Anniversary

    dnc said:

    AZDuck said:

    Alright, let's assume good faith on the part of our imaginary friend who supports conservative causes and thinks that General Lee was an awesome general (he was) and a generally good guy (also demonstrably true) and as a native Virginian deserves to be honored with a statue in Charlottesville. So he decides to go to the "Unite the Right" rally.

    When he gets there, the night before the rally, he sees this:


    Still, he was tired and just went straight to his hotel room and went to bed. Then, the next day, he gets up, goes to the fridge, then a shower, starts walking to the park, and sees this on his way"






    He also hears these people chanting "Blood and Soil," "the goyim know" and making Sieg Heil salutes unironically.

    Let's also leave aside that these are the groups that attended the rally:

    The Daily Stormer, the neo-Confederate League of the South, the National Policy Institute, and the National Socialist Movement. Other groups involved in the rally were the Ku Klux Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, the 3 Percenters, the Traditionalist Workers Party, Identity Evropa, the Oath Keepers, Vanguard America, the American Guard, the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia, the New York Light Foot Militia, the Virginia Minutemen Militia, the Nationalist Front, the Rise Above Movement, True Cascadia, and Anti-Communist Action. Prominent far-right figures in attendance included Richard B. Spencer, Baked Alaska, Augustus Invictus, David Duke, Nathan Damigo, Matthew Heimbach, Faith Goldy, Mike Enoch, League of the South founder Michael Hill, editor Daniel Friberg, former Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson, Daily Stormer writers Johnny Monoxide, self-described "white activist" and organizer Jason Kessler, and radio host Christopher Cantwell.

    If he decides to stick around march with these people, he's a racist piece of shit.

    CBS camera crews were assaulted and beaten by Antifa fucks, but left untouched by the groups you list above.

    And your problem with Faith Goldy is?
    Stop with the false equivalency bullshit.

    I'm a conservative, sort of a Republican. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life. I've lived in confederate states most of my life, for the past dozen years I've lived in MIssifuckingsippi.

    There is no equivalency here. The alt right fuckers are the problem. They embraced and donned symbols of oppression and racism, chanted hate, and fucking killed somebody. Screaming about the missteps of the other side in this is like intentionally running over your neighbors teenage daughter (pics?) in front of the neighborhood and then telling your neighbors to get off your case because the girl played One Direction loud at night. Yes, we all agree, One Direction sucks.

    But you're a fucking asshole. That's the much bigger issue here.
    It's not a false equivalency, nor even an equivalency. Someday you will have unpopular views or view considered offensive or horrible, and unless you're willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed solely for your views, you have to tolerate even the most despicable views of others to ensure your own protections when that day comes. Almost any veteran will say "I despise you and your views, but I will fight to the death to protect your right to have and speak them, because this is America." It's weird so many people have a problem with that.
    It's fucked up that people want to censor alt-right racist views.

    It's also fucked up to have alt-right racist views. Hundreds of thousands of Americans died to defeat this bullshit and assholes like you are pissing on them for their service.
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    doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
    First Anniversary 5 Awesomes First Comment 5 Up Votes
    edited August 2017
    It's also fucked up to have alt-left racist views.

    seems to me all this FREESPEECH talk depends on who is hearing the message After words have been spoken
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    TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680
    Combo Breaker 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Anniversary
    doogie said:

    It's also fucked up to have alt-left racist views.

    Stop pissing on the constitution.

    Go on... tell me what alt-left racist views are. I'll tell you if i have those views or not.
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    TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,769
    First Anniversary 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Comment
    dnc said:

    dnc said:

    AZDuck said:

    Alright, let's assume good faith on the part of our imaginary friend who supports conservative causes and thinks that General Lee was an awesome general (he was) and a generally good guy (also demonstrably true) and as a native Virginian deserves to be honored with a statue in Charlottesville. So he decides to go to the "Unite the Right" rally.

    When he gets there, the night before the rally, he sees this:


    Still, he was tired and just went straight to his hotel room and went to bed. Then, the next day, he gets up, goes to the fridge, then a shower, starts walking to the park, and sees this on his way"






    He also hears these people chanting "Blood and Soil," "the goyim know" and making Sieg Heil salutes unironically.

    Let's also leave aside that these are the groups that attended the rally:

    The Daily Stormer, the neo-Confederate League of the South, the National Policy Institute, and the National Socialist Movement. Other groups involved in the rally were the Ku Klux Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, the 3 Percenters, the Traditionalist Workers Party, Identity Evropa, the Oath Keepers, Vanguard America, the American Guard, the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia, the New York Light Foot Militia, the Virginia Minutemen Militia, the Nationalist Front, the Rise Above Movement, True Cascadia, and Anti-Communist Action. Prominent far-right figures in attendance included Richard B. Spencer, Baked Alaska, Augustus Invictus, David Duke, Nathan Damigo, Matthew Heimbach, Faith Goldy, Mike Enoch, League of the South founder Michael Hill, editor Daniel Friberg, former Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson, Daily Stormer writers Johnny Monoxide, self-described "white activist" and organizer Jason Kessler, and radio host Christopher Cantwell.

    If he decides to stick around march with these people, he's a racist piece of shit.

    CBS camera crews were assaulted and beaten by Antifa fucks, but left untouched by the groups you list above.

    And your problem with Faith Goldy is?
    Stop with the false equivalency bullshit.

    I'm a conservative, sort of a Republican. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life. I've lived in confederate states most of my life, for the past dozen years I've lived in MIssifuckingsippi.

    There is no equivalency here. The alt right fuckers are the problem. They embraced and donned symbols of oppression and racism, chanted hate, and fucking killed somebody. Screaming about the missteps of the other side in this is like intentionally running over your neighbors teenage daughter (pics?) in front of the neighborhood and then telling your neighbors to get off your case because the girl played One Direction loud at night. Yes, we all agree, One Direction sucks.

    But you're a fucking asshole. That's the much bigger issue here.
    It's not a false equivalency, nor even an equivalency. Someday you will have unpopular views or view considered offensive or horrible, and unless you're willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed solely for your views, you have to tolerate even the most despicable views of others to ensure your own protections when that day comes. Almost any veteran will say "I despise you and your views, but I will fight to the death to protect your right to have and speak them, because this is America." It's weird so many people have a problem with that.
    I have spent most of my life with unpopular views that many consider offensive and horrible.

    I'm willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed for those views.

    That doesn't mean I'm against the first amendment. I think those idiots had the right to assemble. I also think the rest of us have the right to hold them accountable for what transpired there.
    But you don't have to worry about that, thanks to the Bill of Rights.

    Otherwise agree about accountability. And that I'm a fucking asshole. Problem I have is when opposing groups embrace violence, which is not a protected right, to oppose speech and assembly, which is. The Constitution doesn't work that way. Violence begets violence (I didn't invent that phrase) and we pick up the tab.

    Better to let the Far Right Nazis speak and hoist themselves publicly on their own petards, diminishing their own strengths with their own offensive, unpopular words than to drive them back into the darkness to plot even worse offenses.
  • Options
    TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680
    Combo Breaker 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Anniversary

    dnc said:

    dnc said:

    AZDuck said:

    Alright, let's assume good faith on the part of our imaginary friend who supports conservative causes and thinks that General Lee was an awesome general (he was) and a generally good guy (also demonstrably true) and as a native Virginian deserves to be honored with a statue in Charlottesville. So he decides to go to the "Unite the Right" rally.

    When he gets there, the night before the rally, he sees this:


    Still, he was tired and just went straight to his hotel room and went to bed. Then, the next day, he gets up, goes to the fridge, then a shower, starts walking to the park, and sees this on his way"






    He also hears these people chanting "Blood and Soil," "the goyim know" and making Sieg Heil salutes unironically.

    Let's also leave aside that these are the groups that attended the rally:

    The Daily Stormer, the neo-Confederate League of the South, the National Policy Institute, and the National Socialist Movement. Other groups involved in the rally were the Ku Klux Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, the 3 Percenters, the Traditionalist Workers Party, Identity Evropa, the Oath Keepers, Vanguard America, the American Guard, the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia, the New York Light Foot Militia, the Virginia Minutemen Militia, the Nationalist Front, the Rise Above Movement, True Cascadia, and Anti-Communist Action. Prominent far-right figures in attendance included Richard B. Spencer, Baked Alaska, Augustus Invictus, David Duke, Nathan Damigo, Matthew Heimbach, Faith Goldy, Mike Enoch, League of the South founder Michael Hill, editor Daniel Friberg, former Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson, Daily Stormer writers Johnny Monoxide, self-described "white activist" and organizer Jason Kessler, and radio host Christopher Cantwell.

    If he decides to stick around march with these people, he's a racist piece of shit.

    CBS camera crews were assaulted and beaten by Antifa fucks, but left untouched by the groups you list above.

    And your problem with Faith Goldy is?
    Stop with the false equivalency bullshit.

    I'm a conservative, sort of a Republican. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life. I've lived in confederate states most of my life, for the past dozen years I've lived in MIssifuckingsippi.

    There is no equivalency here. The alt right fuckers are the problem. They embraced and donned symbols of oppression and racism, chanted hate, and fucking killed somebody. Screaming about the missteps of the other side in this is like intentionally running over your neighbors teenage daughter (pics?) in front of the neighborhood and then telling your neighbors to get off your case because the girl played One Direction loud at night. Yes, we all agree, One Direction sucks.

    But you're a fucking asshole. That's the much bigger issue here.
    It's not a false equivalency, nor even an equivalency. Someday you will have unpopular views or view considered offensive or horrible, and unless you're willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed solely for your views, you have to tolerate even the most despicable views of others to ensure your own protections when that day comes. Almost any veteran will say "I despise you and your views, but I will fight to the death to protect your right to have and speak them, because this is America." It's weird so many people have a problem with that.
    I have spent most of my life with unpopular views that many consider offensive and horrible.

    I'm willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed for those views.

    That doesn't mean I'm against the first amendment. I think those idiots had the right to assemble. I also think the rest of us have the right to hold them accountable for what transpired there.
    But you don't have to worry about that, thanks to the Bill of Rights.

    Otherwise agree about accountability. And that I'm a fucking asshole. Problem I have is when opposing groups embrace violence, which is not a protected right, to oppose speech and assembly, which is. The Constitution doesn't work that way. Violence begets violence (I didn't invent that phrase) and we pick up the tab.

    Better to let the Far Right Nazis speak and hoist themselves publicly on their own petards, diminishing their own strengths with their own offensive, unpopular words than to drive them back into the darkness to plot even worse offenses.
    Totally agree.

    We can close the thread now.
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    AZDuckAZDuck Member Posts: 15,381
    First Anniversary 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Answer

    dnc said:

    dnc said:

    AZDuck said:

    Alright, let's assume good faith on the part of our imaginary friend who supports conservative causes and thinks that General Lee was an awesome general (he was) and a generally good guy (also demonstrably true) and as a native Virginian deserves to be honored with a statue in Charlottesville. So he decides to go to the "Unite the Right" rally.

    When he gets there, the night before the rally, he sees this:


    Still, he was tired and just went straight to his hotel room and went to bed. Then, the next day, he gets up, goes to the fridge, then a shower, starts walking to the park, and sees this on his way"






    He also hears these people chanting "Blood and Soil," "the goyim know" and making Sieg Heil salutes unironically.

    Let's also leave aside that these are the groups that attended the rally:

    The Daily Stormer, the neo-Confederate League of the South, the National Policy Institute, and the National Socialist Movement. Other groups involved in the rally were the Ku Klux Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, the 3 Percenters, the Traditionalist Workers Party, Identity Evropa, the Oath Keepers, Vanguard America, the American Guard, the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia, the New York Light Foot Militia, the Virginia Minutemen Militia, the Nationalist Front, the Rise Above Movement, True Cascadia, and Anti-Communist Action. Prominent far-right figures in attendance included Richard B. Spencer, Baked Alaska, Augustus Invictus, David Duke, Nathan Damigo, Matthew Heimbach, Faith Goldy, Mike Enoch, League of the South founder Michael Hill, editor Daniel Friberg, former Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson, Daily Stormer writers Johnny Monoxide, self-described "white activist" and organizer Jason Kessler, and radio host Christopher Cantwell.

    If he decides to stick around march with these people, he's a racist piece of shit.

    CBS camera crews were assaulted and beaten by Antifa fucks, but left untouched by the groups you list above.

    And your problem with Faith Goldy is?
    Stop with the false equivalency bullshit.

    I'm a conservative, sort of a Republican. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life. I've lived in confederate states most of my life, for the past dozen years I've lived in MIssifuckingsippi.

    There is no equivalency here. The alt right fuckers are the problem. They embraced and donned symbols of oppression and racism, chanted hate, and fucking killed somebody. Screaming about the missteps of the other side in this is like intentionally running over your neighbors teenage daughter (pics?) in front of the neighborhood and then telling your neighbors to get off your case because the girl played One Direction loud at night. Yes, we all agree, One Direction sucks.

    But you're a fucking asshole. That's the much bigger issue here.
    It's not a false equivalency, nor even an equivalency. Someday you will have unpopular views or view considered offensive or horrible, and unless you're willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed solely for your views, you have to tolerate even the most despicable views of others to ensure your own protections when that day comes. Almost any veteran will say "I despise you and your views, but I will fight to the death to protect your right to have and speak them, because this is America." It's weird so many people have a problem with that.
    I have spent most of my life with unpopular views that many consider offensive and horrible.

    I'm willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed for those views.

    That doesn't mean I'm against the first amendment. I think those idiots had the right to assemble. I also think the rest of us have the right to hold them accountable for what transpired there.
    But you don't have to worry about that, thanks to the Bill of Rights.

    Otherwise agree about accountability. And that I'm a fucking asshole. Problem I have is when opposing groups embrace violence, which is not a protected right, to oppose speech and assembly, which is. The Constitution doesn't work that way. Violence begets violence (I didn't invent that phrase) and we pick up the tab.

    Better to let the Far Right Nazis speak and hoist themselves publicly on their own petards, diminishing their own strengths with their own offensive, unpopular words than to drive them back into the darkness to plot even worse offenses.
    Agree. But why did they bring guns, shields and clubs to their "assembly"?
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    CuntWaffleCuntWaffle Member Posts: 22,493
    First Anniversary 5 Fuck Offs 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes

    doogie said:

    It's also fucked up to have alt-left racist views.

    Stop pissing on the constitution.

    Go on... tell me what alt-left racist views are. I'll tell you if i have those views or not.
    The crazy psycho lefts like to abuse terms such as racist/sexist/homophobic as a fear tactic with anyone who doesn't align with their views 100%. While it isn't "racist" it is still super fucked up.
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    SwayeSwaye Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 41,079
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    Founders Club

    Swaye said:

    AZDuck said:

    Alright, let's assume good faith on the part of our imaginary friend who supports conservative causes and thinks that General Lee was an awesome general (he was) and a generally good guy (also demonstrably true) and as a native Virginian deserves to be honored with a statue in Charlottesville. So he decides to go to the "Unite the Right" rally.

    When he gets there, the night before the rally, he sees this:


    Still, he was tired and just went straight to his hotel room and went to bed. Then, the next day, he gets up, goes to the fridge, then a shower, starts walking to the park, and sees this on his way"






    He also hears these people chanting "Blood and Soil," "the goyim know" and making Sieg Heil salutes unironically.

    Let's also leave aside that these are the groups that attended the rally:

    The Daily Stormer, the neo-Confederate League of the South, the National Policy Institute, and the National Socialist Movement. Other groups involved in the rally were the Ku Klux Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, the 3 Percenters, the Traditionalist Workers Party, Identity Evropa, the Oath Keepers, Vanguard America, the American Guard, the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia, the New York Light Foot Militia, the Virginia Minutemen Militia, the Nationalist Front, the Rise Above Movement, True Cascadia, and Anti-Communist Action. Prominent far-right figures in attendance included Richard B. Spencer, Baked Alaska, Augustus Invictus, David Duke, Nathan Damigo, Matthew Heimbach, Faith Goldy, Mike Enoch, League of the South founder Michael Hill, editor Daniel Friberg, former Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson, Daily Stormer writers Johnny Monoxide, self-described "white activist" and organizer Jason Kessler, and radio host Christopher Cantwell.

    If he decides to stick around march with these people, he's a racist piece of shit.

    CBS camera crews were assaulted and beaten by Antifa fucks, but left untouched by the groups you list above.

    And your problem with Faith Goldy is?
    Wood smash*.

    *not with car
    Lips too Vaginal?
    Also known as perfect.
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    dncdnc Member Posts: 56,614
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Awesomes 5 Up Votes

    dnc said:

    dnc said:

    AZDuck said:

    Alright, let's assume good faith on the part of our imaginary friend who supports conservative causes and thinks that General Lee was an awesome general (he was) and a generally good guy (also demonstrably true) and as a native Virginian deserves to be honored with a statue in Charlottesville. So he decides to go to the "Unite the Right" rally.

    When he gets there, the night before the rally, he sees this:


    Still, he was tired and just went straight to his hotel room and went to bed. Then, the next day, he gets up, goes to the fridge, then a shower, starts walking to the park, and sees this on his way"






    He also hears these people chanting "Blood and Soil," "the goyim know" and making Sieg Heil salutes unironically.

    Let's also leave aside that these are the groups that attended the rally:

    The Daily Stormer, the neo-Confederate League of the South, the National Policy Institute, and the National Socialist Movement. Other groups involved in the rally were the Ku Klux Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, the 3 Percenters, the Traditionalist Workers Party, Identity Evropa, the Oath Keepers, Vanguard America, the American Guard, the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia, the New York Light Foot Militia, the Virginia Minutemen Militia, the Nationalist Front, the Rise Above Movement, True Cascadia, and Anti-Communist Action. Prominent far-right figures in attendance included Richard B. Spencer, Baked Alaska, Augustus Invictus, David Duke, Nathan Damigo, Matthew Heimbach, Faith Goldy, Mike Enoch, League of the South founder Michael Hill, editor Daniel Friberg, former Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson, Daily Stormer writers Johnny Monoxide, self-described "white activist" and organizer Jason Kessler, and radio host Christopher Cantwell.

    If he decides to stick around march with these people, he's a racist piece of shit.

    CBS camera crews were assaulted and beaten by Antifa fucks, but left untouched by the groups you list above.

    And your problem with Faith Goldy is?
    Stop with the false equivalency bullshit.

    I'm a conservative, sort of a Republican. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life. I've lived in confederate states most of my life, for the past dozen years I've lived in MIssifuckingsippi.

    There is no equivalency here. The alt right fuckers are the problem. They embraced and donned symbols of oppression and racism, chanted hate, and fucking killed somebody. Screaming about the missteps of the other side in this is like intentionally running over your neighbors teenage daughter (pics?) in front of the neighborhood and then telling your neighbors to get off your case because the girl played One Direction loud at night. Yes, we all agree, One Direction sucks.

    But you're a fucking asshole. That's the much bigger issue here.
    It's not a false equivalency, nor even an equivalency. Someday you will have unpopular views or view considered offensive or horrible, and unless you're willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed solely for your views, you have to tolerate even the most despicable views of others to ensure your own protections when that day comes. Almost any veteran will say "I despise you and your views, but I will fight to the death to protect your right to have and speak them, because this is America." It's weird so many people have a problem with that.
    I have spent most of my life with unpopular views that many consider offensive and horrible.

    I'm willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed for those views.

    That doesn't mean I'm against the first amendment. I think those idiots had the right to assemble. I also think the rest of us have the right to hold them accountable for what transpired there.
    But you don't have to worry about that, thanks to the Bill of Rights.

    Otherwise agree about accountability. And that I'm a fucking asshole. Problem I have is when opposing groups embrace violence, which is not a protected right, to oppose speech and assembly, which is. The Constitution doesn't work that way. Violence begets violence (I didn't invent that phrase) and we pick up the tab.

    Better to let the Far Right Nazis speak and hoist themselves publicly on their own petards, diminishing their own strengths with their own offensive, unpopular words than to drive them back into the darkness to plot even worse offenses.
    I'm not one who thinks it's a foregone conclusion the Bill of Rights will be in place, or at least enforced, throughout my lifetim. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. (EWIWBI!)

    If it's not, I'm prepared to stand for what I believe in anyway.

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    TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,769
    First Anniversary 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Comment
    AZDuck said:

    dnc said:

    dnc said:

    AZDuck said:

    Alright, let's assume good faith on the part of our imaginary friend who supports conservative causes and thinks that General Lee was an awesome general (he was) and a generally good guy (also demonstrably true) and as a native Virginian deserves to be honored with a statue in Charlottesville. So he decides to go to the "Unite the Right" rally.

    When he gets there, the night before the rally, he sees this:


    Still, he was tired and just went straight to his hotel room and went to bed. Then, the next day, he gets up, goes to the fridge, then a shower, starts walking to the park, and sees this on his way"






    He also hears these people chanting "Blood and Soil," "the goyim know" and making Sieg Heil salutes unironically.

    Let's also leave aside that these are the groups that attended the rally:

    The Daily Stormer, the neo-Confederate League of the South, the National Policy Institute, and the National Socialist Movement. Other groups involved in the rally were the Ku Klux Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, the 3 Percenters, the Traditionalist Workers Party, Identity Evropa, the Oath Keepers, Vanguard America, the American Guard, the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia, the New York Light Foot Militia, the Virginia Minutemen Militia, the Nationalist Front, the Rise Above Movement, True Cascadia, and Anti-Communist Action. Prominent far-right figures in attendance included Richard B. Spencer, Baked Alaska, Augustus Invictus, David Duke, Nathan Damigo, Matthew Heimbach, Faith Goldy, Mike Enoch, League of the South founder Michael Hill, editor Daniel Friberg, former Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson, Daily Stormer writers Johnny Monoxide, self-described "white activist" and organizer Jason Kessler, and radio host Christopher Cantwell.

    If he decides to stick around march with these people, he's a racist piece of shit.

    CBS camera crews were assaulted and beaten by Antifa fucks, but left untouched by the groups you list above.

    And your problem with Faith Goldy is?
    Stop with the false equivalency bullshit.

    I'm a conservative, sort of a Republican. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life. I've lived in confederate states most of my life, for the past dozen years I've lived in MIssifuckingsippi.

    There is no equivalency here. The alt right fuckers are the problem. They embraced and donned symbols of oppression and racism, chanted hate, and fucking killed somebody. Screaming about the missteps of the other side in this is like intentionally running over your neighbors teenage daughter (pics?) in front of the neighborhood and then telling your neighbors to get off your case because the girl played One Direction loud at night. Yes, we all agree, One Direction sucks.

    But you're a fucking asshole. That's the much bigger issue here.
    It's not a false equivalency, nor even an equivalency. Someday you will have unpopular views or view considered offensive or horrible, and unless you're willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed solely for your views, you have to tolerate even the most despicable views of others to ensure your own protections when that day comes. Almost any veteran will say "I despise you and your views, but I will fight to the death to protect your right to have and speak them, because this is America." It's weird so many people have a problem with that.
    I have spent most of my life with unpopular views that many consider offensive and horrible.

    I'm willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed for those views.

    That doesn't mean I'm against the first amendment. I think those idiots had the right to assemble. I also think the rest of us have the right to hold them accountable for what transpired there.
    But you don't have to worry about that, thanks to the Bill of Rights.

    Otherwise agree about accountability. And that I'm a fucking asshole. Problem I have is when opposing groups embrace violence, which is not a protected right, to oppose speech and assembly, which is. The Constitution doesn't work that way. Violence begets violence (I didn't invent that phrase) and we pick up the tab.

    Better to let the Far Right Nazis speak and hoist themselves publicly on their own petards, diminishing their own strengths with their own offensive, unpopular words than to drive them back into the darkness to plot even worse offenses.
    Agree. But why did they bring guns, shields and clubs to their "assembly"?
    Rather than speculate, why do you think they brought them? Intimidation? Protection?
    You'd have to ask them.
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    TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,769
    First Anniversary 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Comment
    edited August 2017
    .Fucked that one up.
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    AZDuckAZDuck Member Posts: 15,381
    First Anniversary 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Answer

    AZDuck said:

    dnc said:

    dnc said:

    AZDuck said:

    Alright, let's assume good faith on the part of our imaginary friend who supports conservative causes and thinks that General Lee was an awesome general (he was) and a generally good guy (also demonstrably true) and as a native Virginian deserves to be honored with a statue in Charlottesville. So he decides to go to the "Unite the Right" rally.

    When he gets there, the night before the rally, he sees this:


    Still, he was tired and just went straight to his hotel room and went to bed. Then, the next day, he gets up, goes to the fridge, then a shower, starts walking to the park, and sees this on his way"






    He also hears these people chanting "Blood and Soil," "the goyim know" and making Sieg Heil salutes unironically.

    Let's also leave aside that these are the groups that attended the rally:

    The Daily Stormer, the neo-Confederate League of the South, the National Policy Institute, and the National Socialist Movement. Other groups involved in the rally were the Ku Klux Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, the 3 Percenters, the Traditionalist Workers Party, Identity Evropa, the Oath Keepers, Vanguard America, the American Guard, the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia, the New York Light Foot Militia, the Virginia Minutemen Militia, the Nationalist Front, the Rise Above Movement, True Cascadia, and Anti-Communist Action. Prominent far-right figures in attendance included Richard B. Spencer, Baked Alaska, Augustus Invictus, David Duke, Nathan Damigo, Matthew Heimbach, Faith Goldy, Mike Enoch, League of the South founder Michael Hill, editor Daniel Friberg, former Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson, Daily Stormer writers Johnny Monoxide, self-described "white activist" and organizer Jason Kessler, and radio host Christopher Cantwell.

    If he decides to stick around march with these people, he's a racist piece of shit.

    CBS camera crews were assaulted and beaten by Antifa fucks, but left untouched by the groups you list above.

    And your problem with Faith Goldy is?
    Stop with the false equivalency bullshit.

    I'm a conservative, sort of a Republican. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life. I've lived in confederate states most of my life, for the past dozen years I've lived in MIssifuckingsippi.

    There is no equivalency here. The alt right fuckers are the problem. They embraced and donned symbols of oppression and racism, chanted hate, and fucking killed somebody. Screaming about the missteps of the other side in this is like intentionally running over your neighbors teenage daughter (pics?) in front of the neighborhood and then telling your neighbors to get off your case because the girl played One Direction loud at night. Yes, we all agree, One Direction sucks.

    But you're a fucking asshole. That's the much bigger issue here.
    It's not a false equivalency, nor even an equivalency. Someday you will have unpopular views or view considered offensive or horrible, and unless you're willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed solely for your views, you have to tolerate even the most despicable views of others to ensure your own protections when that day comes. Almost any veteran will say "I despise you and your views, but I will fight to the death to protect your right to have and speak them, because this is America." It's weird so many people have a problem with that.
    I have spent most of my life with unpopular views that many consider offensive and horrible.

    I'm willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed for those views.

    That doesn't mean I'm against the first amendment. I think those idiots had the right to assemble. I also think the rest of us have the right to hold them accountable for what transpired there.
    But you don't have to worry about that, thanks to the Bill of Rights.

    Otherwise agree about accountability. And that I'm a fucking asshole. Problem I have is when opposing groups embrace violence, which is not a protected right, to oppose speech and assembly, which is. The Constitution doesn't work that way. Violence begets violence (I didn't invent that phrase) and we pick up the tab.

    Better to let the Far Right Nazis speak and hoist themselves publicly on their own petards, diminishing their own strengths with their own offensive, unpopular words than to drive them back into the darkness to plot even worse offenses.
    Agree. But why did they bring guns, shields and clubs to their "assembly"?
    Rather than speculate, why do you think they brought them? Intimidation? Protection?
    You'd have to ask them.
    No I don't. An armed assembly speaks for itself.
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    doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
    First Anniversary 5 Awesomes First Comment 5 Up Votes
    Now you have a problem with lawful assembly approved by a Federal Judge?
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    PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 42,147
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    Swaye said:

    I guess I am alone in hoping all the blacks, whites and messicans get into a huge race war and the only people left standing are red. Who got the last laugh now Columbus? You fucking prick. Ha!

    Forgot the Asians. Fuck. They will probably enslave me next. Goddamnit!


    The blacks and messicans go at it.

    Jax dies in a horrendous motorcycle/semi- suicide crash.

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    TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,769
    First Anniversary 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Comment
    AZDuck said:

    AZDuck said:

    dnc said:

    dnc said:

    AZDuck said:

    Alright, let's assume good faith on the part of our imaginary friend who supports conservative causes and thinks that General Lee was an awesome general (he was) and a generally good guy (also demonstrably true) and as a native Virginian deserves to be honored with a statue in Charlottesville. So he decides to go to the "Unite the Right" rally.

    When he gets there, the night before the rally, he sees this:


    Still, he was tired and just went straight to his hotel room and went to bed. Then, the next day, he gets up, goes to the fridge, then a shower, starts walking to the park, and sees this on his way"






    He also hears these people chanting "Blood and Soil," "the goyim know" and making Sieg Heil salutes unironically.

    Let's also leave aside that these are the groups that attended the rally:

    The Daily Stormer, the neo-Confederate League of the South, the National Policy Institute, and the National Socialist Movement. Other groups involved in the rally were the Ku Klux Klan, the Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights, the 3 Percenters, the Traditionalist Workers Party, Identity Evropa, the Oath Keepers, Vanguard America, the American Guard, the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia, the New York Light Foot Militia, the Virginia Minutemen Militia, the Nationalist Front, the Rise Above Movement, True Cascadia, and Anti-Communist Action. Prominent far-right figures in attendance included Richard B. Spencer, Baked Alaska, Augustus Invictus, David Duke, Nathan Damigo, Matthew Heimbach, Faith Goldy, Mike Enoch, League of the South founder Michael Hill, editor Daniel Friberg, former Business Insider CTO Pax Dickinson, Daily Stormer writers Johnny Monoxide, self-described "white activist" and organizer Jason Kessler, and radio host Christopher Cantwell.

    If he decides to stick around march with these people, he's a racist piece of shit.

    CBS camera crews were assaulted and beaten by Antifa fucks, but left untouched by the groups you list above.

    And your problem with Faith Goldy is?
    Stop with the false equivalency bullshit.

    I'm a conservative, sort of a Republican. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life. I've lived in confederate states most of my life, for the past dozen years I've lived in MIssifuckingsippi.

    There is no equivalency here. The alt right fuckers are the problem. They embraced and donned symbols of oppression and racism, chanted hate, and fucking killed somebody. Screaming about the missteps of the other side in this is like intentionally running over your neighbors teenage daughter (pics?) in front of the neighborhood and then telling your neighbors to get off your case because the girl played One Direction loud at night. Yes, we all agree, One Direction sucks.

    But you're a fucking asshole. That's the much bigger issue here.
    It's not a false equivalency, nor even an equivalency. Someday you will have unpopular views or view considered offensive or horrible, and unless you're willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed solely for your views, you have to tolerate even the most despicable views of others to ensure your own protections when that day comes. Almost any veteran will say "I despise you and your views, but I will fight to the death to protect your right to have and speak them, because this is America." It's weird so many people have a problem with that.
    I have spent most of my life with unpopular views that many consider offensive and horrible.

    I'm willing to be censored, punished, beaten or killed for those views.

    That doesn't mean I'm against the first amendment. I think those idiots had the right to assemble. I also think the rest of us have the right to hold them accountable for what transpired there.
    But you don't have to worry about that, thanks to the Bill of Rights.

    Otherwise agree about accountability. And that I'm a fucking asshole. Problem I have is when opposing groups embrace violence, which is not a protected right, to oppose speech and assembly, which is. The Constitution doesn't work that way. Violence begets violence (I didn't invent that phrase) and we pick up the tab.

    Better to let the Far Right Nazis speak and hoist themselves publicly on their own petards, diminishing their own strengths with their own offensive, unpopular words than to drive them back into the darkness to plot even worse offenses.
    Agree. But why did they bring guns, shields and clubs to their "assembly"?
    Rather than speculate, why do you think they brought them? Intimidation? Protection?
    You'd have to ask them.
    No I don't. An armed assembly speaks for itself.
    What does it say?
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    AZDuckAZDuck Member Posts: 15,381
    First Anniversary 5 Up Votes 5 Awesomes First Answer
    doogie said:

    Now you have a problem with lawful assembly approved by a Federal Judge?

    Jones v. Parmley, 465 F.3d 46, 56–57 (2d Cir. 2006)
    Cole v. Arkansas, 338 U.S. 345 (1949)
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