Again, I didn't vote for the guy. But the effeminate press corps got an ass-whipping by Trump today who bitch-slapped reporters for deliberately ignoring the violent exploits of Antifa, Anarchists, Communists and BLM supporters who showed up in Charlottesville without a permit, but looking for a fight. Follow the fucking Script, Millennials.
Again, I didn't vote for the guy. But the effeminate press corps got an ass-whipping by Trump today who bitch-slapped reporters for deliberately ignoring the violent exploits of Antifa, Anarchists, Communists and BLM supporters who showed up in Charlottesville without a permit, but looking for a fight. Follow the fucking Script, Millennials.
Again, I didn't vote for the guy. But the effeminate press corps got an ass-whipping by Trump today who bitch-slapped reporters for deliberately ignoring the violent exploits of Antifa, Anarchists, Communists and BLM supporters who showed up in Charlottesville without a permit, but looking for a fight. Follow the fucking Script, Millennials.
Yea fuck all the people who went looking for a fight with Nazis and the KKK they are the worst!!!!!!
On a slightly more serious note my brother just started a Masters program at UVA a week or two ago. He went on saturday and observed out of curiosity. Said 90 percent of the violence was instigated by the "Alt Right". Said the alt right was all male versus a 50 50 split for the other side and from what he say they rountiely attacked women. Also for a bunch of people who claimed to not be Nazis and racists he said they instigated by yelling racial slurs the entire time.
I don't care if you believe me but what he said is true. If you condone or even try to equalize what happened like Trump did you are the fucking worst.
Again, I didn't vote for the guy. But the effeminate press corps got an ass-whipping by Trump today who bitch-slapped reporters for deliberately ignoring the violent exploits of Antifa, Anarchists, Communists and BLM supporters who showed up in Charlottesville without a permit, but looking for a fight. Follow the fucking Script, Millennials.
Yea fuck all the people who went looking for a fight with Nazis and the KKK they are the worst!!!!!!
On a slightly more serious note my brother just started a Masters program at UVA a week or two ago. He went on saturday and observed out of curiosity. Said 90 percent of the violence was instigated by the "Alt Right". Said the alt right was all male versus a 50 50 split for the other side and from what he say they rountiely attacked women. Also for a bunch of people who claimed to not be Nazis and racists he said they instigated by yelling racial slurs the entire time.
I don't care if you believe me but what he said is true. If you condone or even try to equalize what happened like Trump did you are the fucking worst.
Oh and should I also mention they murduered someone? But let's talk about how both sides (one side being KKK, Nazis, and white "nationalists") were being violent.
But yea Trump should spend his time attacking black CEO's who bounce on him.
Again, I didn't vote for the guy. But the effeminate press corps got an ass-whipping by Trump today who bitch-slapped reporters for deliberately ignoring the violent exploits of Antifa, Anarchists, Communists and BLM supporters who showed up in Charlottesville without a permit, but looking for a fight. Follow the fucking Script, Millennials.
Yea fuck all the people who went looking for a fight with Nazis and the KKK they are the worst!!!!!!
On a slightly more serious note my brother just started a Masters program at UVA a week or two ago. He went on saturday and observed out of curiosity. Said 90 percent of the violence was instigated by the "Alt Right". Said the alt right was all male versus a 50 50 split for the other side and from what he say they rountiely attacked women. Also for a bunch of people who claimed to not be Nazis and racists he said they instigated by yelling racial slurs the entire time.
I don't care if you believe me but what he said is true. If you condone or even try to equalize what happened like Trump did you are the fucking worst.
Again, I didn't vote for the guy. But the effeminate press corps got an ass-whipping by Trump today who bitch-slapped reporters for deliberately ignoring the violent exploits of Antifa, Anarchists, Communists and BLM supporters who showed up in Charlottesville without a permit, but looking for a fight. Follow the fucking Script, Millennials.
Yea fuck all the people who went looking for a fight with Nazis and the KKK they are the worst!!!!!!
On a slightly more serious note my brother just started a Masters program at UVA a week or two ago. He went on saturday and observed out of curiosity. Said 90 percent of the violence was instigated by the "Alt Right". Said the alt right was all male versus a 50 50 split for the other side and from what he say they rountiely attacked women. Also for a bunch of people who claimed to not be Nazis and racists he said they instigated by yelling racial slurs the entire time.
I don't care if you believe me but what he said is true. If you condone or even try to equalize what happened like Trump did you are the fucking worst.
Again, I didn't vote for the guy. But the effeminate press corps got an ass-whipping by Trump today who bitch-slapped reporters for deliberately ignoring the violent exploits of Antifa, Anarchists, Communists and BLM supporters who showed up in Charlottesville without a permit, but looking for a fight. Follow the fucking Script, Millennials.
Again, I didn't vote for the guy. But the effeminate press corps got an ass-whipping by Trump today who bitch-slapped reporters for deliberately ignoring the violent exploits of Antifa, Anarchists, Communists and BLM supporters who showed up in Charlottesville without a permit, but looking for a fight. Follow the fucking Script, Millennials.
Yea fuck all the people who went looking for a fight with Nazis and the KKK they are the worst!!!!!!
On a slightly more serious note my brother just started a Masters program at UVA a week or two ago. He went on saturday and observed out of curiosity. Said 90 percent of the violence was instigated by the "Alt Right". Said the alt right was all male versus a 50 50 split for the other side and from what he say they rountiely attacked women. Also for a bunch of people who claimed to not be Nazis and racists he said they instigated by yelling racial slurs the entire time.
I don't care if you believe me but what he said is true. If you condone or even try to equalize what happened like Trump did you are the fucking worst.
Oh and should I also mention they murduered someone? But let's talk about how both sides (one side being KKK, Nazis, and white "nationalists") were being violent.
But yea Trump should spend his time attacking black CEO's who bounce on him.
Let's remember two months ago a today US Congressman Scalise was hunted down by a crazy Bernout and Huffpo featured a story with the headline, "Fuck Steve Scalise"
NONE off you communist fuckers cared so, spare the righteous indignation.
Let's remember two months ago a today US Congressman Scalise was hunted down by a crazy Bernout and Huffpo featured a story with the headline, "Fuck Steve Scalise"
NONE off you communist fuckers cared so, spare the righteous indignation.
Let's remember two months ago a today US Congressman Scalise was hunted down by a crazy Bernout and Huffpo featured a story with the headline, "Fuck Steve Scalise"
NONE off you communist fuckers cared so, spare the righteous indignation.
Bernie Sanders response to the Steve Scalise shooting:
"I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign," Sanders said. "I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be: Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values."
Donald Trump's latest response to the Chalottesville riots and murder:
“You have people who are very fine people on both sides”
And no, I don't care what some nutjob said on "" any more than I think that what the "Daily Stormer" said about the woman who was murdered this past weekend reflects the views of anyone on this bored (as far as I know).
Let's remember two months ago a today US Congressman Scalise was hunted down by a crazy Bernout and Huffpo featured a story with the headline, "Fuck Steve Scalise"
NONE off you communist fuckers cared so, spare the righteous indignation.
Let's remember two months ago a today US Congressman Scalise was hunted down by a crazy Bernout and Huffpo featured a story with the headline, "Fuck Steve Scalise"
NONE off you communist fuckers cared so, spare the righteous indignation.
Let's remember two months ago a today US Congressman Scalise was hunted down by a crazy Bernout and Huffpo featured a story with the headline, "Fuck Steve Scalise"
NONE off you communist fuckers cared so, spare the righteous indignation.
Bernie Sanders response to the Steve Scalise shooting:
"I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign," Sanders said. "I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be: Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values."
Donald Trump's latest response to the Chalottesville riots and murder:
“You have people who are very fine people on both sides”
And no, I don't care what some nutjob said on "" any more than I think that what the "Daily Stormer" said about the woman who was murdered this past weekend reflects the views of anyone on this bored (as far as I know).
On a slightly more serious note my brother just started a Masters program at UVA a week or two ago. He went on saturday and observed out of curiosity. Said 90 percent of the violence was instigated by the "Alt Right". Said the alt right was all male versus a 50 50 split for the other side and from what he say they rountiely attacked women. Also for a bunch of people who claimed to not be Nazis and racists he said they instigated by yelling racial slurs the entire time.
I don't care if you believe me but what he said is true. If you condone or even try to equalize what happened like Trump did you are the fucking worst.
But yea Trump should spend his time attacking black CEO's who bounce on him.
Terry McCauliff said afterword his police force was scared and no match for the dweeby goons. Pathetic.
NONE off you communist fuckers cared so, spare the righteous indignation.
Yet, you and your communist Antifa friends laffed