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Oregon academics



  • LevelParLevelPar Member Posts: 447

    LevelPar said:

    Men's Basketball recruits it as "Ivy of the West" so I don't know much about Will-Hole.

    The only "Ivy" of the west is Stanford. Pomona and Claremont-Mckenna are "small Ivies". Hi AZDuck!

    Impressive...too bad the information is trival.
  • AZDuckAZDuck Member Posts: 15,381
    Eh... Occidental, Pitzer, Mills, Reed, Willamette, Scripps, Colorado College are all great schools. Harvey Mudd is as good as Caltech. Lotsa good schools out west.
  • JaveJave Member Posts: 43

    IMHO, it's an embarrassment what their academic institution is, and what's happened to them as far as their state funding has gone. In my mind it's a wonderful athletic facility but they've watched it at the expense of the university go really down.

    You should sit behind the Oregon bench and scream, "WERE SMARTER THEN YOU" the entire game. That way, who cares what the score is...........

  • AZDuckAZDuck Member Posts: 15,381
    Jave said:

    IMHO, it's an embarrassment what their academic institution is, and what's happened to them as far as their state funding has gone. In my mind it's a wonderful athletic facility but they've watched it at the expense of the university go really down.

    You should sit behind the Oregon bench and scream, "WERE SMARTER THEN YOU" the entire game. That way, who cares what the score is...........

  • JaveJave Member Posts: 43
    Haha, its game week. No one talks smack on game week?

    Listen, sorry if you took the post the wrong way. Was trying to have sum fun with ya. Didn't mean to offend anyone.
  • TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680
    Jave said:

    Haha, its game week. No one talks smack on game week?

    Listen, sorry if you took the post the wrong way. Was trying to have sum fun with ya. Didn't mean to offend anyone.

    The problem is that your smack is terrible.

    Go throw yourself in the McKenzie River with cement shoes already.
  • JaveJave Member Posts: 43

    Jave said:

    Haha, its game week. No one talks smack on game week?

    Listen, sorry if you took the post the wrong way. Was trying to have sum fun with ya. Didn't mean to offend anyone.

    The problem is that your smack is terrible.

    Go throw yourself in the McKenzie River with cement shoes already.
    And you claim my smack is terrible.

  • loadsockloadsock Member Posts: 686
    Jave said:

    Jave said:

    Haha, its game week. No one talks smack on game week?

    Listen, sorry if you took the post the wrong way. Was trying to have sum fun with ya. Didn't mean to offend anyone.

    The problem is that your smack is terrible.

    Go throw yourself in the McKenzie River with cement shoes already.
    And you claim my smack is terrible.

    It is better than yours. Simply put, you're a fucking idiot.

  • JaveJave Member Posts: 43
    loadsock said:

    Jave said:

    Jave said:

    Haha, its game week. No one talks smack on game week?

    Listen, sorry if you took the post the wrong way. Was trying to have sum fun with ya. Didn't mean to offend anyone.

    The problem is that your smack is terrible.

    Go throw yourself in the McKenzie River with cement shoes already.
    And you claim my smack is terrible.

    It is better than yours. Simply put, you're a fucking idiot.

    I see Husky fans haven't changed since...well 1990. Should make for an entertaining weekend!

  • TierbsHsotBoobsTierbsHsotBoobs Member Posts: 39,680
    edited October 2013
    Jave said:

    loadsock said:

    Jave said:

    Jave said:

    Haha, its game week. No one talks smack on game week?

    Listen, sorry if you took the post the wrong way. Was trying to have sum fun with ya. Didn't mean to offend anyone.

    The problem is that your smack is terrible.

    Go throw yourself in the McKenzie River with cement shoes already.
    And you claim my smack is terrible.

    It is better than yours. Simply put, you're a fucking idiot.

    I see Husky fans haven't changed since...well 1990. Should make for an entertaining weekend!

    IMO, your weak smack is a black eye for Oregon.
  • AZDuckAZDuck Member Posts: 15,381
    Jave- read the fucking thread and then pop off
  • Steve_BowmanSteve_Bowman Member Posts: 442
    This is so fucking weak I can't believe it. Who cares?

    Our pussy coach can't field a team and we bring up academics? Weak.

    Is this a whoosh? Who gives a shit how good of a university Oregon is?

  • JaveJave Member Posts: 43

    Jave said:

    loadsock said:

    Jave said:

    Jave said:

    Haha, its game week. No one talks smack on game week?

    Listen, sorry if you took the post the wrong way. Was trying to have sum fun with ya. Didn't mean to offend anyone.

    The problem is that your smack is terrible.

    Go throw yourself in the McKenzie River with cement shoes already.
    And you claim my smack is terrible.

    It is better than yours. Simply put, you're a fucking idiot.

    I see Husky fans haven't changed since...well 1990. Should make for an entertaining weekend!

    IMO, your weak smack is a black eye for Oregon.
    The difference is, we don't need to talk smack. We just watch the games. Be that as it may, I'm not here to get your panties all wound up, I was actually going to compliment your teams play against Stanford and how impressed I was with Price. I don't make it a habit to just sign on to other people boards and start crap. I just had the misfortune of running into the boards douchebags before I got a chance. Carry on.......

  • loadsockloadsock Member Posts: 686
    Welcome Jeeves but don't forget to DIAFF while you attempt to door.ass.out
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,950
    edited October 2013
    Tailgater said:

    Tailgater said:

    IMHO, it's an embarrassment what their academic institution is, and what's happened to them as far as their state funding has gone. In my mind it's a wonderful athletic facility but they've watched it at the expense of the university go really down.

    Who cares? None of my children or grandchildren would ever go to UO to get a higher education and those of my Oregon relatives who actually attend college and can't get into Oregon State deserve to waste their time in Eugene.

    This better-than-thou academic crap is so boring for any real Dawgfan.

    The truth is, we have more in common with Oregon academically than we do the top schools in the conference. I threw in Whitman just to make the point of how silly it is because we're not even the most elite school in our state.

    Also, Oregon has always been harder to get into than Oregon State. You, like every other engineer I know, think that if you're not making $45,000 a year working for Boeing, you're not living.

    As I said. who the fuck cares about academics,.... adding the fuck for emphasis. When it comes to evaluating a university for the purpose of acquiring an undergrad degree, size, diversity, and location are all that matter unless your dream is to become an elite ivory towerist puke in which downsizing, tunnel-vision, and escaping from the World must be the criteria or agenda for acquiring that advanced degree that most of us wouldn't need even for ass-wipe.

    Whitman isn't an elite anything to anybody other than to some academic rating agency that once got a hard-on there while visiting it's faculty lounge. I hired many engineers and professional administrative staff during my 40 year career mostly in management and only really had difficulties with two master engineers both of whom were hired by my bosses. One was a wetback from Stanford who became a close friend, but was a total flake too full of himself who for years moved in and out of my employ on contract and whose contributions were limited and thus, value-priced. The second was an MIT kid who was worthless, but hired at a big salary and difficult for me to get rid of until he got homesick for his mommy in New England.

    As for $45,000 at Boeing, that salary as an entry level just out of UW, WSU, or OSU is at least 20 years behind what I was offering new engineering grads when I retired over ten years ago. Unless wages have dropped drastically, they must be getting $60K-$70K by now (I was typically offering $50K-$55K in late 1990's) in the industry I was employed in. From what I understand, companies in western Washington are pleading with the UW and WSU to produce thousands more engineering and science grads because no matter what level of salary Boeing and the multitude of other local companies are willing to pay entry level, there are far too few bodies to come close to filling the demand.

    From the latest data reported, the UW is an approx $9 billion per annum enterprise in terms of operating cost and the third largest single employer in the state of Washington. The legislature in Olympia this past year cut the state's budget allotment to UW from approx. $400 million down to $230 million and change for about 2.6 percent of the UW's total operating budget. That's a measly 2.6 fucking percent! Why bother with something as big and important as the University of Washington. The state legislature should focus it's piddly business on ferries and Whitman and let us as it's friends take care of the UW 100 percent as we virtually are doing already.

    Tails, Tails, Tails (I like to say "Tails" because it makes me feel like the frat boy I never was). In all seriousness, we go back a long time don't we? And you are just as fucking terrible at debating a point as you were back in 2000. Ah, well, the trip down nostalgia lane is always worthwhile.

    Anyway, you wrote a fucking book trying to dispute my point, and then wrote a bunch of shit supporting my point, and a bunch more off-topic shit I agree with. Typical engineer - plumbers with a little more math education. None of you are good for a fucking other thing, which is why 99.9% of you pretty much stay at those salaries for the rest of your fucking careers. Most people know that at any high tech company, there are 1 or 2 engineers everyone else listens to, and the rest are glorified line workers. Used to know one of the guys at Boeing who got to help figure out how much leg room we get on a 727. His daughter, btw, was one of the 2 Bothell cheerleaders in 08 who took the naked selfie that got passed around and then, at this dumb fucker's insistence, went national with it when she got bounced from cheer, spent $$ he didn't have to try suing the school district, and wound up with a bigger fucking mess than he started with. He reminds me a lot of you. Thought he was smarter and more worldly than he is, and got his ass handed to him and fucked his kid on many levels.

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch ...

    So, you say size (but fail to specify big or small), location and diversity eh?

    Size - most people, even public school fucks like me, think smaller is better when you can get it. Means you can't hide or slip through the cracks. Means you can have more meaningful intellectual discourse and exchange of ideas. Anyway, the world is full of top flight big and small schools, and full of shit tier big and small schools. Fail.

    Location - I assume you mean to suggest that urban location near commerce is what makes a school matter. I'll be sure and let the good folks at Middlebury, Dartmouth, Cornell, Princeton and a million other places that produce a relatively high % of this country's intellectual, science, business and government leadership that their schools suck because they're not in a large city. Fail.

    Diversity - never figured you as a limp-wristed affirmative action fag. Go fuck yourself on this one. Don't fucking apologize for lower SAT scores by telling me you're going to be enriched by being in class with Mohammed Al Fuckerface. I don't care, and neither does Dartmouth. If you can sprinkle some color in with smart kids like Stanford does, then good for fucking you and your other fag affirmative action humpers. If not, get the fuck out of here and go live in Western Europe where nobody gives a fuck about productivity and merit anymore. Big faggy fail.

    The bottom fucking line, notwithstanding your made-up stories about mediocre people you've hired from Stanford and MIT, both of which if they existed likely could run intellectual circles around you, is that undergraduate selectivity is what matters when writing the pecking order of schools. The rest is bullshit based upon things that don't fucking matter to the undergraduate experience. The fact that UofArizona has a cool telescope should not make you want to go there over going to Brown, which has no such telescope.

    The smarter the kids you go to school with, the more rigor the faculty can throw at you, and the harder the competition will be for good grades, which all leads to you having to work your ass off to compete with this accomplished crowd. Oh, and you'll pick up something from your peers along the way too. SAT scores is the most objective way to measure what you're working with, and as I showed, Whitman is a helluva lot more elite than UW.

    I am a UW product and have never set foot in a private school. That said, I know that all kinds of people go to places like UW. Some are brilliant, some are average (like me) and some are fucking stupid.

    You will never meet anyone who has a degree from, say, the University of Chicago who is not very fucking bright.

    That, my dull-witted old friend, is the difference.

    Whitman is not Chicago. But in terms of the smarts of the kids who go there, it's a lot closer than UW across the board.

    Them's the facts.

    Now go visit your grand kids. You're too old to be wasting your time here.

  • loadsockloadsock Member Posts: 686
    AZDuck said:


    I see from 2000 on that Whitman has had a really rough decade too.
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