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Meanwhile, at Cal still too high



  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 103,977 Founders Club

    Biden sends billions to Iran

    What matters more?

    Leaders of Hamas call for death to America

    H agrees

  • EverettChrisEverettChris Member Posts: 3,322
    edited March 30

    I don’t recall voting for or even mentioning whoever that is, lady. You actively support and defend the “Death to America” crowd all the time, though. I’m old enough to remember Palestinians dancing in the streets on 9/11/01 to celebrate the deaths.

  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,895
    edited March 31

    you came back just to do that?

    unlike literally every poster who frequents the Tug, I always give you the courtesy of an above-board response. I actually want to know what someone left of center has to say about this issue. Perhaps this is why you get clown-car'd here.

    I want to hear more about this "sort them". How do you do that? Has the US ever sorted any population before military action? Did the Allies look for fine people on both sides in Germany, Italy or Japan first? Israel is a country that is literally surrounded by those who want to see their extermination. And unlike you, those people don't want to "sort the Jews" to find the acceptable ones, because in their view there is no such thing.

    I want to be challenged by a coherent argument that the population of Arab Muslims in the area we call Palestine are not overwhelmingly hostile to Israel and support (if not actively engage in) activity that is intended for its destruction. I mean, that appears to be the fact. No?

    Don't you distinguish between a country like Israel, which embraces democratic values and welcomes a diverse citizenry (even though the country was founded on principles or a history of religion) and what a separate Palestinian state would be? Do you not find any humor in seeing Gay Pride flags and women screaming in men's faces at "Free Palestine" rallies when you know full well neither of those people would survive a day in pre-10/7 Gaza?

    How does all that strike you? Honestly. These are not rhetorical questions. Throw something out there.

    The left has completely abandoned a fully functioning democracy that exists in a geography where totalitarianism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and sectarian (religious and cultural) zealousy is the rule rather than the exception. It has been, and will always be, a place ruled by goons.

    I would think every far left extremist in the US would be secretly rooting on Team Israel to go full tilt and level the fucking place … for real. Instead, it has responded to world pressure (and probably just because of who they are) and has tried to do the impossible: selectively target and kill Hamas in a densely populated place where they are virtually indistinguishable for the general population.

    Again, I ask: tell me about this sorting you speak of. I don't get it.

  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,137

    You mean I can't propose an all-encompassing comprehensive solution to this problem here on the Tug? Imagine that.

    I do know that if you assume your opponents are inhuman, you'll be able to justify anything done to them. Of course, I'd say the same thing to a Palestinian. I can hold both Hamas apologists and Israel Uber Alles advocates in contempt at the exact same time.

  • EverettChrisEverettChris Member Posts: 3,322
    edited March 31

    You act like you’re special and that the idiotic troll is going to be bowled over by your wasted time responding to him with facts and consistent logic.

    He’s trolling you hard and he loves it. It’s that simple. It excites him that you’d spend the time directing anything at him.

  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,895

    also would like to know what you think about a US senator chanting "from the river to the sea" and her bullshit denial that it is a saying that is hostile to Israel, but rather an "aspirational call for freedom, human rights and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction or hate,"

    I think you and I have agreed in other threads here that when you have to lie to support, justify or explain your words it usually means that you know your position is weak and you're full of shit.

    Is what's her face full of shit? She's the only Palestinian in Congress and that's what she gets caught saying. And she doesn't see the irony that she says it on a platform afforded to few and one which she wouldn't have a snowball's chance in the Saudi desert of having anywhere in her home region.

  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,137

    I think it's fucking stupid and pretending it doesn't mean what everyone knows it means is just a Left-wing version of "January 6 was tourist event".

  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,895
    edited March 31

    well, propose it to me. I have interacted with you very differently than literally every other poster here. you can't use that martyr routine with me.

    and on what basis do you assume anyone thinks anyone else is inhuman? who said that? when? did I say that? have the Israelis said that as they've switched to a ground war in which they're trying to thread the needle and getting more IDF killed in the process? you are aware, I assume, that Israel didn't need to send in a single soldier to finish this thing off. they could have finished this in a couple of days from remote.

    if you'd say the same to a Palestinian, and I take you at your word, then how do you reconcile the fact that the clear majority of them approved and celebrate 10/7? that the clear majority (more than a majority that is) believe in the elimination of Israel as a state? And many throw in the people in that view?

    I'm not saying Israel is perfect here and that there aren't bigoted zealots on the Israeli side of this. But even from a slightly elevated POV, there is a clear good side and bad side in this conflict. If you had a gun to your head and had to choose a society to eliminate, which would you pick? Which society seems better fit to go on? Who stirs most of the shit? You know as well as I do that any society willing to live along side an Israeli border could do so in peace and prosper if they would just quit trying to blow the place up. It's a fundamental problem, to put it mildly.

  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,895
    edited March 31
  • creepycougcreepycoug Member Posts: 22,895
    edited March 31

    Well, I give up. Sometimes, the world just forces you to take sides. This "fine people" shit doesn't apply over there. It's a different place. The closest thing to fundamental western values is Team Israel, and that's who I choose.

    And I believe 100% that I am choosing light over darkness. I'm a pretty middle-of-the-road guy, as you well know. But on this, I am quite convinced about who needs to emerge with total victory and am at the point where, if I were in charge of things, would tell them to do what they have to do. There is no fucking going back now anyway. And I think that point of no going back was 10/7. Somebody does that to you on your soil, if you don't punch back you're fucked forever. That's Black Hills tough talk right there, but it's true.

    This isn't just about Hamas, for those keeping score. This is about the Arab Muslim world. And the message has been delivered pretty clearly.

    The real discussion (because there is no discussion vis a vis Gaza and Pali) is Iran. They are the real issue here.

  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 32,779 Standard Supporter
    edited March 31

    Mooselimbs rarely play nice if they think they can kill you. They will try and kill you. That includes everyone except mooselimbs. Everyone. The Crusades quieted them for 1000 years bu people forget the mooslimbs got all the way to Austria and conquered 550 Christian cities/areas and did what Mooselimbs do.

    The crusades killed them until they were tired of getting killed. They remembered for 1000 years. They will never change. They do not want to and hate us with the heat of a thousand suns.

  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,234 Swaye's Wigwam

    I watched videos on telegram of what transpired on 10/7. Men laughing while shooting little kids running away and high fiving over it. Rapes and kidnapping and worse shit. It was all cheered on by the Arab world and the Palestinians loved it. Just look at the responses here in the US.

    Anyone remotely defending this is way fucking over their skis to put it mildly. They deserve to be forced to see some real evil in their own lives to understand.

    And to your point, as far as the Israeli's are concerned they should be able to treat this as Dresden or Tokyo but they haven't. They are risking good peoples lives to spare the 10/10000 innocent in Sodom.

  • SwayeSwaye Moderator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 41,330 Founders Club
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