Public school teachers are the biggest bunch of whiners in our country. Bunch of leftist, entitled whiners that complain and carry on about how abused and disrespected they are. Their first solution to problems in public schools is to pay them more. I come from a family of them.
Public school teachers are the biggest bunch of whiners in our country. Bunch of leftist, entitled whiners that complain and carry on about how abused and disrespected they are. Their first solution to problems in public schools is to pay them more. I come from a family of them.
Public school teachers are the biggest bunch of whiners in our country. Bunch of leftist, entitled whiners that complain and carry on about how abused and disrespected they are. Their first solution to problems in public schools is to pay them more. I come from a family of them.
Me too. They all think they are so important and elevate their worth in their minds. They live in a weird bubble
I think we should pay teachers more money. I say that because my friends on Facebook all give me likes. Not really sure why they should get more but I feel good as a person for saying things like this.
I think we should pay teachers more money. I say that because my friends on Facebook all give me likes. Not really sure why they should get more but I feel good as a person for saying things like this.
And if someone disagrees tell them teachers work 65 hours a week and don't really get summers off because they spend all summer doing lesson plans, going to workshops and getting masters degrees. Also tell them teachers spend all of their money on school supplies.
I always chuckle when it's like pay them what they are worth!
Idk babysitters are pretty low paid.
But people who are teachers are generally morons. All millennials have known since the 90s its a bad job and you won't get paid well.
So those who grow up knowing this, become one, then complain about it are retarded
At least were I life the get paid well with good benefits. Starting pay with no experience is snot $55k with about $15-20k in benefits. Many teachers here making close to $150k including benefits
I always chuckle when it's like pay them what they are worth!
Idk babysitters are pretty low paid.
But people who are teachers are generally morons. All millennials have known since the 90s its a bad job and you won't get paid well.
So those who grow up knowing this, become one, then complain about it are retarded
At least were I life the get paid well with good benefits. Starting pay with no experience is snot $55k with about $15-20k in benefits. Many teachers here making close to $150k including benefits
My two teacher dads (RIP) are rolling over in their graves at the compensation vs. quality of public school brainwashers these days.
Very fortunate to have been educated by a generation of WWII and Korean War vets who actually gave a fuck about their country and getting the most out of their students. And if that included slamming them up against a locker or shaming the fuck out of the idiots, so be it. And I'm not talking about their students. They'd self-police idiot teachers. Teacher unions meant jack shit then. They took care of the misfits.
People teachers can just get a raise. They are government workers, within a government budget. They are also union workers. They just don’t get more money. If you want to teachers improve, get rid of union and best teachers get more pay. Right now, No one cares, because they don’t need to.
I think we should pay teachers more money. I say that because my friends on Facebook all give me likes. Not really sure why they should get more but I feel good as a person for saying things like this.
Agreed, because actually thinking about important things is just too hard.
Boot poor performance. Schools should be local. Open schools to enrollment no boundaries. The free market will work this shit out in few months. Money follows the child.
I always chuckle when it's like pay them what they are worth!
Idk babysitters are pretty low paid.
But people who are teachers are generally morons. All millennials have known since the 90s its a bad job and you won't get paid well.
So those who grow up knowing this, become one, then complain about it are retarded
The ones who complain the most are the least likely to quit their horrible underpaid jobs and go do something else. The average teacher is paid just fine. The below average teachers are way overpaid and the above average teachers are underpaid. The fact that Americans vote for democrats that are owned by the teacher unions and won't fire poor performers but would rather have their kids fail to learn reading, writing and arithmetic is just a sign of the high character of our nation.
Adjusted for inflation and CoL, we spend exponentially more per student now than when I was in grade school and no one had a problem coming to school with colored pencils, an eraser, some Elmer’s glue, scissors, and a ruler/3 ring binder or pee chee folder in 1985.
What’s changed?
Could it be the explosion in bureaucracy within public schools?
Nah couldn’t be that. Let’s just ask for more money since we can’t budget the riches we already have.
Adjusted for inflation and CoL, we spend exponentially more per student now than when I was in grade school and no one had a problem coming to school with colored pencils, an eraser, some Elmer’s glue, scissors, and a ruler/3 ring binder or pee chee folder in 1985.
What’s changed?
Could it be the explosion in bureaucracy within public schools?
Nah couldn’t be that. Let’s just ask for more money since we can’t budget the riches we already have.
Started with some expensive calculators for grade schoolers so they didn't need to learn their Times tables or how to divide.
My wife was a high school English teacher for a decade. Every single one of the whiny excuses dismissed here were the case with her. She was National Board certified, was required to get the equivalent of a masters on the side while doing her day job, brought about 20 hours worth of work home with her per week, and topped out at about $60K (theoretically; she would have made that had she worked full-time, but this was impossible after the kids were born). The upside was getting nine weeks off in breaks every year. In the meantime, Common Core meant that every teacher had to completely revamp their lesson plans every year, so there was no getting into a groove, parents would blame her for their little shits being retards, and the kids became increasingly cruel. I could see the above arguments being valid for, say, a PE teacher or elementary school teacher or sixth grad math or something, but there are plenty of public school teachers that really do bust ass.
I pretty much begged her to quit, as she was only bringing home $500 per month after daycare, and I wasn't able to do shit on the weekends because she was grading papers. I could literally pick up one overtime shift per month and double what she brought in, so it just seemed stupid for her to be occupied seven days per week. My free time multiplied by ten for just $500 per month. It was a no-brainer. After the kids started school, she didn't want to sit around, so now she's running a business that's bringing in nearly what she was making teaching but with far fewer hours, a completely flexible schedule, and she's way happier. Win-win.
At the peak of her earning, I was making three times what she made (with better benefits and six weeks vacation to her nine) while 80% of my job involves napping, watching races or football games, surfing Hardcore Husky, etc. If we want to discuss allergic to work, try spending a day at a refinery surrounded by pussy liberal refinery workers. My biggest challenge every shift these days is getting the console operator to put the Nintendo Switch down for a second to advance permissives so I can turn a valve. It takes me two months to train an operator at a new job because they can only pay attention for a couple of hours per day. I've seen battles that last a whole day over the audacious suggestion that one perform an honest hour of work.
Their first solution to problems in public schools is to pay them more.
I come from a family of them.
Idk babysitters are pretty low paid.
But people who are teachers are generally morons. All millennials have known since the 90s its a bad job and you won't get paid well.
So those who grow up knowing this, become one, then complain about it are retarded
Very fortunate to have been educated by a generation of WWII and Korean War vets who actually gave a fuck about their country and getting the most out of their students. And if that included slamming them up against a locker or shaming the fuck out of the idiots, so be it. And I'm not talking about their students. They'd self-police idiot teachers. Teacher unions meant jack shit then. They took care of the misfits.
No one cares, because they don’t need to.
What’s changed?
Could it be the explosion in bureaucracy within public schools?
Nah couldn’t be that. Let’s just ask for more money since we can’t budget the riches we already have.
I pretty much begged her to quit, as she was only bringing home $500 per month after daycare, and I wasn't able to do shit on the weekends because she was grading papers. I could literally pick up one overtime shift per month and double what she brought in, so it just seemed stupid for her to be occupied seven days per week. My free time multiplied by ten for just $500 per month. It was a no-brainer. After the kids started school, she didn't want to sit around, so now she's running a business that's bringing in nearly what she was making teaching but with far fewer hours, a completely flexible schedule, and she's way happier. Win-win.
At the peak of her earning, I was making three times what she made (with better benefits and six weeks vacation to her nine) while 80% of my job involves napping, watching races or football games, surfing Hardcore Husky, etc. If we want to discuss allergic to work, try spending a day at a refinery surrounded by pussy liberal refinery workers. My biggest challenge every shift these days is getting the console operator to put the Nintendo Switch down for a second to advance permissives so I can turn a valve. It takes me two months to train an operator at a new job because they can only pay attention for a couple of hours per day. I've seen battles that last a whole day over the audacious suggestion that one perform an honest hour of work.