Kimmy wouldn't like the thread jacking. It's my most controversial thread in awhile. From hating The Godfather to friendships with gays and pingpong hot talk with a little feud with TurdBuffer!
Been to 6 or 7 games at WA-Grizzly. Maybe once saw wine drinkers in their 70s around an RV. Guess "slapping Franzia" was happening mostly out of sight, among the coolest of the cool kids.
Yes, I'm too old (and white) for that. I've always been too old (and white) for that.
Kimmy wouldn't like the thread jacking. It's my most controversial thread in awhile. From hating The Godfather to friendships with gays and pingpong hot talk with a little feud with TurdBuffer!
Yes, I'm too old (and white) for that. I've always been too old (and white) for that.
Starting at about age 9.