Defense attorneys for the five men charged in a plot to kidnap Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer say their defendants "had no desire whatsoever to kidnap anyone" and that they have proof that the FBI and its confidential informants "conceived and controlled every aspect" of the plot.
The defense motions, filed on Christmas Day and on Wednesday, say that the five men, who are members of the Three Percenters and the Wolverine Watchmen anti-government militia groups, were entrapped in a plan by the government agents, reports the Washington Examiner. The attorneys have also asked that the cases be dismissed.
The filings come after prosecutors confirmed earlier this month that they wouldn't seek testimony from the three FBI agents closely linked to the investigation over allegations of professional and personal misconduct. Further, an undercover informant in the case was charged with fraud in an unrelated Wisconsin case.
"The government wouldn't drop the idea, and the CHSs [confidential human sources] continued to broach plans, despite official government admonitions barring the suggestion of such plans," the defense wrote in its motion. "The CHSs' handlers pulled the puppet strings the entire time."
But January 6 man
There's just no evidence that the FBI is a corrupt and broken institution. Just ask Dazzler.
But you're a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists if you think the Feds had agents provocateurs embedded into the Jan. 6th protestors.
I agree its an attempt to silence without having to kill them
But you're a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists if you think the Feds had agents provocateurs embedded into the Jan. 6th protestors.