I've got Saturday in the pool for the day she Epsteins herself.
Yeah, that tell all book can't see the light of day. She'll likely get a deal which demands those stories and names cannot be released which has nothing to do with justice or being cooperative with the prosecution but everything to do with protecting the RAT elite pedophiles and criminals in this country.
I've got Saturday in the pool for the day she Epsteins herself.
Yeah, that tell all book can't see the light of day. She'll likely get a deal which demands those stories and names cannot be released which has nothing to do with justice or being cooperative with the prosecution but everything to do with protecting the RAT elite pedophiles and criminals in this country.
I've got Saturday in the pool for the day she Epsteins herself.
Yeah, that tell all book can't see the light of day. She'll likely get a deal which demands those stories and names cannot be released which has nothing to do with justice or being cooperative with the prosecution but everything to do with protecting the RAT elite pedophiles and criminals in this country.
I've got Saturday in the pool for the day she Epsteins herself.
Yeah, that tell all book can't see the light of day. She'll likely get a deal which demands those stories and names cannot be released which has nothing to do with justice or being cooperative with the prosecution but everything to do with protecting the RAT elite pedophiles and criminals in this country.
I have to admit, that until the Trump Admin, I was completely naive about the level of corruption in our Federal government. By nature I'm not a conspriacy theorist, but I don't see how you can look at what FBI has done over the past few years and not come to the conclusion that they are completely corrupt. How do you repeatedly "lose" and destroy evidence?
I've got Saturday in the pool for the day she Epsteins herself.
Yeah, that tell all book can't see the light of day. She'll likely get a deal which demands those stories and names cannot be released which has nothing to do with justice or being cooperative with the prosecution but everything to do with protecting the RAT elite pedophiles and criminals in this country.
U Mad Bro?
Defending pedophiles is a nice look for you
He also seems to be getting off on human trafficking of young girls. Another quality leftard. How unexpected.
I have to admit, that until the Trump Admin, I was completely naive about the level of corruption in our Federal government. By nature I'm not a conspriacy theorist, but I don't see how you can look at what FBI has done over the past few years and not come to the conclusion that they are completely corrupt. How do you repeatedly "lose" and destroy evidence?
Trump basically destroyed any vestige of a belief that the FBI, CIA and DOJ have any interest in being pro-American institutions. Then the same for the CDC, FDA and the American MSM. All broken. But the PMS housewives and Snow didn't like his tweets and voted for a dementia patient bought and paid for by the chicoms.
The sheep ok with that?
The silence tells you everything
And yes I've seen the cocktail party photo of Trump
Less seen is Bill on the fucking plane
overall a super red/black pill conversation with some #OurJoeKent lady boner talk snuck in there