I have to admit, that until the Trump Admin, I was completely naive about the level of corruption in our Federal government. By nature I'm not a conspriacy theorist, but I don't see how you can look at what FBI has done over the past few years and not come to the conclusion that they are completely corrupt. How do you repeatedly "lose" and destroy evidence?
Trump basically destroyed any vestige of a belief that the FBI, CIA and DOJ have any interest in being pro-American institutions. Then the same for the CDC, FDA and the American MSM. All broken. But the PMS housewives and Snow didn't like his tweets and voted for a dementia patient bought and paid for by the chicoms.
Have they always been this corrupt? I'm serious, have I been a fool about this my entire life? I know about the corruption and bending of rules the CIA and FBI engaged in when they were going after people who were hostile to America but have they always been in service of protecting pedophiles? What other conclusion can you come to when you see what happened with this Epstein situation? What area of the Federal government do you trust?
I have to admit, that until the Trump Admin, I was completely naive about the level of corruption in our Federal government. By nature I'm not a conspriacy theorist, but I don't see how you can look at what FBI has done over the past few years and not come to the conclusion that they are completely corrupt. How do you repeatedly "lose" and destroy evidence?
Trump basically destroyed any vestige of a belief that the FBI, CIA and DOJ have any interest in being pro-American institutions. Then the same for the CDC, FDA and the American MSM. All broken. But the PMS housewives and Snow didn't like his tweets and voted for a dementia patient bought and paid for by the chicoms.
Have they always been this corrupt? I'm serious, have I been a fool about this my entire life? I know about the corruption and bending of rules the CIA and FBI engaged in when they were going after people who were hostile to America but have they always been in service of protecting pedophiles? What other conclusion can you come to when you see what happened with this Epstein situation? What area of the Federal government do you trust?
I think that barry was the kicker. He was a fellow commie who hated the US. He put fellow America hater and commie Brennan in charge of the CIA. The FBI and DOJ promotions were all hard left America haters and the corruption seeps down as those who want honest American institutions leave when they no longer have any chance of advancement. Then they started cleaning out the military where CRT and global warming became the military's top goals and you get promoted on how woke you are. When institutions are corrupted, you only get corrupt individuals to apply. Think of the IRS. Their level of competency is a fraction of what it was when I got out of school. Any competent college graduate avoids government employment. It is literally the last bastion for the incompetent. Little responsibility and you get overpaid. There is a reason that Fow Chee works for the government and is not in the private sector. There is a reason there are now few competent teachers in the public schools.
As a life long liberal the FBI has always been suspect to me despite Efrem Zimbalist Jr (google it)
The idea of a federal police force was not considered American for the first century and a half. But Hoover was nothing if not a great self promoter
He was compromised or paid off by the mafia to deny they even existed.
He spied on Americans like MLK. I don't really care if he thought it was a real threat and I don't think he did. Calling MLK a commie was convenient for the time.
COINTELPRO was the neat idea to infiltrate groups and make them commit crimes then arrest or kill them. See - the Black Panther
Oddly enough after Hoover died the FBI and the DOJ refused to help Nixon with the cover up. They could have rather easily
Fast forward to the DOJ and the FBI running point on Obama corruption and the attempt to destroy the duly elected Trump
As a life long liberal the FBI has always been suspect to me despite Efrem Zimbalist Jr (google it)
The idea of a federal police force was not considered American for the first century and a half. But Hoover was nothing if not a great self promoter
He was compromised or paid off by the mafia to deny they even existed.
He spied on Americans like MLK. I don't really care if he thought it was a real threat and I don't think he did. Calling MLK a commie was convenient for the time.
COINTELPRO was the neat idea to infiltrate groups and make them commit crimes then arrest or kill them. See - the Black Panther
Oddly enough after Hoover died the FBI and the DOJ refused to help Nixon with the cover up. They could have rather easily
Fast forward to the DOJ and the FBI running point on Obama corruption and the attempt to destroy the duly elected Trump
I just don't find much to like about any of it
Unmasking the media and all institutions might be the greatest political accomplishment of my lifetim
I have to admit, that until the Trump Admin, I was completely naive about the level of corruption in our Federal government. By nature I'm not a conspriacy theorist, but I don't see how you can look at what FBI has done over the past few years and not come to the conclusion that they are completely corrupt. How do you repeatedly "lose" and destroy evidence?
Trump basically destroyed any vestige of a belief that the FBI, CIA and DOJ have any interest in being pro-American institutions. Then the same for the CDC, FDA and the American MSM. All broken. But the PMS housewives and Snow didn't like his tweets and voted for a dementia patient bought and paid for by the chicoms.
Have they always been this corrupt? I'm serious, have I been a fool about this my entire life? I know about the corruption and bending of rules the CIA and FBI engaged in when they were going after people who were hostile to America but have they always been in service of protecting pedophiles? What other conclusion can you come to when you see what happened with this Epstein situation? What area of the Federal government do you trust?
Our founding fathers knew the pitfalls of central authority without checks and balances. That's why they didn't create the alphabet bois to begin with.
Why I left the GOP in the first place. Bush passing the Patriot Act. *Surprise! Everything we warned about it being abused by the fed came true.
I have to admit, that until the Trump Admin, I was completely naive about the level of corruption in our Federal government. By nature I'm not a conspriacy theorist, but I don't see how you can look at what FBI has done over the past few years and not come to the conclusion that they are completely corrupt. How do you repeatedly "lose" and destroy evidence?
Trump basically destroyed any vestige of a belief that the FBI, CIA and DOJ have any interest in being pro-American institutions. Then the same for the CDC, FDA and the American MSM. All broken. But the PMS housewives and Snow didn't like his tweets and voted for a dementia patient bought and paid for by the chicoms.
Have they always been this corrupt? I'm serious, have I been a fool about this my entire life? I know about the corruption and bending of rules the CIA and FBI engaged in when they were going after people who were hostile to America but have they always been in service of protecting pedophiles? What other conclusion can you come to when you see what happened with this Epstein situation? What area of the Federal government do you trust?
Our founding fathers knew the pitfalls of central authority without checks and balances. That's why they didn't create the alphabet bois to begin with.
Why I left the GOP in the first place. Bush passing the Patriot Act. *Surprise! Everything we warned about it being abused by the fed came true.
Yep, and as we're now seeing the Michigan Gov. "kidnapping" plot and Jan. 6th, the government is now inciting and carrying out violence in order to entrap their domestic political enemies. Funny how a nearly a year after Jan. 6th we still don't have an answer this question.
I have to admit, that until the Trump Admin, I was completely naive about the level of corruption in our Federal government. By nature I'm not a conspriacy theorist, but I don't see how you can look at what FBI has done over the past few years and not come to the conclusion that they are completely corrupt. How do you repeatedly "lose" and destroy evidence?
Trump basically destroyed any vestige of a belief that the FBI, CIA and DOJ have any interest in being pro-American institutions. Then the same for the CDC, FDA and the American MSM. All broken. But the PMS housewives and Snow didn't like his tweets and voted for a dementia patient bought and paid for by the chicoms.
Have they always been this corrupt? I'm serious, have I been a fool about this my entire life? I know about the corruption and bending of rules the CIA and FBI engaged in when they were going after people who were hostile to America but have they always been in service of protecting pedophiles? What other conclusion can you come to when you see what happened with this Epstein situation? What area of the Federal government do you trust?
I wasn't always completely nuts, but when Daddy became President, I had an epiphany.
How do you explain the FBI "losing" so much evidence Dazzler? And why don't we know whatever happened to the pipebomb guy? And why hasn't Ray Epps been arrested?
I have to admit, that until the Trump Admin, I was completely naive about the level of corruption in our Federal government. By nature I'm not a conspriacy theorist, but I don't see how you can look at what FBI has done over the past few years and not come to the conclusion that they are completely corrupt. How do you repeatedly "lose" and destroy evidence?
Trump basically destroyed any vestige of a belief that the FBI, CIA and DOJ have any interest in being pro-American institutions. Then the same for the CDC, FDA and the American MSM. All broken. But the PMS housewives and Snow didn't like his tweets and voted for a dementia patient bought and paid for by the chicoms.
Have they always been this corrupt? I'm serious, have I been a fool about this my entire life? I know about the corruption and bending of rules the CIA and FBI engaged in when they were going after people who were hostile to America but have they always been in service of protecting pedophiles? What other conclusion can you come to when you see what happened with this Epstein situation? What area of the Federal government do you trust?
Are you serious? The corruption in the intelligence agencies alone should have you frightened for the future of liberty in the United States. Look what's happened in Australia, most of Europe and now Canada. Personal freedoms are being stolen by unelected bureaucrats across the globe. China's reach and force upon us is at hand. Nothing in government can be trusted.
Defense attorneys for the five men charged in a plot to kidnap Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer say their defendants "had no desire whatsoever to kidnap anyone" and that they have proof that the FBI and its confidential informants "conceived and controlled every aspect" of the plot.
The defense motions, filed on Christmas Day and on Wednesday, say that the five men, who are members of the Three Percenters and the Wolverine Watchmen anti-government militia groups, were entrapped in a plan by the government agents, reports the Washington Examiner. The attorneys have also asked that the cases be dismissed.
The filings come after prosecutors confirmed earlier this month that they wouldn't seek testimony from the three FBI agents closely linked to the investigation over allegations of professional and personal misconduct. Further, an undercover informant in the case was charged with fraud in an unrelated Wisconsin case.
"The government wouldn't drop the idea, and the CHSs [confidential human sources] continued to broach plans, despite official government admonitions barring the suggestion of such plans," the defense wrote in its motion. "The CHSs' handlers pulled the puppet strings the entire time."
The idea of a federal police force was not considered American for the first century and a half. But Hoover was nothing if not a great self promoter
He was compromised or paid off by the mafia to deny they even existed.
He spied on Americans like MLK. I don't really care if he thought it was a real threat and I don't think he did. Calling MLK a commie was convenient for the time.
COINTELPRO was the neat idea to infiltrate groups and make them commit crimes then arrest or kill them. See - the Black Panther
Oddly enough after Hoover died the FBI and the DOJ refused to help Nixon with the cover up. They could have rather easily
Fast forward to the DOJ and the FBI running point on Obama corruption and the attempt to destroy the duly elected Trump
I just don't find much to like about any of it
Our founding fathers knew the pitfalls of central authority without checks and balances. That's why they didn't create the alphabet bois to begin with.
Why I left the GOP in the first place. Bush passing the Patriot Act. *Surprise! Everything we warned about it being abused by the fed came true.
This is fucked up from every possible perspective except the “must cover up elite pedophile ring” POV
Defense attorneys for the five men charged in a plot to kidnap Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer say their defendants "had no desire whatsoever to kidnap anyone" and that they have proof that the FBI and its confidential informants "conceived and controlled every aspect" of the plot.
The defense motions, filed on Christmas Day and on Wednesday, say that the five men, who are members of the Three Percenters and the Wolverine Watchmen anti-government militia groups, were entrapped in a plan by the government agents, reports the Washington Examiner. The attorneys have also asked that the cases be dismissed.
The filings come after prosecutors confirmed earlier this month that they wouldn't seek testimony from the three FBI agents closely linked to the investigation over allegations of professional and personal misconduct. Further, an undercover informant in the case was charged with fraud in an unrelated Wisconsin case.
"The government wouldn't drop the idea, and the CHSs [confidential human sources] continued to broach plans, despite official government admonitions barring the suggestion of such plans," the defense wrote in its motion. "The CHSs' handlers pulled the puppet strings the entire time."
But January 6 man