Loved it when the defense pulled out the tape measure to show jurors how close 4 feet really is. He should have played the vid of how quickly an unarmed person can close a 20 foot distance to engage an armed person. The clown prosecutor is assuming that if KR said lets thrown down, the Pedo would have been the only person he'd be fighting. Has he watched any video of Antifa at work?
That's exactly what I hope the jury members are saying to themselves. What I fear is that you're going to get the "why couldn't he have shot them in the leg" crowd on the jury.
Surprised they don't have a verdict yet. Should have been an open and shut case
It should be but given the venue and five PMS women on the jury tough to get 12 votes for not guilty on all charges. On the other hand, takes 12 votes to convict. The risk will be the jurors leaning towards not guilty on the murder charges might cave on a lesser charge like manslaughter for which there is also no evidence, let alone beyond a reasonable doubt.
I learned about trigger discipline here from the hot chicks with guns
You know fucking why.
The Asian food port congestion joke gave me a chuckle
It's the kind of like observational humor that I do haha
That's an incredibly good impression of HH
Edit - violence is a "possibility"
Didn't bother checking, but arson is illegal with or without permit. Start enforcing that.