So, once given the chance to get paid to be a leftard she jumped in with both feet. She has two kids and most likely sent her kids to private school outside of DC, while lecturing the hoi polloi about the beauty of public education. She has given up rational analysis and is just a leftard role playing character in a leftard video game. I'm trying to remember the last time a shed or pump leftard tried any rational analysis? At best it's a summary conclusion devoid of supporting facts. Like the dazzler's hands up don't shoot, or barry being the more fiscally responsible alternative or that Trump colluded with the Russians.
Jennifer Rubin (born June 11, 1962) is an American political commentator who writes opinion columns for The Washington Post. Previously she worked at Commentary, PJ Media, Human Events, and The Weekly Standard. Her work has been published in media outlets including Politico, New York Post, New York Daily News, National Review, and The Jerusalem Post. A conservative political commentator throughout most of her career, she became a vocal critic of President Donald Trump and in September 2020, she announced that she no longer identified as a conservative.[1]
In 2021, she became a staunch advocate of the Biden administration.[2][3]
Give Jen a break, her monthly cat food bill is insane. Just like her. So if she has to play the role of the sane recovering Conservative for a check, no problem. Billy Kristol too.
At least it wasn't a mean tweet. That would be a sign of low character and shouldn't be in politics by any means. "Confederate" is a nice term of endearment.
I just heard one of the campaign statements that YoungKin made was that advanced math would be offered in every school district. I laffed as I remembered (and the Dump has a thread on it) when one of the left coast states or maybe even NY announced that they were dropping all advanced classes because it made the stupid kids feel bad.
Jennifer Rubin (born June 11, 1962) is an American political commentator who writes opinion columns for The Washington Post. Previously she worked at Commentary, PJ Media, Human Events, and The Weekly Standard. Her work has been published in media outlets including Politico, New York Post, New York Daily News, National Review, and The Jerusalem Post. A conservative political commentator throughout most of her career, she became a vocal critic of President Donald Trump and in September 2020, she announced that she no longer identified as a conservative.[1]
In 2021, she became a staunch advocate of the Biden administration.[2][3]
Prescription drug addict? Alcoholic? Glue sniffer?
Whatever it is, the woman always seems high as a kite and out of touch with reality.
This just in, seconds ago.
I laffed as I remembered (and the Dump has a thread on it) when one of the left coast states or maybe even NY announced that they were dropping all advanced classes because it made the stupid kids feel bad.