That shithead Newsome got a recall thread so the biggest election of the year and the Showdown in Loudoun certainly deserves one. A guy who think he works for the people, vs a guy who thinks the people work for the government. Soul of the nation in the balance. This is good vs evil, light side vs dark side shit here people. I just want a good clean election where Dominion Voting machines algorithms pick my winner. Another nice test where the conservative draws huge crowds everywhere he goes and the Democrat couldn't fill a suburban barbeque, but we are told the Democrat will get a record number of votes. Weird right?
Wing nut radio played a clip of him saying Virginia teachers should be picked by race (they tried that locally, no idea how it's constitutional). Imagine picking a NBA team based on demographics....
The steal is on. Poll shutdown and secret counting inbound. If they don't burn that fucking state to the ground the nation is over if this is allowed to happen again.
It's going to be super hard for Dems to explain how Youngkin is up bigly in every poll coming out the last 5 days and yet he still loses. How does that work? Oh yeah, nobody in the media will care to even ask the question. Maybe Twitter can sort it out. Or just delete it. Whatever.
It's going to be super hard for Dems to explain how Youngkin is up bigly in every poll coming out the last 5 days and yet he still loses. How does that work? Oh yeah, nobody in the media will care to even ask the question. Maybe Twitter can sort it out. Or just delete it. Whatever.
Even CNN is saying it is looking pretty rough for Dems in both VA and nationally, based on what is happening in VA right now. My hope is if ballot harvesting delivers McAuliffe a victory the GOP can at least retake the State House to blunt any taxes or gun control for years. We will still be stuck with all the Covid bullshit but it is what it is.
Why do they keep using aggregated polls including data from two weeks ago? Makes it look like Youngkin is only up a point, vice the 5-8 recent polling has him up. Perhaps this is trying to reflect early voting before Terry completely faceplanted?
Even CNN is saying it is looking pretty rough for Dems in both VA and nationally, based on what is happening in VA right now. My hope is if ballot harvesting delivers McAuliffe a victory the GOP can at least retake the State House to blunt any taxes or gun control for years. We will still be stuck with all the Covid bullshit but it is what it is.
Why do they keep using aggregated polls including data from two weeks ago? Makes it look like Youngkin is only up a point, vice the 5-8 recent polling has him up. Perhaps this is trying to reflect early voting before Terry completely faceplanted?
Replying to myself because that's what I like to do...conventional wisdom as of now is that it will be very difficult for the Rs to flip the 6 seats in the State House they need to take control. Polling supports this. Seems they are likely to pick up a seat or two, but not the six they need. I do wonder though about the faceplant at the top of the ticket affecting these projections. Local elections are not polled nearly as extensively as the statewide races so I am hoping my uneducated guess here bears fruit and the Rs benefit BIGLY from McAullifes faceplant and flip 6-8 seats. Anything to throttle back complete Democrap control of my state.
Trump should probably just stay out of it, Youngkin is doing just fine on his own without stirring up the suburban housewives in the wrong direction.
TDS is STRONG. Knowing what we know today, Biden being a historically bad pants shitting president in every category, if you ran it back he would still find 81 million votes because Trump.
Trump should probably just stay out of it, Youngkin is doing just fine on his own without stirring up the suburban housewives in the wrong direction.
TDS is STRONG. Knowing what we know today, Biden being a historically bad pants shitting president in every category, if you ran it back he would still find 81 million votes because Trump.
True and I want Trump to stay low key here, but a little red meat to fire up the base can't hurt. Just has to be done deftly as you suggest because Northern Virginia housewives are a bunch of fickle mistresses. Youngkin has tight roped well so far. Shame that I'd bet my last hundred dollars the midnight harvest in the cities still deliver this thing for Terry the Tard.
He already pissed off the parents to back the teachers and now he's going to piss off the teachers leaving nobody to vote for him except the poll workers who are busy stuffing ballots. This guy is a TERRIBLE campaigner. Just abysmal. He will still win though. Remind you of anyone?
Trump should probably just stay out of it, Youngkin is doing just fine on his own without stirring up the suburban housewives in the wrong direction.
TDS is STRONG. Knowing what we know today, Biden being a historically bad pants shitting president in every category, if you ran it back he would still find 81 million votes because Trump.
I think Jimmy can win the north and I think Trump will back out of 2024 if a tuff guy like Deathsantis shows the moxie to win it all
This statement seems to be a response to democrats saying Trump was against Youngkin
Democrats want to run against Trump but most GOP don't want Trump against them. Its a weird dynamic because Trump should be toxic yet he's beating Joe rather easily now in polls
Is he good or bad for the GOP?
If the GOP wants to move past Trump they need to be like him on the issues. If they can do it without being mean and orange then great but they will be racist fascists anyway. The script
Why do they keep using aggregated polls including data from two weeks ago? Makes it look like Youngkin is only up a point, vice the 5-8 recent polling has him up. Perhaps this is trying to reflect early voting before Terry completely faceplanted?
TDS is STRONG. Knowing what we know today, Biden being a historically bad pants shitting president in every category, if you ran it back he would still find 81 million votes because Trump.
This statement seems to be a response to democrats saying Trump was against Youngkin
Democrats want to run against Trump but most GOP don't want Trump against them. Its a weird dynamic because Trump should be toxic yet he's beating Joe rather easily now in polls
Is he good or bad for the GOP?
If the GOP wants to move past Trump they need to be like him on the issues. If they can do it without being mean and orange then great but they will be racist fascists anyway. The script