You certainly don't want the best doctor, you need a transgender woke doctor. It's not about getting better, but feeling better about yourself as you die.
I like my med schools to choose our future doctors on the basis of social justice instead of the basis of merit, that’s what I like to do. Said NO one about to go under the knife. Good fucking god our society has lost its fucking mind.
How long do you have to live in the suburbs before the worst thing that can happen to you is other people using inclusive language?
Let's pretend mental illness is normal. They can't even stay on an acronym or a flag for more than eight months. Tell me I'm wrong.
Useful idiots like you fucked up the Dimocrats. You're real proud though because it's "inclusive," all while soulless multinational corporations use you and one percenters put up BLM flags and pretend to care
Hey, what if medical schools started training people using proper terminology so that when a trans man came in, and discloses that they are trans and pregnant, they can be treated properly? Dumb fuck.
Attention-seeking behavior, 101.
Useful idiots like you fucked up the Dimocrats. You're real proud though because it's "inclusive," all while soulless multinational corporations use you and one percenters put up BLM flags and pretend to care
Last time I checked they were nuts and retarded.
The trans man in that story told the nurse he had a positive on a home pregnancy test.
Imagine what a pos you would have to be to write that and you pay to read it. Fucking loser.
She provided the article at no charge.