Or does poor mental health lead to being woke? I'm voting for a self-reinforcing feedback loop.
Yeah, I'm thinking if you're already mentally ill, Wokeness appeals to you.
There’s that wokeness word again. Bizarre how it seems to be uttered far more by people identifying as conservative than as liberal.
You started it you fucking queer.
Started what?
“Woke” is clearly a conservative term now, impressive co-opting.
Maybe you can write Bill Maher an angry letter. Or John McWhorter. Or Thomas Sowell. Or whoever. You've gone from denying that you know what it is, to certainly knowing what it is. Not impressive.
Or does poor mental health lead to being woke? I'm voting for a self-reinforcing feedback loop.
Yeah, I'm thinking if you're already mentally ill, Wokeness appeals to you.
There’s that wokeness word again. Bizarre how it seems to be uttered far more by people identifying as conservative than as liberal.
You started it you fucking queer.
Started what?
“Woke” is clearly a conservative term now, impressive co-opting.
No, it's the term of normal people who can define what a man and woman are, don't approve of boys changing in front of girls and litter boxes for juveniles who identify as a fucking cat
Gee if only these men could parade around as women and tell us all about it. Instead they have to live in silence.
Maybe one day they will be able to tell their stories and possibly be free enough to express themselves by pole dancing in front of school children. Maybe one day.
I’m so tired of the BS lies coming from the “oppressed.”
Strange how all these lefty people are so worried about Ukraine. Seems they have a vital interest in the most corrupt nation in the world. i'd venture a guess that it is a corrupt interest. They love those little kids, literally, money laundry second to none and biolab mayhem. Thrilling stuff. I'd toss in some devil worship as these people truly are evil. Can't win that next election without the money needed to pay all the election thief's they hire and it has to come from somewhere. It comes from out tax dollars they launder back in Ukraine. how long has it been going on? Why does Biden, Pelosi, Mittens, Kerry and others all have kids making big money in Ukraine for jobs they aren't qualified for. Why did the Obama admin run a color revolution in '14 to install the gay Nazi midget? Why were the Bidens running biolabs there? This is the deep state headquarters for all things evil. Their interests are evil so where else but one of the most evil countries on the planet? Where else do Nazi's roam at will terrorizing the citizens? Does Putin have a Nazi brigade or three? Nope. Biden does!
Or does poor mental health lead to being woke? I'm voting for a self-reinforcing feedback loop.
Yeah, I'm thinking if you're already mentally ill, Wokeness appeals to you.
There’s that wokeness word again. Bizarre how it seems to be uttered far more by people identifying as conservative than as liberal.
You started it you fucking queer.
Started what?
“Woke” is clearly a conservative term now, impressive co-opting.
Impressive? Conservatives didn’t need to do anything with it. The core values of “wokeness” are so absurd that those on the right only need to broadcast and amplify the messaging.
Whereas MAGA has been distorted to mean white nationalism/fascism. It’s all branding.
Or maybe you can point me in the direction of the conservative version of Jussie Smollett.
“Woke” is clearly a conservative term now, impressive co-opting.
Choose from 'fucktarded' or 'imbecilic".
They both describe your ilk.
Maybe one day they will be able to tell their stories and possibly be free enough to express themselves by pole dancing in front of school children. Maybe one day.
I’m so tired of the BS lies coming from the “oppressed.”
Whereas MAGA has been distorted to mean white nationalism/fascism. It’s all branding.
Or maybe you can point me in the direction of the conservative version of Jussie Smollett.
How many backflips and contortions did that require?
Maybe he got co-opted by facts.
Now try to erase that image from your mind.
To be followed by Reparations.