Remember when banks were fined for divining the race of their mortgage applicants? Now it is the boss thing to do. I thought there was a equal protection law in the Constitution. Better check with the dazzler on that.
Well, the dementia patient is working on them getting nuked. I thought we wanted the Russians out of the Ukraine? Be nice if someone competent was in charge.
Didn't someone say 42-0? You would think that if the dazzler got 42 wrong answers in a row on an Internal Controls MBA course he might want to change his study group. Of course, when surrounded by idiots, the moron is king.
Trump received the most votes of any incumbent in history by a YUGE margin. 12 million more IIRC.
[Citation Needed]
It must be exhausting being so angry.
Crime makes me angry. You ebooks three benefits of felonious acts and are happy about it. You are not an American. You commies are speshul! In a drooling dumb fuck way.
So I sit and write and ponder, while the house is deaf and dumb, Seeing visions “over yonder” of the war I know must come. In the corner – not a vision – but a sign for coming days Stand a box of ammunition and a rifle in green baize. And in this, the living present, let the word go through the land, Every tradesman, clerk and peasant should have these two things at hand. No – no ranting song is needed, and no meeting, flag or fuss - In the future, still unheeded, shall the spirit come to us! Without feathers, drum or riot on the day that is to be, We shall march down, very quiet, to our stations by the sea. While the bitter parties stifle every voice that warns of war, Every man should own a rifle and have cartridges in store! Henry Lawson (1907)
Not a tweet but good stuff. The Dazzler can sue me later.
They voted for Biden
An incompetent corrupt lying divisive piece of shit
Just look around the evidence of Joey’s greatness is everywhere.
Trump received the most votes of any incumbent in history by a YUGE margin. 12 million more IIRC.
Nikki ain't what I want.
My $$$$ on Ron if he jumps in.
It must be exhausting being so angry.
Chicken Hawk Hilary in red.
Fuck her.
Fuck you, Mitch.
Fuck you all to hell.
Seeing visions “over yonder” of the war I know must come.
In the corner – not a vision – but a sign for coming days
Stand a box of ammunition and a rifle in green baize.
And in this, the living present, let the word go through the land,
Every tradesman, clerk and peasant should have these two things at hand.
No – no ranting song is needed, and no meeting, flag or fuss -
In the future, still unheeded, shall the spirit come to us!
Without feathers, drum or riot on the day that is to be,
We shall march down, very quiet, to our stations by the sea.
While the bitter parties stifle every voice that warns of war,
Every man should own a rifle and have cartridges in store!
Henry Lawson (1907)
Not a tweet but good stuff. The Dazzler can sue me later.