COVID was just the match that lit the powder keg of other issues that pre-dated the pandemic.
My big takeaways:
- As outlined in @GrundleStiltzkin’s excellent book club recommendation, The New Map, shipping containers and @Logistics are critical - You will continue to be fucked if you want a rental car - We desperately need to step up computer chip production - The much heralded Toyota production system, and it’s half assed implementation its “just in time manufacturing” by most companies, is at the heart of many of these inventory shorts
COVID was just the match that lit the powder keg of other issues that pre-dated the pandemic.
My big takeaways:
- As outlined in @GrundleStiltzkin’s excellent book club recommendation, The New Map, shipping containers and @Logistics are critical - You will continue to be fucked if you want a rental car - We desperately need to step up computer chip production - The much heralded Toyota production system, and it’s half assed implementation its “just in time manufacturing” by most companies, is at the heart of many of these inventory shorts
No kiddin’. JIT inventory got exposed like a Coug defense on Black Friday. I’d think Businesses may reconsider this strategy after all of this.
The bean counters will probably win that battle though.
COVID was just the match that lit the powder keg of other issues that pre-dated the pandemic.
My big takeaways:
- As outlined in @GrundleStiltzkin’s excellent book club recommendation, The New Map, shipping containers and @Logistics are critical - You will continue to be fucked if you want a rental car - We desperately need to step up computer chip production - The much heralded Toyota production system, and it’s half assed implementation its “just in time manufacturing” by most companies, is at the heart of many of these inventory shorts
No kiddin’. JIT inventory got exposed like a Coug defense on Black Friday. I’d think Businesses may reconsider this strategy after all of this.
The bean counters will probably win that battle though.
I’ve always been interested in this, despite how heralded and lauded JIT works it’s never made a ton of sense to me. It works well enough when the supply chain is uninterrupted, but it feels like a lot of sectors (defense, aerospace, even automotive) are finding reliable and non-Chinese supplies hard to come by. Crazy to me there isn’t a drive to manufacture semiconductor stateside. When the shit hits the fan we get to where we are now.
From the engineering side, any time a part obsolescence issue comes up (frequently in aerospace) we have to figure in holding costs for us sitting on the part. But what’s worse, holding costs or not being able to build anything?
Business type MBA’s are running engineering into the ground.
COVID was just the match that lit the powder keg of other issues that pre-dated the pandemic.
My big takeaways:
- As outlined in @GrundleStiltzkin’s excellent book club recommendation, The New Map, shipping containers and @Logistics are critical - You will continue to be fucked if you want a rental car - We desperately need to step up computer chip production - The much heralded Toyota production system, and it’s half assed implementation its “just in time manufacturing” by most companies, is at the heart of many of these inventory shorts
No kiddin’. JIT inventory got exposed like a Coug defense on Black Friday. I’d think Businesses may reconsider this strategy after all of this.
The bean counters will probably win that battle though.
I’ve always been interested in this, despite how heralded and lauded JIT works it’s never made a ton of sense to me. It works well enough when the supply chain is uninterrupted, but it feels like a lot of sectors (defense, aerospace, even automotive) are finding reliable and non-Chinese supplies hard to come by. Crazy to me there isn’t a drive to manufacture semiconductor stateside. When the shit hits the fan we get to where we are now.
From the engineering side, any time a part obsolescence issue comes up (frequently in aerospace) we have to figure in holding costs for us sitting on the part. But what’s worse, holding costs or not being able to build anything?
Business type MBA’s are running engineering into the ground.
We had this in a microcosm at my Seattle job. Back in the 90s and early oughts. My main rival as top dog PM was sucking up with his just in time bullshit when in fact he was disorganized all the time. Add in JIT and every job was a panic and interfered with my smooth running jobs because I had to bail him out
My shit sat in our warehouse for a week or two then got installed. Big fucking deal. You waste way more money and customer good will by being late which he usually was
So I've been needing to get a new mt bike to keep up with the Jone's here in White Wakanda. The shoppe manager tells me, uhm yeah, you're probably not getting the bike you want till 2022.
A few days later, Mrs Snow, who decided doing a full kitchen remodel in the middle of a supply chain cluster fuck, tells me we gotta get the range, fridge and dishwasher lined up NOW because they are all back ordered for 3 + months. Hell hath no furry like a woman with a 17 year old kitchen.
Pray for Yella.
Check out used bikes on Pinkbike. Pretty robust classifieds section for mountain bikes. Recent model year used bikes are really holding their value right now. You may pay as much as a new bike, but sometimes you have to pay to play. Depending on what you want to spend, consider a custom bike. Oregon is the land of custom bike builders. Custom might be right up your alley since I garner from here you’re a tall drink of water. Also, if you’re mostly going to ride fire roads but not too technical of stuff, consider a gravel bike with drop bars.
In a perfect world @spuden I'd have both a Mt Bike and Gravel Bike. But alas I don't have the room. Looking for nice 29" XC mt bike which is lightweight and not a ton of travel (still want front and back suspension). Was looking at The Specialized EVO which is like $3800 new. The XL will fit my 6'6" lanky ass; I don't need custom.
I might poke around at used but I have still have a 33 hard tail titanium (custom made my Merlin) Mt Bike to fuck around on. And my road bike is in great shape for being 15 years old. Didn't get a ton of use in Seattle cause I hate being a jerk like @BennyBeaver and blocking traffic.
Leave!s Seattle for Bend, still doesn't have enough room for two bikes
Instead of given Yella bike storage grief, you should be commenting on my varsity blues thread and lampooning the ever loving shit out of USC and their embarrassing habit of being bought and paid for.
His wife limits his Internet time. He can’t comment on everything.
Back in June last year, I bought a hot tub and had to wait 5 months for it. Went back in the store a couple weeks ago to get some chemicals, and laughed about my wait last year. The owner chuckled and told me to be happy I got it when I did, because the wait is now a year. And people are not wanting to wait, so they are buying 5-6 year old ones for the price of a new one, so the new ones are now 20-30% more. Crazy…
COVID was just the match that lit the powder keg of other issues that pre-dated the pandemic.
My big takeaways:
- As outlined in @GrundleStiltzkin’s excellent book club recommendation, The New Map, shipping containers and @Logistics are critical
- You will continue to be fucked if you want a rental car
- We desperately need to step up computer chip production
- The much heralded Toyota production system, and it’s half assed implementation its “just in time manufacturing” by most companies, is at the heart of many of these inventory shorts
The bean counters will probably win that battle though.
So hat on the table for this video?...
From the engineering side, any time a part obsolescence issue comes up (frequently in aerospace) we have to figure in holding costs for us sitting on the part. But what’s worse, holding costs or not being able to build anything?
Business type MBA’s are running engineering into the ground.
Best of luck to you all getting your big-ticket items shipped to you in a timely manner.
I think we're at the point where prices are being raised because they can be which has always been my bid philosophy as well
Sorry Mr Customer we are getting HAMMERED by material increases.
My shit sat in our warehouse for a week or two then got installed. Big fucking deal. You waste way more money and customer good will by being late which he usually was