How quick everyone is to proclaim Troy Williams as the next heir to the QB throne. Off what do we base these claims? The inane reports of the Doogman mouthbreathing proletariat? Braintrust Scott "I am literally wrong 85% of the time and pull everything out of my ass, brb my kid has the crud" Eklund? Dudebrah's farcical Spring Game? Nothing of consequence. I don't know who will be the starter, and I wouldn't touch any 'report' from DM or Jood with a 10 ft pole, but let's not forget that Lindquist:
-- Was an Elite 11 QB
-- Was coveted by David Shaw to be Andrew Luck's eventual successor
-- Is faster than Cyler Miles
-- Has a skillset similar to Locker; not quite as fast in a straight line sprint but higher football IQ
-- Is white and will clearly be Hugh's QB of choice. This is most important.
Highlights aren't usually anything to go off and are fluff pieces, but look how he uses his strength to escape from would-be sacks and how he keeps his eyes down the field while scrambling:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrQHB75GYjkPetersen has already said competitions for all spots will be wide open come spring. It could be one of any of the two, and who knows maybe Cyler Miles will be reinstate. Either way, it will be fuck off.
I could be wrong ... and this will obviously be decided by open competition.
I get what you are saying about writing him off early, and the Spring Game doesn't tell you much, but I haven't heard anything good from anyone who has seen him, including guys who have been at practices and a former player.
For our QB's I'm going to LIPO and hope of the three high profile recruits competing for that spot that one emerges as a stud.
Yes, I'm literally one of the whitest poasters here, thank you.
The script says that everyone will assume all white kids are OKGs, and that doogman will start running their mouths when any 4*s decide to transfer after this spring (guaranteed one of the QBs decides to transfer before the season).
somehow an overhyped lazy ass who doesn't get his ass kissed and decides to transfer will translate: "Chris peterman doesn't know how to connect with the elite athletes, we're fucked" and there will be anxiety this summer/fall going into the season.
Either way it will be fuck off, as the OP said...clearly the best thing anyone has said in this thread.
Lindquist does indeed have some Locker-like qualities, but one that he does not possess is being a gym rat. His body strength is nowhere similar. He will have to hit the gym hard now. And if he is not immersed in the gym now that Miles has screwed up, L is pretty stupid.
But I expect him to make a run for it, and things to be very competitive.