The only reason to take this shit is when ObiWanBlitzkrieg's prediction of 'freedom' being contingent on being a good little sheeple and showing them your papers.
It certainly isn't for the health benefits based on any kind of clinical testing or data.
There's reams more disclosure on the side effects of viagara than this shit - and who doesn't want a 4 hour boner?
Fuck off, Moderna Fow Chee.
A bit of clarification, por favor @PurpleThrobber: Are you suggesting there are no health benefits to anyone regardless of their circumstance or there are no health benefits to you personally speaking?
Unless you are old and/or have underlying conditions, there's virtually no chance of dying from the Vid. We have a year's worth of data on this. But we're supposed to swallow that a 'vaccine' rushed into production with less than a year of clinical testing works at a greater or has no discernable side effects?
Show me the data. Or have we just reached the point of herd immunity that our own auto-immune systems have figured out/developed the anti-bodies?
All about the Benjamins and control, man. The CDC starting to make mention that those vaccinated can gather together now is just the start. But if the vaccine works, why does it matter if someone who isn't vaccinated gathers with them?
"Unless you are old and/or have underlying conditions, there's virtually no chance of dying from the Vid."
This is a factual statement. If you're not and you don't have at risk family members then don't get it. It's a free country. Although, I'd rather you get the Wuhan flu so we? can chalk another one up to protect the herd.
My circumstances are different, of course. 1 kid who's more susceptible to big issues from any crud + 2 sets of grandparents over 70. Further more, with another kid in private school, it would be a huge pain in the ass to have to yank him from class for 2 weeks because my wife and I got the stupid thing having a nice dinner out. All sound logic dictates for my wife and I to get it. That's us and I'm not advising others what do.
Call me old fashioned, but I still trust the miracles of modern medical science to eradicate infectious diseases more than I trust OBK's word on the matter. They've got a pretty sound track record of progress over the years.
Getting the J&J vaccine on Friday. The one shot vaccine which is a traditionally based none RNA replicator virus. Over 65 with both in laws over 83. Seems like no brainer for my wife and I. No reason for my kids to get it, but really no reason not to because by fall you probably have to have a vaccine card to board a plane.
Imagine getting a vaccine to board a plane for a virus no more deadly than the common flu. It's about control folks, all about control. You'll be tracked like a tagged animal with a radio collar. Enjoy.
I don't care if anyone gets it but don't fucking tell me I have to.
I'm glad to read of all the people getting the vaccines so that I don't have to. Herd immunity ftw. I will only consider the Johnson & Johnson shot in a couple years if COVID is still a thing because it's based on long-standing science and methodology. Keep that RNA shit away from me.
Medical applications using RNA manipulation have been around a long time. You just haven't known what has been injected into your body until now.
These are the first vaccines produced in any large scale using rna technology.
Build camps out in east of the state. You don't have a right to sleep on the public sidewalk. If you're crazy we'll put you in a crazy camp. If you're homeless we'll put you in a homeless camp out in the desert, but we will no longer tolerate people shitting and sleeping on the sidewalks and we will arrest and prosecute anyone who engages in criminal activity.
It's not rocket science folks, you want to clean up the homeless problem all you need is the will to do it.
FDR already set up a good network of camps in the west. I'm totally fine with warehousing the problem away. The current solution is neither humane, nor just.
I'm glad to read of all the people getting the vaccines so that I don't have to. Herd immunity ftw. I will only consider the Johnson & Johnson shot in a couple years if COVID is still a thing because it's based on long-standing science and methodology. Keep that RNA shit away from me.
Medical applications using RNA manipulation have been around a long time. You just haven't known what has been injected into your body until now.
These are the first vaccines produced in any large scale using rna technology.
Actually, the relatively new shingles vaccine, Shingrix, aka Zoster, is a mRNA vaccine and not based on the actual whole virus and is much more effective than the older Zostavax vaccine. It is a two shot vaccine. My second dose really did a number on my arm. Sore for a week. I lived.
I'm glad to read of all the people getting the vaccines so that I don't have to. Herd immunity ftw. I will only consider the Johnson & Johnson shot in a couple years if COVID is still a thing because it's based on long-standing science and methodology. Keep that RNA shit away from me.
Medical applications using RNA manipulation have been around a long time. You just haven't known what has been injected into your body until now.
These are the first vaccines produced in any large scale using rna technology.
Actually, the relatively new shingles vaccine, Shingrix, aka Zoster, is a mRNA vaccine and not based on the actual whole virus and is much more effective than the older Zostavax vaccine. It is a two shot vaccine. My second dose really did a number on my arm. Sore for a week. I lived.
Great. I'm sure it went through rigorous testing over several years, not 6 months. There is far more downside for me to getting vaccinated now versus LIPO. People who get vaccinated should go on with their lives at this point.
Just spent a week in Bend and the homeless are generally stashed north of town and out of sight. Downtown area is clean and no sleeping bags or tents. 25% restaurant occupancy was generally considered a suggestion and not a requirement. D&D Bar and Grill (kind of a dive bar and grill, pretty sure my wife and I were the only "tourists" in there, was packed for Sunday breakfast and even had bar seating. Hope I make it to Friday for my shot before I die.
They seem to stash them all just by the on ramp to 97 north of Downtown. There's like 1 homeless shelter in the entire town and the locales don't seem to accommodating. Contrast this with Salem which isn't that much larger of a city than Bend (101K v 169K) and you have a massive bum problem. But Salem is far more left leaning and has a large number of "gospel mission" type places. Fuck that.
Bend ain't super RED anymore, but even the Dems here seem to be pretty chill about Covid. Not like Seattle at all where you get masked shamed in a park or walking down a residential side walk.
Just spent a week in Bend and the homeless are generally stashed north of town and out of sight. Downtown area is clean and no sleeping bags or tents. 25% restaurant occupancy was generally considered a suggestion and not a requirement. D&D Bar and Grill (kind of a dive bar and grill, pretty sure my wife and I were the only "tourists" in there, was packed for Sunday breakfast and even had bar seating. Hope I make it to Friday for my shot before I die.
They seem to stash them all just by the on ramp to 97 north of Downtown. There's like 1 homeless shelter in the entire town and the locales don't seem to accommodating. Contrast this with Salem which isn't that much larger of a city than Bend (101K v 169K) and you have a massive bum problem. But Salem is far more left leaning and has a large number of "gospel mission" type places. Fuck that.
Bend ain't super RED anymore, but even the Dems here seem to be pretty chill about Covid. Not like Seattle at all where you get masked shamed in a park or walking down a residential side walk.
Never wore a mask unless I was in a store and only for seconds in a restaurant. Lots of people outside not wearing masks. Actually, the parks were pretty full of families and kids and very few masks.
Build camps out in east of the state. You don't have a right to sleep on the public sidewalk. If you're crazy we'll put you in a crazy camp. If you're homeless we'll put you in a homeless camp out in the desert, but we will no longer tolerate people shitting and sleeping on the sidewalks and we will arrest and prosecute anyone who engages in criminal activity.
It's not rocket science folks, you want to clean up the homeless problem all you need is the will to do it.
FDR already set up a good network of camps in the west. I'm totally fine with warehousing the problem away. The current solution is neither humane, nor just.
I keep saying -Camp Vantage is the only way around this homeless/opioid shit. Put those fuckers on a bus and let them rehab their way back up the hill. Earn their way back to civil society.
The only reason to take this shit is when ObiWanBlitzkrieg's prediction of 'freedom' being contingent on being a good little sheeple and showing them your papers.
It certainly isn't for the health benefits based on any kind of clinical testing or data.
There's reams more disclosure on the side effects of viagara than this shit - and who doesn't want a 4 hour boner?
Fuck off, Moderna Fow Chee.
A bit of clarification, por favor @PurpleThrobber: Are you suggesting there are no health benefits to anyone regardless of their circumstance or there are no health benefits to you personally speaking?
Unless you are old and/or have underlying conditions, there's virtually no chance of dying from the Vid. We have a year's worth of data on this. But we're supposed to swallow that a 'vaccine' rushed into production with less than a year of clinical testing works at a greater or has no discernable side effects?
Show me the data. Or have we just reached the point of herd immunity that our own auto-immune systems have figured out/developed the anti-bodies?
All about the Benjamins and control, man. The CDC starting to make mention that those vaccinated can gather together now is just the start. But if the vaccine works, why does it matter if someone who isn't vaccinated gathers with them?
"Unless you are old and/or have underlying conditions, there's virtually no chance of dying from the Vid."
This is a factual statement. If you're not and you don't have at risk family members then don't get it. It's a free country. Although, I'd rather you get the Wuhan flu so we? can chalk another one up to protect the herd.
My circumstances are different, of course. 1 kid who's more susceptible to big issues from any crud + 2 sets of grandparents over 70. Further more, with another kid in private school, it would be a huge pain in the ass to have to yank him from class for 2 weeks because my wife and I got the stupid thing having a nice dinner out. All sound logic dictates for my wife and I to get it. That's us and I'm not advising others what do.
Call me old fashioned, but I still trust the miracles of modern medical science to eradicate infectious diseases more than I trust OBK's word on the matter. They've got a pretty sound track record of progress over the years.
Getting the J&J vaccine on Friday. The one shot vaccine which is a traditionally based none RNA replicator virus. Over 65 with both in laws over 83. Seems like no brainer for my wife and I. No reason for my kids to get it, but really no reason not to because by fall you probably have to have a vaccine card to board a plane.
Fuck off you robotic order follower. Your willing and ignorant consent to tyranny is what has allowed it to flourish.
Plenty of locals getting the shot today. Granted mainly seniors, but with my asthma it is just as dangerous to me. Was well run by the national guard
You know it's not a vaccine right? You can still get the virus.
You didn't see me in the line!
These vaccines are truly amazing in terms of how quickly the were developed and their effectiveness. Hard to grasp that we live in a country that can have such advanced medical science and technology and yet many of our cities are filled with human shit and junkies.
These vaccines are right up there with the moon landing, they are truly amazing and something we should all be proud of.
The entire Medical System is a Rockefeller House of Cards, designed to maintain sickness and disease, as well as cause sickness and disease, through various methods (like vaccines) so that the big pharma/big medicine Cash Cow can continue to operate. These 'vaccines' were developed long, LONG before the term "Covid 19" was coined. It should be hard for you to grasp that you live in country filled with zombies and sheep. the USA is not the 'land of the free home of the brave.' Never utter those words again. It's a complete joke. It is the land of the cowards and home of the order followers. The fake pandemic revealed this truth very clearly. Real, beneficial medical technology exists and is currently being suppressed in order to prolong the exist of Rockefeller Medical Cabal.
Wear your fucking mask so you can get your milk without being bothered, you knave.
It’s comical how slow things are moving here in Washington
I’d hate to know the going rate of vaccines not being utilized are at
I'd thought WA had picked up the pace, but I haven't really been paying attention lately.
Whatever you think of the vaccine, it's actually pretty impressive how fast it was developed, manufactured and distributed (after some bumps). The US is far outpacing basically every where else.
We like to call that the Trump Miracle even though Foochie says there was no plan
Trump gets full governmental credit for steps 1 & 2 in my book.
Correct, he gets ALL the credit for this, and will own all of the adverse side effects and deaths.
Plenty of locals getting the shot today. Granted mainly seniors, but with my asthma it is just as dangerous to me. Was well run by the national guard
You know it's not a vaccine right? You can still get the virus.
You didn't see me in the line!
It's a vaccine.
That's what it's called, that's what it does.
Don't get confused and spout out misinformation. That's not cool dude.
Give the right information and if a person doesn't want to take it - fine. Be part of the solution not part of the problem.
A vaccine is designed to protect an individual from a virus.
- the focus is protective for that individual. Efficacy can range up to 100%. Goal is to reduce or eliminate effects of virus on a person. Ranges from undetectable to super serious, depending on many factors. - very few of vaccines also carry the sterilization effects which block the ability to transmit said virii. About the only thing from memory that has that quality is the smallpox vaccine. - due to the rush to develop covid-19 vaccines the research to determine accurate transmissive rates remains inconclusive. The focus was protective. - viruses mutate so it's always a game of catch-up. The vaccine you get may be less effective against new and emerging variants. Hence don't travel around the world mixing the soup while they are trying fine tune vaccinatiy options. - vaccines take up to a few weeks to build up in your body immune response so don't go out and party like it's 1999 right after. Just like you don't walk on a concrete sidewalk until it has time to cure.
I wish people would read and learn. Make your own informed choice. That's important.
Fuck off with your rehearsed talking points you MSM shill. Ignore this filth and look up real doctors like Carrie Madej, Doctor Tenpenny and others who can provide real insight into what is in the vaccines and what they will do to you.
The only reason to take this shit is when ObiWanBlitzkrieg's prediction of 'freedom' being contingent on being a good little sheeple and showing them your papers.
This is their stated intention, and is even more reason to refuse it if you want to remain free. You can see this agenda developing in many nations, particularly in Israel with their two tiered system of freedom for the vaccinated and unvaccinated. When segments of the population are dehumanized like this, its only a matter of time before those who burned books start to burn bodies.
Come on, man - can we, at least, get the old OBK back like part time?
Make me a funny gif of Crystalballz as Goering or something.
Just spent a week in Bend and the homeless are generally stashed north of town and out of sight. Downtown area is clean and no sleeping bags or tents. 25% restaurant occupancy was generally considered a suggestion and not a requirement. D&D Bar and Grill (kind of a dive bar and grill, pretty sure my wife and I were the only "tourists" in there, was packed for Sunday breakfast and even had bar seating. Hope I make it to Friday for my shot before I die.
Just spent a week in Bend and the homeless are generally stashed north of town and out of sight. Downtown area is clean and no sleeping bags or tents. 25% restaurant occupancy was generally considered a suggestion and not a requirement. D&D Bar and Grill (kind of a dive bar and grill, pretty sure my wife and I were the only "tourists" in there, was packed for Sunday breakfast and even had bar seating. Hope I make it to Friday for my shot before I die.
They seem to stash them all just by the on ramp to 97 north of Downtown. There's like 1 homeless shelter in the entire town and the locales don't seem to accommodating. Contrast this with Salem which isn't that much larger of a city than Bend (101K v 169K) and you have a massive bum problem. But Salem is far more left leaning and has a large number of "gospel mission" type places. Fuck that.
Bend ain't super RED anymore, but even the Dems here seem to be pretty chill about Covid. Not like Seattle at all where you get masked shamed in a park or walking down a residential side walk.
Walking the dog last night around 10 p.m., came upon a couple wearing headlamps and giant white masks. As I got within 50 feet, they began scurrying up the slope to the next street, looking back over their shoulders and triangle masks at my audacity to walk a dog outside at 10 p.m. without a mask.
You'd have thunk they'd seen a black guy walking in their neighborhood.
How about when there is no 5G breakout you phuck off and troll somewhere else. You won't, I bet you are getting paid for this. You are too deep in this sh*t to not be getting paid. No better than the Lincoln Project nutcases.
How about you fuck off and go back to dawgman where you clearly belong. You may already be dead or incapacitated from your vaccine regime (yes, if you think they will be content with only shooting you up with one, think again) by the time the MSM is destroyed and the truth about 5g is known and accepted. You were warned, and I wash my hands of it. As for the Lincoln Project, you are serving the human trafficking cult that runs the world through your ignorance, your refusal to do actual research, and your submission to their Agenda, which includes Convid 1984, Weather Warfare Destruction and Global Depopulation.
You are exactly the same as the rats in Nazi Germany who consented to the tyranny through vile ignorance and cowardice, which allowed it to get as far as it got. You're not alone though, as most Americans are as stupid as you are.
Additionally, you're a sheep of the highest order, as you daily watch and believe the real Conspiracy Theories propagated by the MSM: Covid, Climate Change, Russia, China and North Korea are the real enemies, etc.
Just spent a week in Bend and the homeless are generally stashed north of town and out of sight. Downtown area is clean and no sleeping bags or tents. 25% restaurant occupancy was generally considered a suggestion and not a requirement. D&D Bar and Grill (kind of a dive bar and grill, pretty sure my wife and I were the only "tourists" in there, was packed for Sunday breakfast and even had bar seating. Hope I make it to Friday for my shot before I die.
They seem to stash them all just by the on ramp to 97 north of Downtown. There's like 1 homeless shelter in the entire town and the locales don't seem to accommodating. Contrast this with Salem which isn't that much larger of a city than Bend (101K v 169K) and you have a massive bum problem. But Salem is far more left leaning and has a large number of "gospel mission" type places. Fuck that.
Bend ain't super RED anymore, but even the Dems here seem to be pretty chill about Covid. Not like Seattle at all where you get masked shamed in a park or walking down a residential side walk.
Walking the dog last night around 10 p.m., came upon a couple wearing headlamps and giant white masks. As I got within 50 feet, they began scurrying up the slope to the next street, looking back over their shoulders and triangle masks at my audacity to walk a dog outside at 10 p.m. without a mask.
You'd have thunk they'd seen a black guy walking in their neighborhood.
I’ve been hiking a lot lately and the occasional hiker, coming the other way, will pull their mask up as they pass me by. I haven’t been holding my breath for 3 miles, you’re going to breathe some of the same air I did.
Just spent a week in Bend and the homeless are generally stashed north of town and out of sight. Downtown area is clean and no sleeping bags or tents. 25% restaurant occupancy was generally considered a suggestion and not a requirement. D&D Bar and Grill (kind of a dive bar and grill, pretty sure my wife and I were the only "tourists" in there, was packed for Sunday breakfast and even had bar seating. Hope I make it to Friday for my shot before I die.
Tumalo Feed Co or GTFO!
Still haven't made my way there yet. I'll hit it this summer if they are full capacity
Just spent a week in Bend and the homeless are generally stashed north of town and out of sight. Downtown area is clean and no sleeping bags or tents. 25% restaurant occupancy was generally considered a suggestion and not a requirement. D&D Bar and Grill (kind of a dive bar and grill, pretty sure my wife and I were the only "tourists" in there, was packed for Sunday breakfast and even had bar seating. Hope I make it to Friday for my shot before I die.
They seem to stash them all just by the on ramp to 97 north of Downtown. There's like 1 homeless shelter in the entire town and the locales don't seem to accommodating. Contrast this with Salem which isn't that much larger of a city than Bend (101K v 169K) and you have a massive bum problem. But Salem is far more left leaning and has a large number of "gospel mission" type places. Fuck that.
Bend ain't super RED anymore, but even the Dems here seem to be pretty chill about Covid. Not like Seattle at all where you get masked shamed in a park or walking down a residential side walk.
Walking the dog last night around 10 p.m., came upon a couple wearing headlamps and giant white masks. As I got within 50 feet, they began scurrying up the slope to the next street, looking back over their shoulders and triangle masks at my audacity to walk a dog outside at 10 p.m. without a mask.
You'd have thunk they'd seen a black guy walking in their neighborhood.
I’ve been hiking a lot lately and the occasional hiker, coming the other way, will pull their mask up as they pass me by. I haven’t been holding my breath for 3 miles, you’re going to breathe some of the same air I did.
Being outside is dispersing the concentration of the virus. Droplets, right? Like the ones forming on the inside of those masks so many proudly wear, but never change and never clean.
Masks are good at containing and preventing spreads, for awhile. If you're sick, they can make you sicker by concentrating and building the viral load.
There's a reason social distancing was the first step the CDC suggested.
BTW, the two dumb fucks I saw walking my dog last night were less than two feet apart.
But I didn't kick their ass for not social distancing, like I should've.
Just spent a week in Bend and the homeless are generally stashed north of town and out of sight. Downtown area is clean and no sleeping bags or tents. 25% restaurant occupancy was generally considered a suggestion and not a requirement. D&D Bar and Grill (kind of a dive bar and grill, pretty sure my wife and I were the only "tourists" in there, was packed for Sunday breakfast and even had bar seating. Hope I make it to Friday for my shot before I die.
Tumalo Feed Co or GTFO!
Still haven't made my way there yet. I'll hit it this summer if they are full capacity
It's traveling back in time, but I always loved those kinda places growing up. Haven't been in quite awhile as my interests - and kids - have drifted Eastward toward ID and MT.
So I was checking out Carrie Madej - and of course, ran into the debunking of her theories. Read this (it ain't long) - the BBC and Oxford shot (vaccine) - to me the way they debunk it is to ask the Oxford guys if its true. No data, nothing.
How about when there is no 5G breakout you phuck off and troll somewhere else. You won't, I bet you are getting paid for this. You are too deep in this sh*t to not be getting paid. No better than the Lincoln Project nutcases.
How about you fuck off and go back to dawgman where you clearly belong. You may already be dead or incapacitated from your vaccine regime (yes, if you think they will be content with only shooting you up with one, think again) by the time the MSM is destroyed and the truth about 5g is known and accepted. You were warned, and I wash my hands of it. As for the Lincoln Project, you are serving the human trafficking cult that runs the world through your ignorance, your refusal to do actual research, and your submission to their Agenda, which includes Convid 1984, Weather Warfare Destruction and Global Depopulation.
You are exactly the same as the rats in Nazi Germany who consented to the tyranny through vile ignorance and cowardice, which allowed it to get as far as it got. You're not alone though, as most Americans are as stupid as you are.
Additionally, you're a sheep of the highest order, as you daily watch and believe the real Conspiracy Theories propagated by the MSM: Covid, Climate Change, Russia, China and North Korea are the real enemies, etc.
Just spent a week in Bend and the homeless are generally stashed north of town and out of sight. Downtown area is clean and no sleeping bags or tents. 25% restaurant occupancy was generally considered a suggestion and not a requirement. D&D Bar and Grill (kind of a dive bar and grill, pretty sure my wife and I were the only "tourists" in there, was packed for Sunday breakfast and even had bar seating. Hope I make it to Friday for my shot before I die.
Tumalo Feed Co or GTFO!
I'm going to Ye Olde Feed Co once I have my 2nd shot.
I don't care if anyone gets it but don't fucking tell me I have to.
Bend ain't super RED anymore, but even the Dems here seem to be pretty chill about Covid. Not like Seattle at all where you get masked shamed in a park or walking down a residential side walk.
Make me a funny gif of Crystalballz as Goering or something.
Until then, I don't want worms crawling around in my ass.
You'd have thunk they'd seen a black guy walking in their neighborhood.
You are exactly the same as the rats in Nazi Germany who consented to the tyranny through vile ignorance and cowardice, which allowed it to get as far as it got. You're not alone though, as most Americans are as stupid as you are.
Additionally, you're a sheep of the highest order, as you daily watch and believe the real Conspiracy Theories propagated by the MSM: Covid, Climate Change, Russia, China and North Korea are the real enemies, etc.
Masks are good at containing and preventing spreads, for awhile. If you're sick, they can make you sicker by concentrating and building the viral load.
There's a reason social distancing was the first step the CDC suggested.
BTW, the two dumb fucks I saw walking my dog last night were less than two feet apart.
But I didn't kick their ass for not social distancing, like I should've.
The other option is I can't read, in that case, never mind.
REALLY need that depth chart.
Hey @oregonblitzkrieg impfung macht frei