Really strange how they can make a vaccine for a 'virus' that has never been isolated, or proven to exist. I wonder why they would do that?
Even stranger how many dumbasses believe the lies - that there is a pandemic, that the vaccines are legit, and that the NWO fascists have any intention of allowing things to ever return to normal.
Congratulations, you are among those who volunteered to be guinea pigs in their Experimental Gene Altering Therapy, which they call 'a vaccine.' Not really though, these 'vaccines' have already been tested on subjects, against their will, far out of sight and out of mind, before it was rolled out on the general public.
For those of you smart enough not to take their poison or believe their lies, real doctors and scientists have been warning of permanent/lethal side effects several months to a year later from taking these vaccines. The vaccines are also part of a binary weapons system that interacts with 5g technology.
Really strange how they can make a vaccine for a 'virus' that has never been isolated, or proven to exist. I wonder why they would do that?
Even stranger how many dumbasses believe the lies - that there is a pandemic, that the vaccines are legit, and that the NWO fascists have any intention of allowing things to ever return to normal.
Congratulations, you are among those who volunteered to be guinea pigs in their Experimental Gene Altering Therapy, which they call 'a vaccine.' Not really though, these 'vaccines' have already been tested on subjects, against their will, far out of sight and out of mind, before it was rolled out on the general public.
For those of you smart enough not to take their poison or believe their lies, real doctors and scientists have been warning of permanent/lethal side effects several months to a year later from taking these vaccines. The vaccines are also part of a binary weapons system that interacts with 5g technology.
Klaus Schwab is laughing at you right now.
After I get my second shot, I’m gonna smoke a cig and throw the butt on your front lawn along with my Rainier can.
Really strange how they can make a vaccine for a 'virus' that has never been isolated, or proven to exist. I wonder why they would do that?
Even stranger how many dumbasses believe the lies - that there is a pandemic, that the vaccines are legit, and that the NWO fascists have any intention of allowing things to ever return to normal.
Congratulations, you are among those who volunteered to be guinea pigs in their Experimental Gene Altering Therapy, which they call 'a vaccine.' Not really though, these 'vaccines' have already been tested on subjects, against their will, far out of sight and out of mind, before it was rolled out on the general public.
For those of you smart enough not to take their poison or believe their lies, real doctors and scientists have been warning of permanent/lethal side effects several months to a year later from taking these vaccines. The vaccines are also part of a binary weapons system that interacts with 5g technology.
Klaus Schwab is laughing at you right now.
Fuck man, you're creeping me out. Literally everyone I know and love has taken it. Am I going to be a lonely old man or will the world be ending soon anyways so it won't matter.
Everyone who has been paying attention has been warned for some time now of a depopulation agenda and shown evidence to back it up. "Bill Gates" told you about it. He said the vaccines were the 'final solution.' A Rockefeller document from more than a decade ago, now scrubbed from the Internet, concluded that the best way to depopulate America was through a vaccination program rolled out under the guise of a fake pandemic.
The Code of the Illuminati requires the NWO to provide a preview of the their plans, sometimes directly, through statements and documents, sometimes obscurely, through films and other methods. Deagel shows an immense population reduction by 2025.
The Georgia Guidestones state that the NWO shall maintain a global population of 500 Million. How much clearer do they have to make it?
Really strange how they can make a vaccine for a 'virus' that has never been isolated, or proven to exist. I wonder why they would do that?
Even stranger how many dumbasses believe the lies - that there is a pandemic, that the vaccines are legit, and that the NWO fascists have any intention of allowing things to ever return to normal.
Congratulations, you are among those who volunteered to be guinea pigs in their Experimental Gene Altering Therapy, which they call 'a vaccine.' Not really though, these 'vaccines' have already been tested on subjects, against their will, far out of sight and out of mind, before it was rolled out on the general public.
For those of you smart enough not to take their poison or believe their lies, real doctors and scientists have been warning of permanent/lethal side effects several months to a year later from taking these vaccines. The vaccines are also part of a binary weapons system that interacts with 5g technology.
Klaus Schwab is laughing at you right now.
After I get my second shot, I’m gonna smoke a cig and throw the butt on your front lawn along with my Rainier can.
His mom will have to pick it up. obk is too busy kooking out to leave the basement.
Got my first or a few weeks ago at Northwest Specialty
I will admit it was a little eerie standing in line waiting to get a shot. It didn’t help that a busload of special needs adults were there and one of them was completely freaking out and screaming.
I had a pretty sore arm for about three or four days. Vicious headache for two days. Other than that no side effects. I am completely fluent in Russian all of a sudden so that’s weird
Got my first or a few weeks ago at Northwest Specialty
I will admit it was a little eerie standing in line waiting to get a shot. It didn’t help that a busload of special needs adults were there and one of them was completely freaking out and screaming.
I had a pretty sore arm for about three or four days. Vicious headache for two days. Other than that no side effects. I am completely fluent in Russian all of a sudden so that’s weird
Even stranger how many dumbasses believe the lies - that there is a pandemic, that the vaccines are legit, and that the NWO fascists have any intention of allowing things to ever return to normal.
Congratulations, you are among those who volunteered to be guinea pigs in their Experimental Gene Altering Therapy, which they call 'a vaccine.' Not really though, these 'vaccines' have already been tested on subjects, against their will, far out of sight and out of mind, before it was rolled out on the general public.
For those of you smart enough not to take their poison or believe their lies, real doctors and scientists have been warning of
permanent/lethal side effects several months to a year later from taking these vaccines. The vaccines are also part of a binary weapons system that interacts with 5g technology.
Klaus Schwab is laughing at you right now.
The Code of the Illuminati requires the NWO to provide a preview of the their plans, sometimes directly, through statements and documents, sometimes obscurely, through films and other methods. Deagel shows an immense population reduction by 2025.
The Georgia Guidestones state that the NWO shall maintain a global population of 500 Million. How much clearer do they have to make it?
Those are Cali fags who moved to Idaho in the last 20 years.
NOT locals.
I’d hate to know the going rate of vaccines not being utilized are at
No one cares.
I will admit it was a little eerie standing in line waiting to get a shot. It didn’t help that a busload of special needs adults were there and one of them was completely freaking out and screaming.
I had a pretty sore arm for about three or four days. Vicious headache for two days. Other than that no side effects. I am completely fluent in Russian all of a sudden so that’s weird
My Kellogg born and raised TUFF In-laws lined up first day they could
But there are a lot of those too