According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) 1.6 million workers, or 1.9% of all hourly paid, non-self-employed workers, earned wages at or below the federal minimum wage in 2019. That year, 82.3 million people were paid hourly rates, making up 58.1% of all wage and salary workers in the United States.
The median hourly wage—the wage at which half the workforce is paid more and half the workforce is paid less—stands at $19.33 per hour. For a full-time, full-year worker, this would translate into about $40,000 per year.
I work in a place that has been compensating employees since last March. So my coworkers and I have been well taken care of since the start. This newly added extra pay resulted in my company taking away one of the two yearly raises. Doesn't really effect me as I'm capped out although I feel really bad for the people that are trying to claw their way up the ladder. This is a pretty big setback for some of them. Having public servants that have no idea how the scales of business work is retarded. As one arm goes up another goes down. The money doesn't come from thin air. It boggles my mind. My company is extremely solvent so we won't see contraction but I feel for people that may lose their jobs because of this "hero pay" when all of us grocery workers haven't missed a paycheck since the pandemic started. Seems misguided. Maybe these dopes should SJW for food service workers or small landlords. They've all been fucked especially hard. Two cents asked for, maybe a half cent given.
The grocery stores were already paying their employees more money due to Covid. The city just came along and mandated that they pay them even more.
Not all of them. Many, and most of the big boys, dropped the hazard/hero/thank you pay last summer.
Honest question - Are you in a Union and if so how much are your monthly dues and what do you think they get you?
I'd rather not answer that. I will say that I have worked for both and prefer a non union environment. The Unions I have been a part of over promise and woefully under deliver. It's a major racket.
The median hourly wage—the wage at which half the workforce is paid more and half the workforce is paid less—stands at $19.33 per hour. For a full-time, full-year worker, this would translate into about $40,000 per year.
This is why we need universal healthcare and a robust welfare system or UBI. It’s obvious those stores were struggling anyways and using this as a scapegoat is convenient. It’s sad that people lost their jobs but a business that can’t pay a living wage is a failure, no matter how desperately you want the rich to walk on your backs over that puddle.
It’s pathetic that you guys fall for this every single time. A corporation or billionaire whines about anything and you immediately drop to your knees and put their balls on your chin. And then you cry about globalism like you’re not the ones enabling them to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want.
Why do the shittiest jobs have to pay a living wage? They are for teenagers and shit
42% of the country makes less than $15 an hour.
Any concession that $15 is a bullshit arbitrary number that carries different value depending on zip code?
This is why we need universal healthcare and a robust welfare system or UBI. It’s obvious those stores were struggling anyways and using this as a scapegoat is convenient. It’s sad that people lost their jobs but a business that can’t pay a living wage is a failure, no matter how desperately you want the rich to walk on your backs over that puddle.
It’s pathetic that you guys fall for this every single time. A corporation or billionaire whines about anything and you immediately drop to your knees and put their balls on your chin. And then you cry about globalism like you’re not the ones enabling them to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want.
Why do the shittiest jobs have to pay a living wage? They are for teenagers and shit
42% of the country makes less than $15 an hour.
Any concession that $15 is a bullshit arbitrary number that carries different value depending on zip code?
Any concession that most of those zip codes are red? Poor and uneducated is just how you like em.
This is why we need universal healthcare and a robust welfare system or UBI. It’s obvious those stores were struggling anyways and using this as a scapegoat is convenient. It’s sad that people lost their jobs but a business that can’t pay a living wage is a failure, no matter how desperately you want the rich to walk on your backs over that puddle.
It’s pathetic that you guys fall for this every single time. A corporation or billionaire whines about anything and you immediately drop to your knees and put their balls on your chin. And then you cry about globalism like you’re not the ones enabling them to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want.
Why do the shittiest jobs have to pay a living wage? They are for teenagers and shit
42% of the country makes less than $15 an hour.
Any concession that $15 is a bullshit arbitrary number that carries different value depending on zip code?
Any concession that most of those zip codes are red? Poor and uneducated is just how you like em.
This is why we need universal healthcare and a robust welfare system or UBI. It’s obvious those stores were struggling anyways and using this as a scapegoat is convenient. It’s sad that people lost their jobs but a business that can’t pay a living wage is a failure, no matter how desperately you want the rich to walk on your backs over that puddle.
It’s pathetic that you guys fall for this every single time. A corporation or billionaire whines about anything and you immediately drop to your knees and put their balls on your chin. And then you cry about globalism like you’re not the ones enabling them to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want.
Why do the shittiest jobs have to pay a living wage? They are for teenagers and shit
This is why we need universal healthcare and a robust welfare system or UBI. It’s obvious those stores were struggling anyways and using this as a scapegoat is convenient. It’s sad that people lost their jobs but a business that can’t pay a living wage is a failure, no matter how desperately you want the rich to walk on your backs over that puddle.
It’s pathetic that you guys fall for this every single time. A corporation or billionaire whines about anything and you immediately drop to your knees and put their balls on your chin. And then you cry about globalism like you’re not the ones enabling them to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want.
Why do the shittiest jobs have to pay a living wage? They are for teenagers and shit
42% of the country makes less than $15 an hour.
Any concession that $15 is a bullshit arbitrary number that carries different value depending on zip code?
Any concession that most of those zip codes are red? Poor and uneducated is just how you like em.
The policies you favor fuck the poor hard
And thats a fact beyond dispute
More or less factual than the election being stolen from Trump?
This is why we need universal healthcare and a robust welfare system or UBI. It’s obvious those stores were struggling anyways and using this as a scapegoat is convenient. It’s sad that people lost their jobs but a business that can’t pay a living wage is a failure, no matter how desperately you want the rich to walk on your backs over that puddle.
It’s pathetic that you guys fall for this every single time. A corporation or billionaire whines about anything and you immediately drop to your knees and put their balls on your chin. And then you cry about globalism like you’re not the ones enabling them to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want.
Why do the shittiest jobs have to pay a living wage? They are for teenagers and shit
42% of the country makes less than $15 an hour.
Any concession that $15 is a bullshit arbitrary number that carries different value depending on zip code?
Any concession that most of those zip codes are red? Poor and uneducated is just how you like em.
The policies you favor fuck the poor hard
And thats a fact beyond dispute
More or less factual than the election being stolen from Trump?
Sure, likely true. You want to make them even poorer with federal policy.
Totally. That’s why all the richest states are blue and the poorest states are red, our terrible economic policies that make people even poorer.
Kreist. If you live in a big city than everything is more expensive and wages are then, naturally higher. That’s where the min wage is already close to $15 an hour. And every big city outside of Texas is blue. The rest have been Governed by Democrats for decades. Tell me how these rich blue states have done anything to lift people out of poverty?
Sure, likely true. You want to make them even poorer with federal policy.
Totally. That’s why all the richest states are blue and the poorest states are red, our terrible economic policies that make people even poorer.
Kreist. If you live in a big city than everything is more expensive and wages are then, naturally higher. That’s where the min wage is already close to $15 an hour. And every big city outside of Texas is blue. The rest have been Governed by Democrats for decades. Tell me how these rich blue states have done anything to lift people out of poverty?
All those red counties that republicans love to point out during presidential elections equals 30% of this countries wealth. 2500 counties out of 3000.
This is the worlds lone super power, a couple years ago we had the greatest economy in history and it was all blue. You are the economic crumbs we wipe off on our pants.
So, the Slobberer still got it wrong. More than half the people working are making over $19 and hour. median wage in 2019,time, full-year worker.
The median hourly wage—the wage at which half the workforce is paid more and half the workforce is paid less—stands at $19.33 per hour. For a full-time, full-year worker, this would translate into about $40,000 per year.
I'd rather not answer that. I will say that I have worked for both and prefer a non union environment. The Unions I have been a part of over promise and woefully under deliver. It's a major racket.
And thats a fact beyond dispute
I thought I was clear on that
Kreist. If you live in a big city than everything is more expensive and wages are then, naturally higher. That’s where the min wage is already close to $15 an hour. And every big city outside of Texas is blue. The rest have been Governed by Democrats for decades. Tell me how these rich blue states have done anything to lift people out of poverty?
We're beyond that
All the money in red states is in blue cities.
All those red counties that republicans love to point out during presidential elections equals 30% of this countries wealth. 2500 counties out of 3000.
This is the worlds lone super power, a couple years ago we had the greatest economy in history and it was all blue. You are the economic crumbs we wipe off on our pants.
I am calling for genocide on this fucking half whit, or your drop the hammer on me.
Fuck you, you fucking fuck