One of Trump’s biggest mistakes in 2020(and there are a few to choose from) was not putting his foot on the neck of QAnon and distancing himself from those batshit crazy MFers....
The others being his almost daily retarded press briefings with regard to COVID and the “Stand Back and Stand By” comment during a debate in which he should have just kept calling Joe a racist over and over, because, apparently doing so is the most effective tactic that exists.
And because it’s the truth.
And lol at Hillary Clinton. How far into bitter alcoholism has that awful woman fallen?
“I bet he was on the phone with RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSSIA!”
There is no qanon. Its all bullshit pushed along by rats. A few nut jobs fuck around on the internet and the next thing rats see is an opportunity to paint Trump and those who supported him as qanon. The big bad secret organization that should scare all Americans into voting for rats. Its cute the measures the left will go to when it is election time. They have all their little brain dead goose stepping morons running around calling everyone that disagrees with them "Qanon". What a bunch of weak minded followers.
Imagine taking MSM at face value when they say “trust us this is bad!!!”
From what I can gather Q people are just autistic internet crawlers looking for evidence of corruption they can pin on any politician, celebrity, businessman.
The fact MSM sees that as the existential threat of today should be a tell.
Imagine taking MSM at face value when they say “trust us this is bad!!!”
From what I can gather Q people are just autistic internet crawlers looking for evidence of corruption they can pin on any politician, celebrity, businessman.
The fact MSM sees that as the existential threat of today should be a tell.
This is exactly right. I spent some time on gab thanks to @PurpleThrobber, and those people are fucking wackos who, despite many claiming to be devout Christians, act like Q is some kind of God. Their desperate clinging to the hope that somehow all the “evil” people in the world will be taken down and Trump will remain president is just sad and pathetic. They keep throwing around the word faith as though all the Q bullshit is their religion. They’re certifiable.
I'm more concerned about members of congress who are compromised by the Chi Coms lying about Russia collusion and using Russian disinformation to do it
But you guys follow the rabbit that dnc wants you to.
Imagine taking MSM at face value when they say “trust us this is bad!!!”
From what I can gather Q people are just autistic internet crawlers looking for evidence of corruption they can pin on any politician, celebrity, businessman.
The fact MSM sees that as the existential threat of today should be a tell.
This is exactly right. I spent some time on gab thanks to @PurpleThrobber, and those people are fucking wackos who, despite many claiming to be devout Christians, act like Q is some kind of God. Their desperate clinging to the hope that somehow all the “evil” people in the world will be taken down and Trump will remain president is just sad and pathetic. They keep throwing around the word faith as though all the Q bullshit is their religion. They’re certifiable.
It’s allegedly 3 or 4 nerds with a quantum computer playing political 4D chess. The really crazy people think JFK Jr. faked his death and is part of it 😂😂 It’s basically one of OBK’s fever dreams
The crappy thing about Q in my opinion, is that people (they left) tie all conservative thought to it, and therefore suppress it by labeling it all "crazy".
I'm more concerned about members of congress who are compromised by the Chi Coms lying about Russia collusion and using Russian disinformation to do it
But you guys follow the rabbit that dnc wants you to.
No kidding. To this day I still don't know what the fuck Q is and don't know anyone who believes it. But I saw and heard plenty of elected Rats who believed the Russian collusion bullshit along with almost every member of the MSM and to this day none of them have paid any kind of price for pushing that crap.
Imagine taking MSM at face value when they say “trust us this is bad!!!”
From what I can gather Q people are just autistic internet crawlers looking for evidence of corruption they can pin on any politician, celebrity, businessman.
The fact MSM sees that as the existential threat of today should be a tell.
Although I've searched, I have yet to witness any event or happening involving Qanon, although I understand they exist somewhere out there in cyberspace and might have inspired that absurd Pizzagate thing among some right-wing, cousin-fucking soft-brains.
The others being his almost daily retarded press briefings with regard to COVID and the “Stand Back and Stand By” comment during a debate in which he should have just kept calling Joe a racist over and over, because, apparently doing so is the most effective tactic that exists.
And because it’s the truth.
And lol at Hillary Clinton. How far into bitter alcoholism has that awful woman fallen?
“I bet he was on the phone with RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSSIA!”
That’s just fantastic content right there.
From what I can gather Q people are just autistic internet crawlers looking for evidence of corruption they can pin on any politician, celebrity, businessman.
The fact MSM sees that as the existential threat of today should be a tell.
Grow a pair Sally. These idiots aren’t going to do anything.
But you guys follow the rabbit that dnc wants you to.
Basement church leaguers.
Talk about a leap of faith.