I’m rich biatch for selling NE Seattle!!! But still that house has only increased since I sold.
I had a nice bidding war that is paying for half the cost of this hole in my backyard
Did you finally leave the north end? The state?
Yup. Moved to AZ back in July.
Congrats. How do you like to so far? I’ll bet you like it quite a lot right about now eh??
Any other places you considered? All western US?
That’ll be a nice pool.
We really like all the sunshine and the neighborhood will be great once it’s completed. We’re the third family to move into our new development so we’ve put up with a lot of construction. It’ll probably be another year before it’s completed, and it can be aggravating (two flat tires so far), but I look at it as the cost of appreciation. The new homes are already selling for almost a $100k more than what we paid.
I work from home so all I needed was reliable internet. I’m not a humidity fan so that eliminated two thirds of the country. Honestly, Southern California’s climate would have been perfect if it wasn’t for the politics and high taxes. Plus I’d have to sell most of my guns and magazines. We drove through Boise and Twin Falls on the way here and I really liked what I saw. That was in the summer though. I do miss the green of the NW but not all the rain it takes to keep it that way. I won’t get to ski this year but that’s more from the Covid restrictions than the move.
Here’s a rendering of the completed pool. If you squint you can see the two barstools next to the stairs, facing the TV wall That’s where I plan to watch a lot of football.