I trust reality and facts. Can't wait to see the next voter fraud conspiracy theory you rush to post here that gets exposed as bullshit. What are you, 0 for 50 now?
The fact is that three different computations in Antrim County led to three different results. That happened no matter what Brad Heath claims. His Tweet was designed to fool stupid people. It worked on you.
Wow it’s almost as if human error occurs when counting votes. Stop the presses!
It wasn’t human error. These were audits of the machine counts as per the audit the Michigan governor had sealed until a judge said it had to be released. How about shutting the fuck up about things of which you know nothing? You’re drowning with Brad Heath and @insinceredawg now.
There is the moronic response Si was expecting to see from the guy who continually steps on his dick yet claims victory.
Says the guy who has seen 60 lawsuits that he was sure would overturn the election all lose. But I'm sure the next one will be the one! Gotta appreciate this level of insanity and gullibility. I hope you didn't empty your life savings to the Trump fight fund like your buddy sledog.
I’ve never once said the election would be overturned, Wet Brain. Why are you Rats are so afraid of investigating if everything is legitimate?
As for the raid, it happened 5 days ago. Your Fake News didn’t report it. Now go put your dunce cap on and get back in the corner.
Where’s info on this raid that definitely happened?
Is Brad Heath as dumb as @insinceredawg, of is he intentionally spreading misinformation to idiots like ID? Use your words, ID. Explain your Gotcha! moment that isn’t a Gotcha! moment other than Brad Heath Gotcha because you are not intelligent.
Is Brad Heath as dumb as @insinceredawg, of is he intentionally spreading misinformation to idiots like ID? Use your words, ID. Explain your Gotcha! moment that isn’t a Gotcha! moment other than Brad Heath Gotcha because you are not intelligent.
but but but the forensic report! It's full of shit just like all the other attempts to prove there was fraud. Surely an intelligent person would see through the bullshit.
Is Brad Heath as dumb as @insinceredawg, of is he intentionally spreading misinformation to idiots like ID? Use your words, ID. Explain your Gotcha! moment that isn’t a Gotcha! moment other than Brad Heath Gotcha because you are not intelligent.
but but but the forensic report! It's full of shit just like all the other attempts to prove there was fraud. Surely an intelligent person would see through the bullshit.
So the fired Chris Krebs, who apparently allowed Russian hacking in the election (he had one job and failed) and who didn’t audit the machines “debunked” the report by bipartisan experts? You a so stupid it even makes my head hurt.
I read the article. How did that failure “debunk” the forensic audit of which he had literally no involvement in creating?
This is Debunked!!! in Wet Brain’s world. “Not necessarily”
Drown yourself and do your family a favor. —————-
Krebs said when he went over the report he was thrown by that claim of a 68% error rate and he saw it "repeated in social media by the (Trump) campaign, by the president." But as he looked more closely, he concluded that the number cited by the group is the number of alerts reported by the voting machines or tabulators, not necessarily errors or changes in the actual ballots as they were counted
Is Brad Heath as dumb as @insinceredawg, of is he intentionally spreading misinformation to idiots like ID? Use your words, ID. Explain your Gotcha! moment that isn’t a Gotcha! moment other than Brad Heath Gotcha because you are not intelligent.
but but but the forensic report! It's full of shit just like all the other attempts to prove there was fraud. Surely an intelligent person would see through the bullshit.
So the fired Chris Krebs, who apparently allowed Russian hacking in the election (he had one job and failed) and who didn’t audit the machines “debunked” the report by bipartisan experts? You a so stupid it even makes my head hurt.
I read the article. How did that failure “debunk” the forensic audit of which he had literally no involvement in creating?
Bipartisan experts? Like who?
I knew you'd mention Krebs got fired because you believe all career professionals are partisan hacks like your side. Has anyone with his level of credentials supported the junk report from ASOG?
Btw, an easy tell of a stupid person who's insecure about their own intelligence is to obsessively call others dumb.
Everylegalvote.com lists its sponsors and financial backers as a coalition of right-wing groups including Allied Security Operations Group, the Economic War Room, and Liberty Center for God and Country.
Risking refusing to obey a subpoena is always special. Why would they do that?
Because they've been probed and prodded and there will never be an end to it because the rubes--you included--are gung ho to uncover something that didn't happen.
Republicans in Congress have mostly acquiesced in Trump's past transgressions. This time they are complicit in misleading Trump loyalists into spending money they can't afford, in the middle of a pandemic, to overturn an election that's already decided, when they know nearly all of it will go into their pockets. It's the perfect parting shot from an administration built on fraud, hubris, and contempt for America's laws and people.
You claim to be an attorney but but it's evident you don't know shit.
The Board of Supervisors had fully cooperated with the tedious examination and reexamination of a very well run election. After 6 weeks of that, the majority of the Board finally decided enough was enough.
“Oh F-U-C-K we’re caught!” Stfu, lawyer up and run out the clock.
Everylegalvote.com lists its sponsors and financial backers as a coalition of right-wing groups including Allied Security Operations Group, the Economic War Room, and Liberty Center for God and Country.
Everylegalvote.com lists its sponsors and financial backers as a coalition of right-wing groups including Allied Security Operations Group, the Economic War Room, and Liberty Center for God and Country.
I only believe what Brad Heath tells me, but I may need to give EveryLegalVote.com a chance, too.
Everylegalvote.com lists its sponsors and financial backers as a coalition of right-wing groups including Allied Security Operations Group, the Economic War Room, and Liberty Center for God and Country.
I only believe what Brad Heath tells me, but I may need to give EveryLegalVote.com a chance, too.
Everylegalvote.com lists its sponsors and financial backers as a coalition of right-wing groups including Allied Security Operations Group, the Economic War Room, and Liberty Center for God and Country.
I only believe what Brad Heath tells me, but I may need to give EveryLegalVote.com a chance, too.
You still haven’t told us about the raid. Let’s hear it.
It was reported last week. Do you think the FBI and Texas Rangers are going to give daily updates on it, you retard? How would I tell you about it? I wasn’t there.
Everylegalvote.com lists its sponsors and financial backers as a coalition of right-wing groups including Allied Security Operations Group, the Economic War Room, and Liberty Center for God and Country.
I only believe what Brad Heath tells me, but I may need to give EveryLegalVote.com a chance, too.
You still haven’t told us about the raid. Let’s hear it.
It was reported last week. Do you think the FBI and Texas Rangers are going to give daily updates on it, you retard? How would I tell you about it? I wasn’t there.
I couldn’t find anything confirming it, only the same headline over and over.
They’d be incompetent to not show up at that office after this breach happened, whether raid or heavy investigation is unclear.
Everylegalvote.com lists its sponsors and financial backers as a coalition of right-wing groups including Allied Security Operations Group, the Economic War Room, and Liberty Center for God and Country.
I only believe what Brad Heath tells me, but I may need to give EveryLegalVote.com a chance, too.
You still haven’t told us about the raid. Let’s hear it.
It was reported last week. Do you think the FBI and Texas Rangers are going to give daily updates on it, you retard? How would I tell you about it? I wasn’t there.
The FBI and Texas Rangers have given zero updates because it never happened. Are you too embarrassed to admit that you heard about it from Louie Gohmert (America’s dumbest Congressman) on Newsmax and actually believed it?
Everylegalvote.com lists its sponsors and financial backers as a coalition of right-wing groups including Allied Security Operations Group, the Economic War Room, and Liberty Center for God and Country.
I only believe what Brad Heath tells me, but I may need to give EveryLegalVote.com a chance, too.
You still haven’t told us about the raid. Let’s hear it.
It was reported last week. Do you think the FBI and Texas Rangers are going to give daily updates on it, you retard? How would I tell you about it? I wasn’t there.
The FBI and Texas Rangers have given zero updates because it never happened. Are you too embarrassed to admit that you heard about it from Louie Gohmert (America’s dumbest Congressman) on Newsmax and actually believed it?
I'm so fucking tired of the hundreds of stories/lawsuits on irregularities not panning out. My gut says that things are fucked up and there is pretty big cheating going on. When I saw Biden give his speech today, it only amplified my feeling - as he stated:
"We saw something very few predicted, even thought possible, the biggest voter turnout in the history of the United States of America, a number so big that this election now ranks as the clearest demonstration of the true will of the American people, one of the most amazing demonstrations of civic duty we’ve ever seen in our country."
"It should be celebrated, not attacked. More than 81 million of those votes were casts for me and Vice President-elect Harris. That too is a record. More than any ticket has received in the history of America."
Interesting victory lap and dunking on Orange Man Bad in his speech today.
I'm a data guy. I have a comp sci degree. There are just too many things that aren't right in the data - especially where it really mattered. My data nerd peers are trying to "prove it" but are failing.
Trump increased his share of the black vote and hispanic vote. He won the bellwether counties - almost all of them. The downvotes for house seats didn't follow the biden harris ticket. The crazy high turnout. It goes on and on.
In all likelihood, this cheating ultimately comes out...but it's going to be too late to fix the election.
We must fix the election system...
26 million more voters this time (155 million) than 2016 (129 million).
Is Brad Heath as dumb as @insinceredawg, of is he intentionally spreading misinformation to idiots like ID? Use your words, ID. Explain your Gotcha! moment that isn’t a Gotcha! moment other than Brad Heath Gotcha because you are not intelligent.
I read the article. How did that failure “debunk” the forensic audit of which he had literally no involvement in creating?
Drown yourself and do your family a favor.
Krebs said when he went over the report he was thrown by that claim of a 68% error rate and he saw it "repeated in social media by the (Trump) campaign, by the president." But as he looked more closely, he concluded that the number cited by the group is the number of alerts reported by the voting machines or tabulators, not necessarily errors or changes in the actual ballots as they were counted
I knew you'd mention Krebs got fired because you believe all career professionals are partisan hacks like your side. Has anyone with his level of credentials supported the junk report from ASOG?
Btw, an easy tell of a stupid person who's insecure about their own intelligence is to obsessively call others dumb.
Everylegalvote.com lists its sponsors and financial backers as a coalition of right-wing groups including Allied Security Operations Group, the Economic War Room, and Liberty Center for God and Country.
Apparently Wet Brain endorses this site.
They’d be incompetent to not show up at that office after this breach happened, whether raid or heavy investigation is unclear.
20% increase in turnout a mere 4 years later.
What is there to be skeptical about?