Crickets from the Democrat Media and angry Tugtards.
15. Significantly, the computer system shows vote adjudication logs for prior years; but all adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing. The adjudication process is the simplest way to manually manipulate votes. The lack of records prevents any form of audit accountability, and their conspicuous absence is extremely suspicious since the files exist for previous years using the same software. Removal of these files violates state law and prevents a meaningful audit, even if the Secretary wanted to conduct an audit. We must conclude that the 2020 election cycle records have been manually removed
16. Likewise, all server security logs prior to 11:03 pm on November 4, 2020 are missing. This means that all security logs for the day after the election, on election day, and prior to election day are gone. Security logs are very important to an audit trail, forensics, and for detecting advanced persistent threats and outside attacks, especially on systems with outdated system files. These logs would contain domain controls, authentication failures, error codes, times users logged on and off, network connections to file servers between file accesses, internet connections, times, and data transfers. Other server logs before November 4, 2020 are present; therefore, there is no reasonable explanation for the security logs to be missing.
Where's everybody going after this one falls apart?
Pathological liars like you have no problem cheating to win, you’ve even admitted you lie to achieve results you want, but most people would actually like a clean election. If any of this obvious fraud gets cleaned up and elections become legitimate, it’s worth the effort.
This is the same county that the MI AG said was “human error” in the miscount when it’s obvious now that software was changed at least twice to try and fix the vote.
16. Likewise, all server security logs prior to 11:03 pm on November 4, 2020 are missing. This means that all security logs for the day after the election, on election day, and prior to election day are gone. Security logs are very important to an audit trail, forensics, and for detecting advanced persistent threats and outside attacks, especially on systems with outdated system files. These logs would contain domain controls, authentication failures, error codes, times users logged on and off, network connections to file servers between file accesses, internet connections, times, and data transfers. Other server logs before November 4, 2020 are present; therefore, there is no reasonable explanation for the security logs to be missing.
This is actually a very technically detailed post. You're a total dipshit and need a link to where you found this,
16. Likewise, all server security logs prior to 11:03 pm on November 4, 2020 are missing. This means that all security logs for the day after the election, on election day, and prior to election day are gone. Security logs are very important to an audit trail, forensics, and for detecting advanced persistent threats and outside attacks, especially on systems with outdated system files. These logs would contain domain controls, authentication failures, error codes, times users logged on and off, network connections to file servers between file accesses, internet connections, times, and data transfers. Other server logs before November 4, 2020 are present; therefore, there is no reasonable explanation for the security logs to be missing.
This is actually a very technically detailed post. You're a total dipshit and need a link to where you found this,
The report in the Washington Times Tweet I posted, Bubblehead. There is a link to the entire audit report. Not that you’d read it anyhow.
I'm so fucking tired of the hundreds of stories/lawsuits on irregularities not panning out. My gut says that things are fucked up and there is pretty big cheating going on. When I saw Biden give his speech today, it only amplified my feeling - as he stated:
"We saw something very few predicted, even thought possible, the biggest voter turnout in the history of the United States of America, a number so big that this election now ranks as the clearest demonstration of the true will of the American people, one of the most amazing demonstrations of civic duty we’ve ever seen in our country."
"It should be celebrated, not attacked. More than 81 million of those votes were casts for me and Vice President-elect Harris. That too is a record. More than any ticket has received in the history of America."
Interesting victory lap and dunking on Orange Man Bad in his speech today.
I'm a data guy. I have a comp sci degree. There are just too many things that aren't right in the data - especially where it really mattered. My data nerd peers are trying to "prove it" but are failing.
Trump increased his share of the black vote and hispanic vote. He won the bellwether counties - almost all of them. The downvotes for house seats didn't follow the biden harris ticket. The crazy high turnout. It goes on and on.
In all likelihood, this cheating ultimately comes out...but it's going to be too late to fix the election.
Is that the same Matt Couch that scammed $$ from people with a Seth Rich investigation? Reliable source you got there.
Stinkfist, nobody is denying the raid happened today. It did. Lots of things happen that your News for Morons doesn’t report. I’m glad I can educate you, and even happy that you are willing to expose your own ignorance in every post you make.
68% error rate on two recounts. An illegitimate election bought and paid for by the Democrats.
15. Significantly, the computer system shows vote adjudication logs for prior years; but all adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing. The adjudication process is the simplest way to manually manipulate votes. The lack of records prevents any form of audit accountability, and their conspicuous absence is extremely suspicious since the files exist for previous years using the same software. Removal of these files violates state law and prevents a meaningful audit, even if the Secretary wanted to conduct an audit. We must conclude that the 2020 election cycle records have been manually removed
Pathological liars like you have no problem cheating to win, you’ve even admitted you lie to achieve results you want, but most people would actually like a clean election. If any of this obvious fraud gets cleaned up and elections become legitimate, it’s worth the effort.
"We saw something very few predicted, even thought possible, the biggest voter turnout in the history of the United States of America, a number so big that this election now ranks as the clearest demonstration of the true will of the American people, one of the most amazing demonstrations of civic duty we’ve ever seen in our country."
"It should be celebrated, not attacked. More than 81 million of those votes were casts for me and Vice President-elect Harris. That too is a record. More than any ticket has received in the history of America."
Interesting victory lap and dunking on Orange Man Bad in his speech today.
I'm a data guy. I have a comp sci degree. There are just too many things that aren't right in the data - especially where it really mattered. My data nerd peers are trying to "prove it" but are failing.
Trump increased his share of the black vote and hispanic vote.
He won the bellwether counties - almost all of them.
The downvotes for house seats didn't follow the biden harris ticket.
The crazy high turnout.
It goes on and on.
In all likelihood, this cheating ultimately comes out...but it's going to be too late to fix the election.
We must fix the election system...