Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
My favorite BackThePack story (revealed here for the first time!!1!!)
About three years ago, Fudgie PM'd me. He wanted to know if he could use Hardcore Husky as a means to raise funds for his high school football team. I told him that he could proceed if he wanted, but did he really want every sweatpants-wearing degenerate and parolee on Hardcore Husky knowing his real name and where he goes to school? I told him to think long and hard about that.
He responded, "Oh shit! Never mind!!"
22 ·
Even then, it takes another 20 or 30 years to finely tune. Then there's a short window before dementia starts kicking in.
Everyone knows cantaloupe is for oral lessons.
Although, hmm...
I will return to lurking which is my preference but I will miss chin’in good posts or comments or the occasional FO for a bad take like Kirkland sucks lol
One more parting shot...if you have a sig gif without a hottie (beach girl even with the nasty cigarette) or like @Swaye s you are definitely a fag. NTTATWWT - I had forgotten how much I love the girl and her boobs on the beach, brb jo
Arizona123 out, later guys. And no I’m not going to ask Stalin to delete my account, I’m simply not logging in again this year.
@PurpleBaze I know you were trying to save face when you claimed to get the reaction you desired from me but I’m not buying it. I didn’t and don’t give s shit that you gave me 40 or 50 FOs, I mentioned because I thought it was odd. You made a bad read and it hurt your pride you got trolled by a couple lol when I made this old dawgman handle prior to the zona game. Man up and take the L unless you need djj to assist you with your pants. Peace;) lol
You got trolled @PurpleBaze and it was totally unintentional which is even more funny lol
@backthepack young man, be well and put the telephone down occasionally...before you know it you will be my age which is likely older than your parents. ✌️
I'm legitimately curious what you had in mind.