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Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

Tucker: We heard you. It’s hard to trust anything. Here’s what we know



  • DuckwithaboneDuckwithabone Member Posts: 272
    Kaepsknee said:

    The issue you guys can’t seem to wrap your head around is it doesn’t have to be extreme one way or the other. The election is operated by humans at every level from making the ballots, to filling out the ballots, to counting and so forth. Error and human stupidity has always been present in elections and nobody is denying that. Do the investigation, track down voters, examine every facet of this election with a microscope and find every instance of error and/or fraud. Please don’t waste insane amounts of time and money doing it, but by all means do it. Continue to make the system better. And then stop complaining and move on. If you want to say “well libs didn’t stop bitching after 2016” well you’re right, but I thought the point was you guys aren’t them. Or are you actually just a mirror reflection. If all these accusations are true then they’re easy enough to prove or disprove and then get over it.

    When your team challenged the election, they had a 2 year investigation that ate up tens of millions of dollars. When that didn’t work, they devoted their time to impeaching the President, when they knew He would never be removed from office.

    All at a time when an eventual Pandemic was spreading all over the world.

    So if people want to question the mechanics and results of an election where 20 million voters sent in ballots by mail in states that had no secure infrastructure to do so, you’d step aside if you had any grasp of common sense.
    Yeah sorry I don’t think very much of that lines up with actual reality. I mean yes you threw in things that happened but just jumbled them together and presented them wrapped in a distorted narrative. And if trump wants to drop his donors and his own cash, which is what the majority of it is, then by all means he can drop deeper into debt for all I care.
  • NorthwestFreshNorthwestFresh Member Posts: 7,972

    Hillary is an idiot. I'm happy to count all the votes. Most liberals hate Trumpers not Russians, because they know Trumpers elected him fair and square.

    I support working class politics not corporate and identity-based Dems.

    How about count all legal votes, and not those dumped at 4am after counts were supposedly halted?
    Again that’s just not how this works. Ballots that are perfectly legal, all rules followed and postmarked within the allowed timeframe, arrive at different times. There is no rule that says ballots that arrive after 12am, 2am, or whatever time you want to throw out are illegal. As long as the postmark is within the timeframe, a ballot can arrive after Election Day, as is often the case with overseas military ballots. This “4am ballot dump” is again a conspiracy theory. Ballots can arrive and be counted at 4am the day after Election Day. This of course varies by state, but some states allow ballots to be dropped off days after Election Day. These are legal votes. And the counting doesn’t stop until the votes are all counted or a state hits their deadline being able to count, which again varies by state. This is basic election process that occurs every year. Republicans just seem to have forgot it this year.
    Why don’t you want to investigate Biden getting over 130,000 votes on a data dump?

    Seems like you’re totally all-in on potential fraud. I welcomed the Russian Collusion Hoax investigations because I knew it was bullshit, as the investigations proved.
    I mean I’m just a random internet poaster so not sure why my opinion matters. Also I really can’t follow all the rumors and theories at this point; sharpies, burning ballots, ballots in ditches, dead people voting, dogs voting, glitches, who can track all this. The 130k one seems important to you but I really have no idea. But just for shits and giggles, hypothetically if I was charge and I did know which theory you were referring to I’d say the same thing as before. Gather evidence, bring to a court, and present it to a judge. You do realize that trump team is doing this, right? So far they’re getting rejected from every court. This isn’t going to the SCOTUS people, the evidence is so flimsy at this point that it isn’t making it past the lowest courts.
    Boring and full of conjecture.

    Thank you for sharing your feelings with the Tug, though.
  • DuckwithaboneDuckwithabone Member Posts: 272

    Hillary is an idiot. I'm happy to count all the votes. Most liberals hate Trumpers not Russians, because they know Trumpers elected him fair and square.

    I support working class politics not corporate and identity-based Dems.

    How about count all legal votes, and not those dumped at 4am after counts were supposedly halted?
    Again that’s just not how this works. Ballots that are perfectly legal, all rules followed and postmarked within the allowed timeframe, arrive at different times. There is no rule that says ballots that arrive after 12am, 2am, or whatever time you want to throw out are illegal. As long as the postmark is within the timeframe, a ballot can arrive after Election Day, as is often the case with overseas military ballots. This “4am ballot dump” is again a conspiracy theory. Ballots can arrive and be counted at 4am the day after Election Day. This of course varies by state, but some states allow ballots to be dropped off days after Election Day. These are legal votes. And the counting doesn’t stop until the votes are all counted or a state hits their deadline being able to count, which again varies by state. This is basic election process that occurs every year. Republicans just seem to have forgot it this year.
    Why don’t you want to investigate Biden getting over 130,000 votes on a data dump?

    Seems like you’re totally all-in on potential fraud. I welcomed the Russian Collusion Hoax investigations because I knew it was bullshit, as the investigations proved.
    I mean I’m just a random internet poaster so not sure why my opinion matters. Also I really can’t follow all the rumors and theories at this point; sharpies, burning ballots, ballots in ditches, dead people voting, dogs voting, glitches, who can track all this. The 130k one seems important to you but I really have no idea. But just for shits and giggles, hypothetically if I was charge and I did know which theory you were referring to I’d say the same thing as before. Gather evidence, bring to a court, and present it to a judge. You do realize that trump team is doing this, right? So far they’re getting rejected from every court. This isn’t going to the SCOTUS people, the evidence is so flimsy at this point that it isn’t making it past the lowest courts.
    Boring and full of conjecture.

    Thank you for sharing your feelings with the Tug, though.
    So I answered your question and you got nothing. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you.
  • Doog_de_JourDoog_de_Jour Member Posts: 7,958 Standard Supporter
    @Duckwithabone - I’ve actually appreciated some of your comments in this thread.

    I have no doubt there was election tampering in *both* 2016 and 2020. What I’m less sold on is how much.

    Unless you have PROOF in hand, etc., etc. Yes, it should be investigated. Present the evidence in court. Let’s see where the holes in the boat are and find a way to repair them.
  • DuckwithaboneDuckwithabone Member Posts: 272

    Hillary is an idiot. I'm happy to count all the votes. Most liberals hate Trumpers not Russians, because they know Trumpers elected him fair and square.

    I support working class politics not corporate and identity-based Dems.

    How about count all legal votes, and not those dumped at 4am after counts were supposedly halted?
    Again that’s just not how this works. Ballots that are perfectly legal, all rules followed and postmarked within the allowed timeframe, arrive at different times. There is no rule that says ballots that arrive after 12am, 2am, or whatever time you want to throw out are illegal. As long as the postmark is within the timeframe, a ballot can arrive after Election Day, as is often the case with overseas military ballots. This “4am ballot dump” is again a conspiracy theory. Ballots can arrive and be counted at 4am the day after Election Day. This of course varies by state, but some states allow ballots to be dropped off days after Election Day. These are legal votes. And the counting doesn’t stop until the votes are all counted or a state hits their deadline being able to count, which again varies by state. This is basic election process that occurs every year. Republicans just seem to have forgot it this year.
    Why don’t you want to investigate Biden getting over 130,000 votes on a data dump?

    Seems like you’re totally all-in on potential fraud. I welcomed the Russian Collusion Hoax investigations because I knew it was bullshit, as the investigations proved.
    Well you specifically directed the question to me and why I don’t want to I investigate, which personally I’m not doing shit, but I assumed you were nominating me as spokesman for “my team” in this case.
  • TurdBomberTurdBomber Member Posts: 19,876 Standard Supporter

    Hillary is an idiot. I'm happy to count all the votes. Most liberals hate Trumpers not Russians, because they know Trumpers elected him fair and square.

    I support working class politics not corporate and identity-based Dems.

    How about count all legal votes, and not those dumped at 4am after counts were supposedly halted?
    Again that’s just not how this works. Ballots that are perfectly legal, all rules followed and postmarked within the allowed timeframe, arrive at different times. There is no rule that says ballots that arrive after 12am, 2am, or whatever time you want to throw out are illegal. As long as the postmark is within the timeframe, a ballot can arrive after Election Day, as is often the case with overseas military ballots. This “4am ballot dump” is again a conspiracy theory. Ballots can arrive and be counted at 4am the day after Election Day. This of course varies by state, but some states allow ballots to be dropped off days after Election Day. These are legal votes. And the counting doesn’t stop until the votes are all counted or a state hits their deadline being able to count, which again varies by state. This is basic election process that occurs every year. Republicans just seem to have forgot it this year.
    Why don’t you want to investigate Biden getting over 130,000 votes on a data dump?

    Seems like you’re totally all-in on potential fraud. I welcomed the Russian Collusion Hoax investigations because I knew it was bullshit, as the investigations proved.
    I mean I’m just a random internet poaster so not sure why my opinion matters. Also I really can’t follow all the rumors and theories at this point; sharpies, burning ballots, ballots in ditches, dead people voting, dogs voting, glitches, who can track all this. The 130k one seems important to you but I really have no idea. But just for shits and giggles, hypothetically if I was charge and I did know which theory you were referring to I’d say the same thing as before. Gather evidence, bring to a court, and present it to a judge. You do realize that trump team is doing this, right? So far they’re getting rejected from every court. This isn’t going to the SCOTUS people, the evidence is so flimsy at this point that it isn’t making it past the lowest courts.
    Sledog said:

    Especially interesting since they said they had stopped counting. And 132k Joe only ballots get added to the count.

    I don't get why you Trump fans are so concerned with this particular election. When Trump won I was pissed but didn't think it was "stolen."

    Every time a Democrat wins it's rigged? Is that just it?
    Who sent you to the big leagues? You belong in A ball for a couple more seasons.
  • GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,485 Standard Supporter

    RoadTrip said:

    Swaye said:

    That was epic. Takedown on voter fraud, big tech, and pollsters, and how ALL of it conspired to flip this election. And it's unassailable. Which means the usual useful idiots will be here soon to tell us these facts aren't really facts because you know, reasons. And Trump bad. And other stuff!

    2020 is the biggest sham in the history of shams.

    2015.5 - 2020 has been the biggest sham in the history of shams.

    RATs 2016
    "Russia rigged our election."

    RATs 2020
    "It's impossible to rig an election."
    Yeah, I've never met anyone who actually thinks Russians messed with the ballots. The questions were to do with Russian "disinformation" on social media. MSNBC took the whole thing too far, much like right wing media is doing right now.
    Late in 2016 and into early 2017, media used the word “hacking” quite a bit in regard to the election and Russia, particularly in headlines. I’ve posted screenshots before here, not going to redo it. If you’d read into the story, you’d see they used “hack” in like the lifehack sense. However, click-by readers likely took the meaning that Russians got onto computers & changed votes.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,479 Founders Club
    To the newcomers - we aren't going back over all the lessons we taught the last 4 years. Either catch up or don't but your hot ACA takes and the like have mold on them
  • GrundleStiltzkinGrundleStiltzkin Member Posts: 61,485 Standard Supporter

    RoadTrip said:

    Swaye said:

    That was epic. Takedown on voter fraud, big tech, and pollsters, and how ALL of it conspired to flip this election. And it's unassailable. Which means the usual useful idiots will be here soon to tell us these facts aren't really facts because you know, reasons. And Trump bad. And other stuff!

    2020 is the biggest sham in the history of shams.

    2015.5 - 2020 has been the biggest sham in the history of shams.

    RATs 2016
    "Russia rigged our election."

    RATs 2020
    "It's impossible to rig an election."
    Yeah, I've never met anyone who actually thinks Russians messed with the ballots. The questions were to do with Russian "disinformation" on social media. MSNBC took the whole thing too far, much like right wing media is doing right now.
    Late in 2016 and into early 2017, media used the word “hacking” quite a bit in regard to the election and Russia, particularly in headlines. I’ve posted screenshots before here, not going to redo it. If you’d read into the story, you’d see they used “hack” in like the lifehack sense. However, click-by readers likely took the meaning that Russians got onto computers & changed votes.
    Dammit, I got pissed all over again. Here a few results, just from CNN Wire, Nov 2016 - Jan 2017, "Russian election hacking."

  • DerekJohnsonDerekJohnson Administrator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 62,379 Founders Club

    Swaye said:

    BearsWiin said:

    Good to see the Deplorables have a new Pied Piper

    Feel the unity

    Summer of love?
    I'm the Warlord now!

  • DerekJohnsonDerekJohnson Administrator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 62,379 Founders Club

    I thought Tucker was a pompous, preppy douche in like 2008. He's really come around.

    Are you confusing Tucker Carlson with John Carlson?

    They all look the same, doncha know?

    I forgot about him. I used to listen to him in the 1990s
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,479 Founders Club
    It was similar to this year in that Trump was demanded to concede the election before it happened and Obama and Hillary had big belly laughs at the election being stolen which Trump was getting at.

    Then Trump won and the election was stolen. When the media did the Biden pivot this year to "no fraud ever anywhere" anyone with half a brain had to see they are full of shit and likely hiding something

  • DerekJohnsonDerekJohnson Administrator, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 62,379 Founders Club

    To the newcomers - we aren't going back over all the lessons we taught the last 4 years. Either catch up or don't but your hot ACA takes and the like have mold on them

    deserves owen thread?
  • MelloDawgMelloDawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 6,521 Swaye's Wigwam

    The thing that is overlooked here is the appearance of impropriety. I get, and somewhat agree with, the idea that there is a wing of misinformation-generators and conspiracy theory playwrites working on the right who cook up a lot of shit. Don't care.

    The right to have your vote counted in a fairly executed election is about as fundamental as it gets. The government, whether in control by the far right or the far left, pisses away billions of dollars on non-sense every year.

    There is no reason, fiscal or otherwise, that has been articulated to me to not spend a few hundred million and have an audit done of the vote when circumstances indicate it's necessary. Those circumstances don't just include prima facie evidence of wrongdoing. They would also include, IMO, state votes that are very close, particularly in states with enough electoral votes to have made a difference.

    Full disclosure: I voted for Trump, but I'm not in that camp of people who get depressed about it. It's not like when Miami loses. I'll just bend over and writer a bigger check to the IRS I guess. And learn to speak Chinese ... or something. But I'd like to know that I'm doing so because my fellow Americans wanted it that way.

    I see it this way as a centrist too and, hence, from an even keeled approach. Folks who voted Trump are making a conscious choice to be enraged for the next 4 years based on a relative misunderstanding of how elections work. I imagine it’ll eventually subside.
  • BearsWiinBearsWiin Member Posts: 5,024
    MelloDawg said:

    The thing that is overlooked here is the appearance of impropriety. I get, and somewhat agree with, the idea that there is a wing of misinformation-generators and conspiracy theory playwrites working on the right who cook up a lot of shit. Don't care.

    The right to have your vote counted in a fairly executed election is about as fundamental as it gets. The government, whether in control by the far right or the far left, pisses away billions of dollars on non-sense every year.

    There is no reason, fiscal or otherwise, that has been articulated to me to not spend a few hundred million and have an audit done of the vote when circumstances indicate it's necessary. Those circumstances don't just include prima facie evidence of wrongdoing. They would also include, IMO, state votes that are very close, particularly in states with enough electoral votes to have made a difference.

    Full disclosure: I voted for Trump, but I'm not in that camp of people who get depressed about it. It's not like when Miami loses. I'll just bend over and writer a bigger check to the IRS I guess. And learn to speak Chinese ... or something. But I'd like to know that I'm doing so because my fellow Americans wanted it that way.

    I see it this way as a centrist too and, hence, from an even keeled approach. Folks who voted Trump are making a conscious choice to be enraged for the next 4 years based on a relative misunderstanding of how elections work. I imagine it’ll eventually subside.
    Only after they're dragged into the 21st century and realize that they like it after all
  • NorthwestFreshNorthwestFresh Member Posts: 7,972
    MelloDawg said:

    The thing that is overlooked here is the appearance of impropriety. I get, and somewhat agree with, the idea that there is a wing of misinformation-generators and conspiracy theory playwrites working on the right who cook up a lot of shit. Don't care.

    The right to have your vote counted in a fairly executed election is about as fundamental as it gets. The government, whether in control by the far right or the far left, pisses away billions of dollars on non-sense every year.

    There is no reason, fiscal or otherwise, that has been articulated to me to not spend a few hundred million and have an audit done of the vote when circumstances indicate it's necessary. Those circumstances don't just include prima facie evidence of wrongdoing. They would also include, IMO, state votes that are very close, particularly in states with enough electoral votes to have made a difference.

    Full disclosure: I voted for Trump, but I'm not in that camp of people who get depressed about it. It's not like when Miami loses. I'll just bend over and writer a bigger check to the IRS I guess. And learn to speak Chinese ... or something. But I'd like to know that I'm doing so because my fellow Americans wanted it that way.

    I see it this way as a centrist too and, hence, from an even keeled approach. Folks who voted Trump are making a conscious choice to be enraged for the next 4 years based on a relative misunderstanding of how elections work. I imagine it’ll eventually subside.
    “A relative misunderstanding of how elections work.” OK sure pal.

    Who is enraged? That was your side the last 4 years.
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