We finished day one with online school. By the end of the week I'll unenroll them both and tell them to go find jobs. Far more productive than this nonsense. They're six and nine. Small arms might be handy for Roto-Rooter. @swaye internship opportunity?
We finished day one with online school. By the end of the week I'll unenroll them both and tell them to go find jobs. Far more productive than this nonsense. They're six and nine. Small arms might be handy for Roto-Rooter. @swaye internship opportunity?
It was the same with in person you just weren't there to see it.
My kids go to private. They've been open since April. Still are. We had planned on switching to public at 1st grade but now plan to keep them in private until at least 5th. Pricey but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to leave a 1st grader home to do school by themselves.
Aren't you worried that they'll miss out the Critical Race Theory education? Where will they learn about how this country was founded on white supremacy and systemic racism? What kind of an unfit parent are you?
We pulled our kids out of public school and are home schooling them. Not only is the "online school" a joke, but we heard from friends that teachers are pushing a bunch of social justice garbage. This way they learn more in less time, and don't have to listen to the leftist bs.
We finished day one with online school. By the end of the week I'll unenroll them both and tell them to go find jobs. Far more productive than this nonsense. They're six and nine. Small arms might be handy for Roto-Rooter. @swaye internship opportunity?
It's at least a D+ place to work, and we're hiring!
What a fucking shit show...down here in Oree-gon we can't even swing my the school to get our kid's leaning packets because of extremely hazardous air quality.
*Miss you @MikeDamone!
They had a single day where 15 out of 45 kids in one grade level were out with "flu like symptoms" in February.
She is teaching in person because she actually cares about the kids and freely admits the online stuff is 90% bullshit.
All part of the CCP plan