Was he on the stage at the same time as the white couple....whose sole purpose was because they waved guns at black people or was that a different night?
How dare that black man not be on your white dem plantation! Hey J-dublya, you should ask your grandpappy what he would have done to that uppity black American back in the day.
You rats don't even try to hide it anymore. Pathetic.
Fucking Rats claimed that if Trump was re-elected it would be the end of our democracy. But that wasn't dark.
Your link shows the real dumbing down of America. They all got the "dark" memo and right on cue they went global at the exact same time with the exact same phrasing. They know their characterization is not accurate news, they know that it is an attempt to influence the non-thinking left wing voter. The message coordination by the rat media is disgusting and completely dishonest.
Fucking Rats claimed that if Trump was re-elected it would be the end of our democracy. But that wasn't dark.
Your link shows the real dumbing down of America. They all got the "dark" memo and right on cue they went global at the exact same time with the exact same phrasing. They know their characterization is not accurate news, they know that it is an attempt to influence the non-thinking left wing voter. The message coordination by the rat media is disgusting and completely dishonest.
I mean conservatives are generally cool and successful and leftists are the fat 38 year old women complaining that life is rigged and there aint no good men
I mean conservatives are generally cool and successful and leftists are the fat 38 year old women complaining that life is rigged and there aint no good men
I have one of those flew it on the boat for the parade last Sunday.
Bottom half
You rats don't even try to hide it anymore. Pathetic.
Oh, she talks, too?
Enjoy your shit sandwich, JW.
Those heartland hotties weather quickly in the heat and snow. I'd like her before that happens, if you don't mind.
Feeling the need to strike while I'm over the target. Oooooooooh Kristi. Mmmm-Mmmm.