I watched some of the DNC convention, and some of the RNC last night. Independent of your political philosophy, anyone else struck by the general tone differences? The GOP (last night anyway) seemed to be a message of opportunity. The DNC was full of grievance. One group says America is great and can be better. The other says America is deeply flawed and needs complete cleansing. The contrast is sharp and clear.
With all due respect....what else would it be?
Why would the DNC say everything is great with a Republican as President?
The Messiah got elected simply on "Hope and Change".
Positive messaging sells. Americans like to compete and win.
Trump still is essentially a 90's Dem. He still appeals to the working class that the dems used to covet. I don't see the division he created within the Democratic party having healed since 2016. If anything the Dems doubled down and created an even further divide between their SJW/progs, working class, and global/coastal elite groups. But but but unity!
I didn't watch any of the @dnc because they're a bunch of bullies, so if you're telling me it was all doom and gloom then I'll have to take your word for it.
But I did tune in last night. And outside of Scott and Haley, who were pretty well measured, I felt like I was watching the opening ceremonies of an insurrection. Guilfoyle in particular was batshit insane throughout her entire speech.
I didn't watch any of the @dnc because they're a bunch of bullies, so if you're telling me it was all doom and gloom then I'll have to take your word for it.
But I did tune in last night. And outside of Scott and Haley, who were pretty well measured, I felt like I was watching the opening ceremonies of an insurrection. Guilfoyle in particular was batshit insane throughout her entire speech.
Guilfoyle, agreed she was bad but the rest of line up was pretty good. Old Cuban guy was good, H. Walker was good, Don Jr. wasn't bad. The black woman running for Congress from Baltimore was good.
It may be a flaw of mine ... but I don’t understand people that are always thinking through the lenses of racism
I know that blatant racism and discrimination is out there in the world ...
But we are collectively doing a disservice in addressing the legitimate racism/discrimination out there by saying that anything doesn’t go your way is a form of racism or discrimination ... there will always be people that don’t like you or treat you unfairly ... you can either cry about it and allow it stop you or you can keep moving forward
I didn't watch any of the @dnc because they're a bunch of bullies, so if you're telling me it was all doom and gloom then I'll have to take your word for it.
But I did tune in last night. And outside of Scott and Haley, who were pretty well measured, I felt like I was watching the opening ceremonies of an insurrection. Guilfoyle in particular was batshit insane throughout her entire speech.
She has a nice rack - but I'd rather see #mykaleigh up there smoking weed and talking shit like Lane Kiffen.
I watched some of the DNC convention, and some of the RNC last night. Independent of your political philosophy, anyone else struck by the general tone differences? The GOP (last night anyway) seemed to be a message of opportunity. The DNC was full of grievance. One group says America is great and can be better. The other says America is deeply flawed and needs complete cleansing. The contrast is sharp and clear.
With all due respect....what else would it be?
Why would the DNC say everything is great with a Republican as President?
Did you watch the DNC Convention? The hate for Trump (in reality he represents everyone who doesn't think like rats, that's why they hate him so much). Even when they weren't blaming Trump for their woes and victimization they were constantly telling Americans that they were living in a hell hole. That there is a racist around every corner. Their entire convention was wrapped around dividing the races. That is not because of Trump, that is all the dem platform. You know why I know this? Its because it has been their platform for 3 decades.
You don’t need to namecall.....be better
Blow it out your ass. We have rats running around the streets lighting apartments on fire with people in them, beating, murdering and looting and a dem convention that never bothered to condemn the violence. All they did was fuel the flames of racial division and you have a problem with me calling them rats? FFS, the dem convention was a race dividing ship made of shit. Trying to equate that violence and the rat support of it to one party not liking the others candidates is joke. The messages couldn't be more different and rats should not be rewarded for tearing the country apart.
I watched some of the DNC convention, and some of the RNC last night. Independent of your political philosophy, anyone else struck by the general tone differences? The GOP (last night anyway) seemed to be a message of opportunity. The DNC was full of grievance. One group says America is great and can be better. The other says America is deeply flawed and needs complete cleansing. The contrast is sharp and clear.
It's so much easier to put on a good convention when you don't have to try and lie and mislead people on who you really are.
I watched some of the DNC convention, and some of the RNC last night. Independent of your political philosophy, anyone else struck by the general tone differences? The GOP (last night anyway) seemed to be a message of opportunity. The DNC was full of grievance. One group says America is great and can be better. The other says America is deeply flawed and needs complete cleansing. The contrast is sharp and clear.
I didn't watch any of the @dnc because they're a bunch of bullies, so if you're telling me it was all doom and gloom then I'll have to take your word for it.
But I did tune in last night. And outside of Scott and Haley, who were pretty well measured, I felt like I was watching the opening ceremonies of an insurrection. Guilfoyle in particular was batshit insane throughout her entire speech.
You purposely singled out the one speaker who did poorly in order to paint with a broad brush.
I didn't watch any of the @dnc because they're a bunch of bullies, so if you're telling me it was all doom and gloom then I'll have to take your word for it.
But I did tune in last night. And outside of Scott and Haley, who were pretty well measured, I felt like I was watching the opening ceremonies of an insurrection. Guilfoyle in particular was batshit insane throughout her entire speech.
You purposely singled out the one speaker who did poorly in order to paint with a broad brush.
Positive messaging sells. Americans like to compete and win.
Its not that hard
But I did tune in last night. And outside of Scott and Haley, who were pretty well measured, I felt like I was watching the opening ceremonies of an insurrection. Guilfoyle in particular was batshit insane throughout her entire speech.
I know that blatant racism and discrimination is out there in the world ...
But we are collectively doing a disservice in addressing the legitimate racism/discrimination out there by saying that anything doesn’t go your way is a form of racism or discrimination ... there will always be people that don’t like you or treat you unfairly ... you can either cry about it and allow it stop you or you can keep moving forward
She has a pretty nice rack. So there's that.
Ok was. Can't believe she would marry Newsom. Speaks poorly for her