According to Warren Farrell, American Boys have lost 30% of their grip strength and 15 IQ points since the 1980s. Judging by what I see everyday, there is no doubt his numbers are correct, if not worse. I'm seeing more and more men fag out and saying they want to vote for Biden so he'll "unite the Country."
What they're really saying, and you and I and everyone knows it, is that they are terrified of BLM marching into their neighborhoods.
Watch what happens when the schools re-open under the new Ethnic Studies requirements and Equity policies. You're going to see Biden voters stampeding out of cities in a white-flight movement like the early 70s. As @PurpleThrobber and @Sledog know, it's already happening. Trump-haters have torn the country apart, not the other way around.
The vast majority of fags in their 20's can't change a tire, change their own oil, spackle anything, replace a garbage disposal, or kill and gut a deer. 90% of them might as well be women. It's pathetic. Bunch of shaved legged skinny jeans wearing queers. China will have no problem with their takeover 20 years from now when all of us are too old to fight.
edit: And forget power tools. Most of them would kill themselves with an angle grinder. Actually not a bad idea to let them play with one.
According to Warren Farrell, American Boys have lost 30% of their grip strength and 15 IQ points since the 1980s. Judging by what I see everyday, there is no doubt his numbers are correct, if not worse. I'm seeing more and more men fag out and saying they want to vote for Biden so he'll "unite the Country."
What they're really saying, and you and I and everyone knows it, is that they are terrified of BLM marching into their neighborhoods.
Watch what happens when the schools re-open under the new Ethnic Studies requirements and Equity policies. You're going to see Biden voters stampeding out of cities in a white-flight movement like the early 70s. As @PurpleThrobber and @Sledog know, it's already happening. Trump-haters have torn the country apart, not the other way around.
The vast majority of fags in their 20's can't change a tire, change their own oil, spackle anything, replace a garbage disposal, or kill and gut a deer. 90% of them might as well be women. It's pathetic. Bunch of shaved legged skinny jeans wearing queers. China will have no problem with their takeover 20 years from now when all of us are too old to fight.
edit: And forget power tools. Most of them would kill themselves with an angle grinder. Actually not a bad idea to let them play with one.
My new Makita hand planer just arrived & runs way better than my burned out DeWalt.
More dangerous than a loaded gun to anyone under 35.
M's and Z's do best to ignore those Stihl ads on the back of the sports section. You'll fucking kill yourselves. Stick to the crossword puzzles.
I shouldn't worry, though. Young fucks can't pull-start anything.
Pardon my Toxic Masculinity. Ms and Zs can't wait for robots to do all their work.
Can't wait to see their fat whale girlfriends replace with with robots they designed and built.
On the other hand men are much more simple... Women are in for a world of hurt when they start getting replaced by affordable sexy robot anime cat girl maids.
According to Warren Farrell, American Boys have lost 30% of their grip strength and 15 IQ points since the 1980s. Judging by what I see everyday, there is no doubt his numbers are correct, if not worse. I'm seeing more and more men fag out and saying they want to vote for Biden so he'll "unite the Country."
What they're really saying, and you and I and everyone knows it, is that they are terrified of BLM marching into their neighborhoods.
Watch what happens when the schools re-open under the new Ethnic Studies requirements and Equity policies. You're going to see Biden voters stampeding out of cities in a white-flight movement like the early 70s. As @PurpleThrobber and @Sledog know, it's already happening. Trump-haters have torn the country apart, not the other way around.
The vast majority of fags in their 20's can't change a tire, change their own oil, spackle anything, replace a garbage disposal, or kill and gut a deer. 90% of them might as well be women. It's pathetic. Bunch of shaved legged skinny jeans wearing queers. China will have no problem with their takeover 20 years from now when all of us are too old to fight.
edit: And forget power tools. Most of them would kill themselves with an angle grinder. Actually not a bad idea to let them play with one.
I could probably do most all those things if pressed, but it's just way easier to write a check to have someone else do it - while The Throbber goes out an makes 4x what he's paying out.
Obama having a rally for Biden in Pennsylvania. Thee might be 30 people there that aren’t media. Obama won’t put up with this shit. Bet he cancels future appearances because this sad turnout impacts his own legacy.
Obama having a rally for Biden in Pennsylvania. Thee might be 30 people there that aren’t media. Obama won’t put up with this shit. Bet he cancels future appearances because this sad turnout impacts his own legacy.
edit: And forget power tools. Most of them would kill themselves with an angle grinder. Actually not a bad idea to let them play with one.
More dangerous than a loaded gun to anyone under 35.
M's and Z's do best to ignore those Stihl ads on the back of the sports section. You'll fucking kill yourselves. Stick to the crossword puzzles.
I shouldn't worry, though. Young fucks can't pull-start anything.
Can't wait to see their fat whale girlfriends replace with with robots they designed and built.
I remember my being poor phase.
Is Joe for or against fracking?
Is Joe for or against the green new deal?
Is Joe for or against court packing?
Maybe Frank can help us out here with a focus group on that
Do it, Drumpf
h/t @HoustonHusky
PM at me
Uncle tom
White supremacist
I’m sure there’s more
The party of progressive unity