Voters think it’s likely that Joe Biden was in on his son Hunter’s controversial business deals abroad but are more critical of President Trump’s ethics than those of the Democratic nominee.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters believe it’s likely that Biden was consulted about and perhaps profited from Hunter’s overseas business deals including at least one involving a company in mainland China. Forty-four percent (44%) consider it Very Likely. But 38% think it’s unlikely Biden was involved with his son’s business dealings, including 21% who say it’s Not At All Likely.(To see survey question wording, click here.)
The survey of 1,000 Likely U.S. Voters was conducted October 22 and 25, 2020 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.
Lots of Jill Stein voters who thought Hilldawg had it locked up I'm sure. Won't matter in states like California.
The idea that libertarians are voting en masse for Biden is only the type of thing that the media echo chamber could come up with.
“Libertarian” voters have never been known for their consistency or loyalty to a candidate. Is that nutter Gary Johnson on any state ballots this time?
Watched an Australian news show - a million times better than anything American - and they said the number one search request after the last debate was "can I switch my vote?" Apparently Pennsylvania had more searches of those terms than any other state.
Watched an Australian news show - a million times better than anything American - and they said the number one search request after the last debate was "can I switch my vote?" Apparently Pennsylvania had more searches of those terms than any other state.
Watched an Australian news show - a million times better than anything American - and they said the number one search request after the last debate was "can I switch my vote?" Apparently Pennsylvania had more searches of those terms than any other state.
I could vote before debates because there is an almost zero chance I’m voting for Jinping Joe, but so still wait until next Monday to drop my ballot off at the local library branch by us just because we like that. Any “undecided independents” who voted early and want to change their votes can fuck off. They’re morons. Live with it.
2016 was my oldest daughter’s first election. I sat down with her for about an hour and showed her how to read the voters pamphlet (statements for, statements against, responses, etc). This year I did the same for my youngest daughter. I‘ve made it clear they needed to vote their conscience and to study the issues. Other than raising them and instilling values, I did not coerce them to vote one way or the other. I’m extremely proud that both have voted for Trump. That’s four votes from this household.
2016 was my oldest daughter’s first election. I sat down with her for about an hour and showed her how to read the voters pamphlet (statements for, statements against, responses, etc). This year I did the same for my youngest daughter. I‘ve made it clear they needed to vote their conscience and to study the issues. Other than raising them and instilling values, I did not coerce them to vote one way or the other. I’m extremely proud that both have voted for Trump. That’s four votes from this household.
My kids are A students so they always got the short end when it came to group projects in school. I made sure to draw a parallel between group projects and socialism. They understand that human nature plays a huge role in politics and policy.
My kids are A students so they always got the short end when it came to group projects in school. I made sure to draw a parallel between group projects and socialism. They understand that human nature plays a huge role in politics and policy.
Congratulations - another good example to use is Dem Senators that are looking for SCOTUS candidates that are constitutionalist that will vote their emotions instead
My kids are A students so they always got the short end when it came to group projects in school. I made sure to draw a parallel between group projects and socialism. They understand that human nature plays a huge role in politics and policy.
Teach them about the tyranny of the majority next...
A lifetime of friendly classroom "majority rules" brainwashes people away from understanding this really basic and fundamental idea of the constitution.
My kids are A students so they always got the short end when it came to group projects in school. I made sure to draw a parallel between group projects and socialism. They understand that human nature plays a huge role in politics and policy.
Teach them about the tyranny of the majority next...
A lifetime of friendly classroom "majority rules" brainwashes people away from understanding this really basic and fundamental idea of the constitution.
2016 was my oldest daughter’s first election. I sat down with her for about an hour and showed her how to read the voters pamphlet (statements for, statements against, responses, etc). This year I did the same for my youngest daughter. I‘ve made it clear they needed to vote their conscience and to study the issues. Other than raising them and instilling values, I did not coerce them to vote one way or the other. I’m extremely proud that both have voted for Trump. That’s four votes from this household.
My kids are A students so they always got the short end when it came to group projects in school. I made sure to draw a parallel between group projects and socialism. They understand that human nature plays a huge role in politics and policy.
A good teacher in a different world, would put all the smart kids in the same group just to see how far they could take it, gtfo of their way and dedicate Teacher resources to those who need it most.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters believe it’s likely that Biden was consulted about and perhaps profited from Hunter’s overseas business deals including at least one involving a company in mainland China. Forty-four percent (44%) consider it Very Likely. But 38% think it’s unlikely Biden was involved with his son’s business dealings, including 21% who say it’s Not At All Likely.(To see survey question wording, click here.)
The survey of 1,000 Likely U.S. Voters was conducted October 22 and 25, 2020 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.
The idea that libertarians are voting en masse for Biden is only the type of thing that the media echo chamber could come up with.
Those crazy aussies....
Put your hands up.
And don't shoot.
I'm shaking rn
Vote and vote often is what I always say.
I wish I could say my kids voted for Trump...
A lifetime of friendly classroom "majority rules" brainwashes people away from understanding this really basic and fundamental idea of the constitution.